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HUM 2101-2020 -- Sociology : Session 01

Dr. Abdul Baqee

Adjunct Faculty
Perceiving Sociology

Sociology is the
youngest branch of the
Session 11 :: Perceiving

Perceiving Sociology

Its major concern is

society, and thus popularly termed as the

“Science of Society”.
If we are to understand the scope of the
subject then we have to see in its

-- how it is to be studied
-- what sociologists do
-- how they do
-- what methods do they follow
-- problems they face in their studies

For this, we have to take a sneak view of
different branches of science.

Basically Science has been classified as;



Science is Knowledge
-- Science is concerned
with knowledge.
Knowledge is wisdom, refers to the
that helps understand method that has
any issue that has been to be followed
arranged systematically. for acquisition of

Knowledge is as vast as an ocean.

The more a scientist
acquires it ……..

……. the more it

Exploring the different remains to be
horizons of knowledge acquired.
is not only a challenge
but also a matter of Not only a scientist is more
great intellectual interested in acquiring
delight. knowledge but also he is
better equipped to do so.
it is humanly impossible for any individual to
master the whole of knowledge with all its
complexity and diversity.
One can only
attempt to There are different
understand sciences to deal with
more about different branches of
one or the knowledge;
other branch of (i)Physical Sciences and
knowledge. (ii)Social Sciences

(i) Physical Sciences
The physical sciences deal For Example;
mostly with the natural inert -- Mathematics
objects. -- Physics
-- Chemistry
They are regarded as more -- Geology
precise, exact and less dubious. -- Geography

The physical scientists make use of the

scientific method in order to acquire
knowledge in their respective fields.
They can conduct experiments
to verify the facts.
They provide less
scope for doubt and
Theories and laws of
universal validity are
established more
Prediction is not
easily and accurately
in physical sciences.
only possible, but
also easy and
(ii) Social Sciences It also refers to;
……. the application of
scientific methods of
The term Social study of complex
Science is often network of human
loosely applied to relationships and the
any kind of study forms of organization
which is concerned desired to make good
with man and to peoples’ life in a
society. society.
Social Sciences

“Social Science, in -- Example;

general, means those History,
bodies of knowledge Political Science,
that deals with the Economics,
man's interaction with Sociology,
others“. Anthropology,
Psychology etc.

Remember ……….
All human beings are social.

Thus …….
All human beings live Every person is
in society. a member of
the same
In simple it means ……… human group or
People interact with some SOCIAL
other people in order ENVIRONMENT.
to survive.
Similarly ……..
The physicist, -- the social scientists
the chemist, study the environment
the biologist study in which we live in,
the universe, in an and attempts to
attempt to understand human
understand our society and to predict
physical how people will
environment. interact in a given set of

Social Sciences are Scientific method and
Less Exact procedures cannot be
strictly used in social
When compared with the investigations.
physical sciences, the
social sciences are less Because experiments
EXACT and less PRECISE of laboratory
conditions are difficult
The social scientists face to be arranged in the
many difficulties while social field.
making their studies.
Controlled experiments Since the social
are almost impossible scientists have to
here. deal with man who
is more complex
The whole and ever changing,
society their studies
constitutes become less precise
the laboratory though not
for the social completely
scientist. dubious.

Complexity of social
data, interdependence
of cause and effect
milieu, problems of
objectivity and
prediction etc., have
made social science
comparatively less

Necessity for Social Sciences

The two great World Wars of the 20th

century created new fears for the mankind.

The scientists, philosophers, administrators,

politicians have been warning for many years of
the dangers of the increasing imbalance in their
culture and might.
Necessity for Social Sciences (contd.)

The tragedy of Hiroshima, awakened the world

for comparable competence of social sciences.

The recent scientific advances in physical sciences

culminating in the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb,
germ warfare and so on.

shown that it is
capable of
organizing the It has posed a
forces of the challenge whether it is
atom to cause possible to organise
the destruction the forces inherent in
of the entire human beings and in
world by a single human society to
explosion. make such destruction
Hence the necessity It is an irony that the
of SOCIAL SCIENCE material resources like
is so badly needed. coal, iron, oil, forest,
soil and minerals are
In fact, humanity is better organised than
also obliged to fulfill human resources like
mutual self-defence. human energy,
intelligence, inherent
goodness of man etc.

Today governments are busily
engaged in armament race.

Every country But no country

spends millions spends even a
for possessing fraction of it,
destructive to stop such
weapons on dangerous and
agencies. suicidal works.

In recent years the imbalance between the
physical and social sciences is to be set right.

Advancement Social sciences are

only in physical equally important in
sciences alone promoting human
cannot bring welfare.
Social sciences help in understanding
and controlling social interactions.

Similarly, the SOCIAL
SCIENTIST has a basic
doctrine that he
should prevent
However, friction and violence
We can express our in human relations
idea as such; and that he should
… a medical doctor save lives and help in
has a basic doctrine establishing peaceful
that he should prevent and self-respecting
disease and save life. relations between
man and man.
Sociology is one
Sociology as a of the members
SOCIAL SCIENCE of the family of
Social Sciences.
As a young
Like all other
social Its importance social sciences,
science, it and practical sociology is also
has usefulness are concerned with
acquired a widely the life and
distinct recognized activities of
status for today. man.
It studies the
nature and
character of
human society,
and also its
origin, and
development, It analyses the group life of
structure and man and examines the bonds
functions. of social unity.
Sociology also discovers the fundamental
conditions of social stability and social change.

It analyses the It endeavours to

influence of examine the
economic, political, influence of
technological, biological and
cultural and other geographic
forces and factors factors on man
on man and his life. also.
That’s all for the day

Sociology tries to determine the relationship

and inter-dependence between different
elements of social life; between ……

-- the moral and the religious

-- the economic and political
-- the intellectual and the philosophical
-- the artistic and the aesthetic
-- the scientific and the technological
-- material and non-material and so on.

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