Paints: - Liquid Composition - Pigments+binders. - Thin Coats-Solid Film Impart Decorative Effect

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• Liquid
composition –
• thin coats-solid
film impart
decorative effect.
• Hard and durable surface.
• Attractive.
• Cheap
• Applied easily.
• Good spreading.
• Dry quicker.
• Uniform colour on drying.
• No hair cracks on drying.
• Stable for long period.
• Unaffected-atmospheric agencies.
1) Base:
• Solid substance-fine powder-bulk of the paint-
metallic oxide.
• Eg: White lead, Red lead, Oxide of Zinc, iron etc.,
• Character of paint
• Durability to surface.
• Opaque coating to hide the surface.
2) A vehicle or carrier:
• Ingredients in suspension.
• Eg: linseed oil, tug oil(superior quality), poppy
oil(colours), nut oil.
• Raw linseed-thin-longer time to dry-delicate
• Boiled linseed oil-thick-exterior surfaces.
• Spread evenly.
• Binding between ingredients.
3) Drier:
• Drying-extract oxygen-transfer to vehicle.
• Reduce the elasticity of the paint.
• Liquid driers-Metal compounds+volatile
• Paste driers-metal compounds+inert
fillers+linseed oil.
• Accelerate drying.
4) Colouring Pigments
• Added to base.
• Black-lamp black, carbon black.
• Blue-Indigo, cobalt blue.
• Brown-Burnt umber.
• Green-chrome green.
• Red-Indian red, red lead.
• Yellow-chrome yellow.
• Desired colours.
5) Solvents or Thinners:
• Make paint thin.
• Paint-penetrates through porous surfaces.
• Spirit of turpentine.
• Reduces gloss of paint.
• Minimum quantity.
• Paint is made thin to be easily applied.
• Paint-penetrates through the porous surface.
Types of paints
1) Aluminium paints:
• finely ground aluminium+spirit or oil.
• Wood or metal surfaces.
• Water proof, weather resistant, electrical resistant, visibility in darkness.
2) Asbestos paints:
• Fibrous asbestos
• Surfaces-acidic gases, steam.
• Protect-rusting.
3) Bituminous paints:
• Asphalt or tar+petroleum
• Alkali resistant
• Structural steel under water.
• Black appearance.
4) Caesin paints:
• protein-Milk curd
• Walls, ceilings-enhance appearance.
• Tinted in desired colour.
5) Cement-based paints:
• Water paint-white or coloured cement-base.
• No oil.
• Water proof.
6) Emulsion paints:
• Binding materials-polyvinyl lacetate+synthetic resins.
• Dries quickly-1 to 1 and ½ hours.
• Good workability+durability.
• Can be washed with water.
7) Enamel paints:
• Metallic oxide+oil+petroleum spirit+resinous matter.
• Dries slowly.
• Hard impervious, glossy, elastic smooth, durable.
• Unaffected by acids, alkalies, fumes of gas, steam.
• Doors, windows, metal grills.
8) Oil paints:
• Ordinary paint-base+vehicle+colouring pigments.
• Vehicle-linseed oil etc.,
• Cheap, easy to apply
9) Plastic paints:
• Base-plastic-vinyl acetate etc.,
• Plastic emulsion paints-liquid containing plastic in water.
Defects in painting
1) Blistering: bubbles under the film-water vapour trapped
2) Bloom: dull patches-defect in paint or bad ventillation.
3) Crawling or sagging: too thick paint.
4) Fading: loss of colour-effect of sunlight..
5) Flaking: dislocation-poor adhesion.
6) Flashing: glossy patches-due to bad workmanship,cheap paint
or weathering.
7) Grinning: final coat-no opacity-background is clearly seen.
8) Running: due to too smooth surface.
9) Sponification: soap patches-chemical action.
• Cheaper than oil paints.
i) Water bound-powder or paste form.
ii) Oil bound-washable.
• Cheaper than oil paints.
• Less durable.
Process of Distempering
1) Preparation of surface:
• Surface-rubbed and cleaned.
• Irregularities filled with putty-white cement+linseed oil.
2) Priming coat:
• Locally prepared distempers-milk-priming coat.
3) Coats of distemper:
• 2 to 3 coats.
• Next coat-sufficient drying of previous coat.
• Preferred in dry weather conditions.
White washing and colour washing
• Hygienic and aesthetic reasons.
1) Preparation of white wash:
• Fat lime-slaked lime-5 litres of water for 1 kg-stand
for 24 hours-screened through clean cloth.
• 1 kg of gum+hot water to unit volume of lime
• 1.3 kg of Nacl+hot water-10 kg of lime.
• Nacl-hard and rub-resistant.
• Ultra marine blue.
Preparation of surface
• Cleaned off all dirt.
• Old surfaces-broomed to remove dirt.
• Moulds, moss should be scraped with steel
Application of white wash
• Applied with brush in required coats.
• Top downwards+bottom upwards.
• Similarly in horizontal direction.
• Dried prior to the next coat.
Colour washing
• Colouring pigment to white wash.
• Yellow earth, red ocher, blue vitriol.
• Similar to white washing.
• First coat-white wash
• Next coat-colour wash
Damp proofing
• Prevention of moisture entry in the building.
• Dry or free from moisture.
• moisture rising up the walls.
• Rain water from wall tops.
• Rain beating against external walls.
• Condensation.
• Miscellaneous-poor drainage, imperfect orientation,
imperfect roof slope, defective construction, absorption
of water from water pipes.
• Breeding of mosquitoes.
• Unsighty patches.
• Softening and crumbling of plaster.
• Wall decoration-damaged.
• Distengration of bricks, stones, tiles etc.,
• Timber-doors, windows etc., are damaged.
• Electrical fittings-deformed.
• Floor coverings-damaged.
• Growth of termites.
• Rusting and corrosion-metal fittings.
Methods of damp proofing
1) Use of damp proofing
• DPC between source and
buliding part.
• Flexible materials-
bitumen, plastic or
polythene sheets, metal
sheets, cement concrete.
• Horizontally or vertically
in floors or walls.
2) Integral damp proofing:
• Water proofing compounds to concrete mix.
• Chalk, talc etc., fill the voids.
• Alkaline silicates etc., react chemically-water
proof concrete.
3) Surface treatment:
• layer of water
repellant substances.
• Calcium and
aluminium oletes and
• Only when moisture is
4) cavity wall
• Effective method.
• Main wall
shielded by an
outer skin wall.
5) Guniting:
• Deposition under
impervious layer
of rich cement
• Pipes, cisterns
etc., resisting
water pressure.
6) pressure grouting:
• Forcing cement grout
under pressure into
cracks, voids, fissures

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