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The development of the
Buddhist teachings can be
traced to the life of its founder
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
The life of Siddhartha a
constitutive part of its
The history of Buddhism is based on
the story of Gautama’s spiritual
journey from the bondage of
suffering to enlightenment.
Through his journey, Gautama found
the path of enlightenment. Leading
from the path of pain of suffering
and rebirth toward of enlightenment,
he became known as the Buddha
which means “awakened one”.
Was a prince who
enjoyed the luxury
of life. He was
protected by his
father inside the
palace and was ordered not to see the
reality of the real world outside.

Nirvana- the state of emptiness

or “no-thing-ness”.
The Buddhist teaching about the
human person is centered on the
right understanding of reality in order
to attain enlightenment.
Four Noble Truths
a) There is suffering
b) There is a cessation or end to
c) There is cure
d) There is a recommendation for the
Man in Taoism
Chinese Philosopher and writer who is regarded as the
author of the Taoist text Tao Te Ching ,the universe
viewed holistically expresses harmony, purpose, order
and calm power.
Lau Tzu explains the sense
of ultimate, underlying
great principle, rule or
cause of
“the way of all things”.
Come from the Chinese word
ch’ang which could be translated
as eternal or abiding.
Man as part of the universe must
understand this invariable law
nature. According to Lao Tzu, to be
enlightened is to know the
invariable law of nature.
“The truth is not always
beautiful, nor beautiful words
the truth”
-Lao Tzu-

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