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Cisco Systems:

Launching the ASR 1000 series router using social

media marketing

Group 9
Aman: PGP10128
Bollapragada Sai Sravanthi: PGP10140
Monika: PGP10155
Prithwi Banerjee: PGP10164
Rohan Kamath: PGP10167
Sakshi Choudhary: PGP10168
Case overview
● Cisco System was founded in 1984 by a group of computer scientists from Stanford
● Cisco is a worldwide leader in networking for internet providing routers, modems etc
and other solutions
● Cisco Systems is planning a launch campaign for ASR 1000
● The Cisco Aggregation Services Router(ASR) 1000 series edge router is designed to
allow service providers and enterprises to manage the growing volume of resource-
intensive integrated data and voice and video data in the their networks
● The team has developed innovative plan to launch the new product “virtually,
visually, and virally”
● The team decided to focus exclusively on digital marketing and social media rather
than traditional print and television media

ASR 1000 Launch campaign
● Involving the human network by using Web 2.0 and video to create buzz and build
community that is passionate about Cisco products
● Cisco mantra: “virtually, visually, and virally,- and green”
● Partnership with advertising agency Ogilvy Public Relations to launch a microsite
● Videos on various video sharing sites like youtube, yahoo videos etc
● Created social media widgets and building Facebook community
● Edge Quest 3D game to communicate the value proposition of ASR 1000 series
● Created online cost calculator to quantify value proposition that includes carbon
● Second Life Presence, 3D virtual world where users can socialize and connect with
● Communication through Cisco Blogs and forums
● Cisco launched Live event streaming to showcase high priority of announcement of
new product
Campaign Return on marketing
Platform Reach
investment from social
Youtube 2000 views
media campaign
Social media release More than 1300 hits on Cisco assessed its return on
google marketing investment based on
Social Media Widget Viewed 35000 times within a
● Reach
Facebook community 546 users ● Richness of customer
Edge Quest 3D game More than 40000 ● Significant cost savings
These were compared to the
Second Life Presence 1000 Cisco employees used
the portal to meet and chat traditional campaign using mass

Social media marketing for any other B2B company
● B2B Companies who cater to a technology savvy customer segment can use a similar
● Companies providing IT solutions, automation solutions and similar services could
benefit from such a strategy greatly
● Apart from customer acquisition, companies can also focus on building brand image
and enhancing customer relation via social media
● With the boom of Internet
4.0, leveraging data on the
internet has become a
necessity for certain
● Various platforms can be
used to promote products as
shown in the graph
Value proposition of product through social media
● Creating Edge Quest game to reach out to IT professionals who spent a fair amount
of time playing online games
● To enable the players to virtually experience the benefits of the product through
simulations that underscored the traffic prioritization, intelligence, security defense,
speed and scale
● Online cost calculators: to quantify economic value proposition of ASR 1000
○ Total cost of ownership calculator: It allowed customers to calculate competitive price comparisons
○ Environmental calculator: It allowed customers to determine carbon footprint
○ To engage customer through interactive experience
● Sales engagement and provide opportunities to emphasize on value proposition


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