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Conversational English and Assertive

•  Part 2: Speak on the following topic:

What was one of the most memorable experiences

you’ve had (good or bad) at work?
You may wish to talk about:

-When it was.
-What it was about.
-What made it memorable.
-Whether it was a typical call. Why or why not?
-Whether you were able to express yourself fully.
Part 3: Delivering bad news.
The participant must give bad news in a mock call

The instructor will play the part of a disgruntled


The customer purchased gas on the 23rd of

January 2016 and there was an error with the pump
which meant that the payment was duplicated.
You must inform the instructor that you are unable
to process a refund until the next billing cycle.
Start small talk with the trainer

You found the trainer in the following


You need something from the trainer and you need it done now.
Start small talk with the trainer

You found the trainer in the following


The trainer needs to leave to catch a flight.

Start small talk with the trainer

You found the trainer in the following


The trainer is about to leave work. You need the trainer to stay for 2 more hours.
Review: Useful Expressions

When exchanging When offering

information: suggestions:
Could we have a word about… ? I suggest we…
Can you bring me up to speed Maybe we can…
on… ? It might be better to…
So what are we planning to do How about… ?
I think we should also
Can we go over… ? consider…
Review: Useful Expressions

When clarifying: When checking

What does that mean
exactly? Are you following okay?
Let me just clarify a couple Is everyone keeping up still?
of things.
Everything clear up to this point?
Could you explain… ?
Any questions so far?
Do you mean X or Y?
So that means…
In other words…
Review: Useful Expressions
When disagreeing:

When agreeing: That’s not quite true.

That’s totally out of the
I think so, too.
You’ve got to be kidding.
On the contrary…
(That’s an) Excellent point. Fine, whatever.
Great idea. There’s absolutely no way
That’s definitely something to that…
consider. I doubt that.
I wouldn’t put it that way.
You can’t be serious.
I can’t go along with that.
That’s difficult to accept.
Yeah, no.
When was the last time you received feedback?

What did you feel?

• When was the last time you’ve given

• How did the person feel?

Giving Feedback Well

• Talks about actual

• Relies on hard facts
• Focuses on correcting
the problem
• Ensures the person is
• Provides a clear path
towards improvement
Giving Feedback Well


Characteristics of Constructive Feedback
Let’s practice!
1. Improve the following feedback

The customers will never go for this idea.

You’re going to ruin the whole job!

"You've just offended every person in this group".

"I could work with you more easily if you had a

better sense of humour".
Let’s practice!
1. Look at the following scenarios
2. Decide how to give good feedback/reaction in each

“Look . . . stop asking questions and just get it


“You may think you know how to handle the

situation, but you really don’t have enough
experience. I’m the boss, and I know when an
assignment is over your head.”
Invitation to Insight
Recall three situations in which someone has
praised you. Using the guidelines on the next
page, evaluate the praise you received.

Was it specific? Sincere? How did the praise

impact you?
Invitation to Insight
Think of three coworkers or acquaintances you
could praise sincerely.

How could you deliver the praise effectively?

For each, write a short statement or paragraph
expressing your praise.

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