Rubric For Video Presentation: Category Unsatisfactory 0 Needs Improvement 3 Satisfactory 4 Outstanding 5

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Rubric for Video Presentation

CATEGORY Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

0 3 4 5

Effort Neglect to participate Demonstrates inconsistent Willingly participates and Maintains 100% effort throughout
effort or unwillingness to demonstrates effort during the all class activities
participate activity

Attitude/ Is disrespectful, argues, and/or Attitude is inconsistent with Has a positive attitude w/ only Maintains a positive attitude and
complains little enthusiasm minor lapses in enthusiasm is enthusiastic throughout
Requirements/ Few requirements are met. Video is Some requirements are met. All requirements are met. Video is All requirements are met. Video is
Followed Directions not 10-15 minutes in length. Music Video is at least 10-15 minutes at least 10-15 minutes in length. between 10-15 minutes in length.
and narration incomplete. in length. Music and narration Music and narration incomplete. Music and narration complete.
Directions were not followed incomplete. Directions were Student followed direction Student followed directions fully.
not followed properly
Overall look and uniqueness Use of font, color, graphics, effects, Makes use of font, color, Makes good use of font, color, Makes excellent use of font, color,
relative to other presenters pictures, live action shots etc. but graphics, effects, pictures, live graphics, effects, pictures, live graphics, effects, pictures, live
these often distract from the action shots etc. but action shots etc. to enhance the action shots etc. to enhance the
presentation content. Presentation occasionally these detract presentation. Presentation was presentation. Presentation went
was below others. from the presentation slightly better than others. well beyond others.
content. Presentation was
similar or slightly below
Organization Content is not well organized using Content is somewhat well Content is fairly well organized Content is well organized using
headings and/or graph/chart not organized using headings and using headings and graph/chart headings and graph/chart
included. graph/chart included. included. included.

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