GEN1-Evolution and Architrecture of T24-R08.01

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Evolution And Architecture Of T24


Warning: This document, is protected by copyright law and international treaties. No part of this document
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA Unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this presentation or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal
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document is subject to change without notice

At the end of the session you will have

 Adequate knowledge to understand

 Evolution of T24
 Multi tier architecture – An Overview

If database used in jBASE then the slides on jEDI Driver can be

omitted as it s not applicable for a jBASE installation

Slide 3
Stage 1 – Front End ‘Classic’

Client PC WithA Terminal Emulation

Software Globus Server

Globus (Application)
uniVerse (Database)
Unix/Windows (Operating
Telnet Connection System)
Client PC WithA Terminal Emulation

Client PC WithA Terminal Emulation


Terminal Emulation Software

Example : Reflection, Putty

Slide 4
Stage 2 – Front End ‘Desktop’

Client PC With Globus Desktop

Globus Server

Globus (Application)
uniVerse/jBASE (Database)
Unix/Windows (Operating
Telnet Connection System)
Client PC With Globus Desktop

Client PC With Globus Desktop

Slide 5
Stage 3–Front End Browser

Key Features
 Stateless Connection
 Resilience
 Scalability
 Ease Of Deployment (Light

Slide 6
T24 Architecture – An Overview
Web Browser Web Browser Client Web Browser Web Browser

Http Request Network Dispatcher Http Response

Web Server Web Server Web Server

 Tomcat / WebSphere / Oracle  Tomcat / WebSphere / Oracle  Tomcat / WebSphere / Oracle

application Server application Server application Server
 T24 Browser  T24 Browser  T24 Browser
 TCC (Temenos Connector  TCC (Temenos Connector  TCC (Temenos Connector
Client) Client) Client)
Web Server Layer (Presentation Layer)

MQ Server BrowserXML Response

BrowserXML Request
IBM MQ / Sun MQ etc

T24 Server T24 Server

TCS (Temenos Connector TCS (Temenos Connector
BrowserXML Server) Server)
Request Response
T24 with OFS T24 with OFS
JEDI driver & jBASE JEDI driver & jBASE
T24 Application Server Layer

Database Server Database Server

Oracle / DB2 / MS Oracle / DB2 / MS
Database Server Layer

Slide 7
Understanding The Components Of The Multi Tier Architecture

 Web Browser
 Network Dispatcher
 Web Server/Application Server
 Web Server Software / Application Server Software
 T24 Browser Servlet
 Temenos Connector Client
 Message Queuing Software
 T24 Application Server
 Temenos Connector Server
 T24 Runtime
 jEDI XML Oracle Driver
 Database Server
 jBASE / Oracle / DB2

Slide 8
Web Browser

 This forms the top layer in our T24 architecture

 Standard web browsers T24 supports are Internet Explorer and Mozilla

Slide 9
Network Dispatcher

 Network Dispatcher /Load Balancer

 Routes requests from the web browser to any one of the available Web

Slide 10
Web Server/Application Server

Can be a Web Server or an Application Server

Web Server Web Server Web Server

Tomcat/Web sphere/Oracle Application Tomcat/Web sphere/Oracle Application Tomcat/Web sphere/Oracle Application
Server Server Server
T24 Browser T24 Browser T24 Browser
TCC (Temenos Connector Client) TCC (Temenos Connector Client) TCC (Temenos Connector Client)

Web Server Layer

In order to use T24 with Browser as the front end, a

Web Server would suffice
All that T24 requires is a servlet container

Slide 11
What Is A Web Server?

 Web Server
 Handles the HTTP protocol
 Receive a HTTP request
 Respond with a HTTP response
 Works on a delegation model
 Receives a request
 Passes on the request to the program that can best handle the request (In
this case T24 Browser)
 Example : Tomcat

Slide 12
What Is An Application Server?

 Application Server
 Exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols
 While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a Web
browser, an application server provides access to business logic for use by
client application programs
 Exposes business logic through a component API, such as the EJB
(Enterprise JavaBean) component model found on J2EE (Java 2 Platform,
Enterprise Edition) application servers
 Example : Web sphere, Oracle application Server etc.

Slide 13
Web Server – T24 Browser Servlet

 T24 Browser Servlet is supplied by Temenos

 Transforms the incoming HTTP request into a BROWSER XML request
 Passes on the request to Temenos Connector Client

Slide 14
Web Server – Temenos Connector Client (TCC)

 Temenos Connector Client (TCC) is a client component written in java

 Embedded into the T24 Browser Servlet
 Written using the APIs published by the Temenos Connector Service
 Can communicate
 To TCS directly using tcp, ssl etc
 To a message queuing software like IBM MQ, SUN MQ etc
 Main jobs is to
 Post requests to TCS or MQ depending on the configuration
 Get responses from TCS or MQ depending on the configuration
 TCS has a published set of APIs. Hence custom TCCs can be
developed for interface requirements

Slide 15
Message Queuing

 MQ Series
MQ Server
IBM MQ/Sun MQ etc.
 Optional component of the architecture

III party systems
TCClient API
 TCC posts (mqput) requests to MQ
 TCS picks up requests (mqget) from MQ
 TCS posts responses(mqput) to MQ
 TCC picks up responses(mqget) from MQ
 Example : IBM MQ, Sun MQ or any JMS Compliant message queuing

Slide 16
Message Queuing

 MQ could be installed on
 A separate server dedicated for MQ
 Multiple dedicated servers for MQ when MQ clustering is required
 The T24 application servers
 Web servers
 T24 application servers and Web servers when clustering is required
 When MQ is used, TC Servers pick up requests from MQ - Race Condition

Slide 17
T24 Architecture With MQ – An Insight
T24 Application Server

 T24 Application Server

 Holds the T24 business logic – T24 run time
 Does not store data. All data is stored at the database server layer
 Each of the servers are identical copies of the other
 The servers do not speak to each other and hence are totally independent
of each other
 All T24 application servers can be used while running COB (Close Of
Business) provided the MS (Multi Server) module is installed

T24 Server T24 Server

TCS (Temenos Connector Server) TCS (Temenos Connector Server)
T24 with OFS T24 with OFS
JEDI Driver & jBASE JEDI Driver & jBASE

T24 Application Server Layer

Slide 19
T24 Application Server - TCS

 Temenos Connector Server (TCS)

 Entry point into T24
 Server component in the TCC – TCS architecture
 Written in java
 Launches tSS processes to communicate with T24 Run Time
 Number of tSS processes to launch is configurable
 Can scale up or scale down tSS processes depending on the number of
 Receives requests from TCC or fetches requests from MQ
 Keeps responses ready for TCC or posts responses to MQ
 Can attach user defined request/response formatters to TCS
 Offers different ways of connection with T24
MQ Series
SSL etc.

Slide 20
T24 Application Server – T24 Run Time

 Is the business logic of T24

 Contains library files and executables
 Library files (contain object codes) and executables are produced by
compiling code using the ‘C’ compiler

Slide 21
T24 Application Server – T24 Run Time

 Contains the standard interface module in T24 called OFS

 OFS works on
 Request – Response based approach
 Provides options to customize message processing through user-defined
subroutines (User exits)
 Support for multi-value and sub-value data
 Support for multi company processing
 Can receive requests from
III party systems
Temenos Connector Server
 Supports logging of messages and optional audit trail for each message

Slide 22
T24 Application Server - jBASE

 Middleware
 T24 run time resides on jBASE
 Enables communication between T24 runtime and the Database

Slide 23
T24 Application Server – jEDI XML Driver

 jEDI stands for jBASE External Device Interface

 jEDI XML Driver is used to communicate with external databases such
as Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server
 When jBASE is the database, a jEDI XML Driver is not required for
communication with the database layer
 Driver is database specific
 jEDI XML Oracle driver
 jEDI XML DB2 driver

Slide 24
T24 Application Server – jEDI XML Driver

 Needs to be installed on each of the T24 application servers

 Contains the database details of the external database such as
 Database name
 User name and password (encrypted) to log on to the external database
 Schema name, Table space name, Role name etc. (When Oracle is used).
 Establishes connection to the external database residing on the
database server
 Converts all T24 requests into SQL/DML/DDL statements and sends it
to the external database. Performs the vice versa for responses

T24 Server T24 Server

TCS (Temenos Connector Server) TCS (Temenos Connector Server)
T24 with OFS T24 with OFS
jBASE & jEDI Driver jBASE & jEDI Driver

T24 Application Server Layer

Slide 25
Database Server

 Holds all the data

 Oracle, DB2, SQL Server or jBASE can be used as the database
 Oracle RAC installation done for support of multiple servers and data
stored in a Storage Area Network Disk
 Multiple servers are used for resilience
 When a database supports clustering, multiple database servers can
be used, else only one
 When jBASE release prior to 1.5 is used, only one database server can
be used as jBASE releases prior to 1.5 do not support clustering

Slide 26
jEDI Driver – Data Storage

 ApplicationName:SECTOR
jEDI Driver (Cont.)
 SECTOR application when stored in 1000 Financial FinancialCorps
jBASE Corporations
 jBASE uses FM (Field Marker) to 1100 CentralBanks CentralBanks
delimit values of different fields
1200 BuildingSocieties BuildingSocs

 SECTOR table when stored in an TableName:orauser_SECTOR
external database
orauser is the name of the schema
being used 1000 <c1>FinancialCorporations</c1>
Will differ from one company <c2>FinancialCorps</c2>
to another and may differ 1100 <c1>CentralBanks</c1>
from one installation to <c2>CentralBanks</c2>
1200 <c1>BuildingSocieties</c1>

Slide 27
jEDI Driver – Data Storage

 jEDI Driver – Multi Value Support ApplicationName:SECTOR


 jBASE uses VM (Value Marker) to 1000 Financial
delimit multi values FinancialCorps
Corporations FinancialInsts
 jBASE uses SM (Sub Value Marker) FinancialEntities
to delimit sub values
1100 CentralBanks CentralBanks

1200 BuildingSocieties BuildingSocs

 SECTOR table when stored in an
external database RECID XMLRECORD

eb is the product to which the 1000

application SECTOR belongs <c2>FinancialCorps</c2>
to <c2m=‘2’>FinancialInsts</c2>

1100 <c1>CentralBanks</c1>
1200 <c1>BuildingSocieties</c1>

Slide 28
jEDI Driver – Data Storage

 jEDI Driver – Sub Value Support
stored in jBASE
 jBASE uses SM (Sub Value 1 BasicTechnical Alm
Marker) to delimit sub values Training Alam
2 Advanced Sara
TechnicalTraining Sheriffa
3 Utilities Ramki

 TRAINING table when stored in
an external database RECID XMLRECORD
st is the product to which the
application TRAINING 1000 <c1>BasicTechnicalTraining</c1>
belongs to <c2>Alm</c2>

1100 <c1>AdvancedTechnicalTraining</c1>


Slide 29
Message Flow And Transformation From And To Browser

 IE to Web Server – HTTP Request T24 builds BROWSER XML response

and passes it on to tSS
 T24 Browser transforms HTTP
request to Browser XML request
tSS sends the response to TCS

 TCC sends the Browser XML

request to TCS TCS sends the Browser XML response
to TCC
 TCS sends the Browser XML
request to tSS
TCC sends the Browser XML response
to T24 Browser
 tSS sends the Browser XML request
to T24
T24 Browser converts the Browser XML
 T24 processes the request response to a HTTP response
Message Formats That T24 Handles

 Browser XML
 Published
 Who can use this?
Used only when front end is Browser
 Can interfaces send requests in Browser XML?
No. It is not a published XML.

Slide 31
Message Formats That T24 Handles

 Published
 Who can use this?
Any interface that wants to interact with T24 can use this
 Who transforms OFSML to OFS and vice versa?
 If an OFSML request is posted to tSS directly, will it be able to handle the

Slide 32
Message Formats That T24 Handles

 Native T24 message format
 Not an XML message format
 Is the OFS format available for interfaces to use?
 Can messages in OFS format be sent to TCS?
 Can messages in OFS format be sent to tSS?

Slide 33
Additional Information Only

Failure Scenarios
Thank You


Warning: This document, is protected by copyright law and international treaties. No part of this document
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA Unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this presentation or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal
penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.” Information in this
document is subject to change without notice

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