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A special presentation for

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Brings the unification of all branches of sciences


Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
The Discovery of
between Sacred
Pilgrim Sites
of the World and
Neurological Centers
in Human Nervous

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System

Dr. J. Satish kumar with the Honorable President of India,

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam at Rashtrapathi Bhavan, after
presenting this research. (2003)
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
who have approved the research

Dr. John Hagelin

Dr. Robert keith Wallace

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous System
World Peace
Dr. Robert Keith Wallace is recognized as the pioneering researcher in
the neurophysiology of higher states of consciousness. His seminal
research was published in such prestigious scientific journals as
Scientific American, Science, and The American Journal of Physiology.
It was Dr. Wallace’s research on the physiology of meditation that
opened the door for the study of the relationship between mind and
body and its application in the field of behavioral medicine
After receiving his Ph.D. in physiology in 1970 at University of
California, at Los Angeles, he did postdoctoral research at Harvard
Medical School. Dr. Wallace is the founding president of Maharishi
University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Currently a member of
the board of trustees, as well as Professor of Physiology, and Co-
Director of the doctoral programs in neuroscience and physiology, Dr.
Wallace is the author of two books, The Neurophysiology of
Enlightenment and The Physiology of Consciousness, and has
lectured extensively to large groups in over 50 countries around the

The University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission •
Maharishi University of Management • Fairfield, Iowa 52557

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global

Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous System
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous System
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous System
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous10
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous11
World Peace
European Assembly of Founders of Invincibility
Dr. J. Satish Kumar invited as the Key Speaker
to present the Discovery in this Assembly
held between 15-11-2007 and 27-11-2007

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global

Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous12
World Peace
Global Assembly of Administrators
Dr. J. Satish Kumar invited to present the Discovery in
this Assembly and was awarded with Gold Medal for
Enlightened Leadership

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global

Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous13
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous14
World Peace
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Global
Correlated WithHuman
pilgrimage, Neurological
Health &Centers In Human Nervous15
World Peace
With Thanks to
Dr. Tony Nader, MD, PhD
For the discovery of
Human Physiology to be
an expression of Veda and Vedic Literature,
which has paved the way for this
Discovery of correlation between Sacred Pilgrim Sites
and the Neurological Centers
in Human Nervous System

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Correlation Of The Cosmic Bodies,

Sacred Pilgrim Sites In The Geography Of Earth And

The Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Pilgrimage in Islam
Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca is
one of the five pillars of Islam.

Hajj is an act of worship just like Salat

(five daily prayers) and Sawm (fasting in
the month of Ramadan).
Muslims from all over the world gather in
Mecca in the last month of Muslim
calendar and worship Allah.
Hajj is a special worship that lasts for
several days. This is an occasion that
brings Muslims of all countries, colors,
and races to one place – the Ka’ba.

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Pilgrimage in Christianity

Pilgrimages were
made to Jerusalem
since time

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Pilgrimage in Judaism

• There is a well-known
biblical commandment,
that every adult Jewish
male was required to visit
the Temple three times
each year .

• "Three times in a year shall

all your males appear
before the Lord your God at
the place which he will
(Deuteronomy 16:16;
Exodus 23:17).

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Pilgrimage in Hinduism

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Pilgrimage is the common thread that runs through the
different beads of religions

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Since prehistoric times, certain places have
exerted a mysterious attraction on
billions of people around the world.
Many cultures of antiquity recognized the
existence of these sites, called power
places or sacred sites, and marked their
geographic locations in a variety of ways.

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu,= "Old Peak“

is a pre-Columbian Inca
site located 2,400 meters
(7,875 ft) above sea level

It is situated on a mountain
ridge above the
Urubamba Valley in Peru

Its primary buildings are the

Intihuatana, the Temple of
the Sun, and the Room of
the Three Windows

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Why do human beings make pilgrimages
to sacred sites?

How do we account for the historical fact

- evident in nearly every culture and era –
that sacred places have been and continue to
be the most visited places on the planet?

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
The founding myths of the sacred sites
are actually descriptive metaphors
revealing to the insightful individuals,
the character, quality or power
of particular places.

It calls us to a new science

of transformation of human

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
The most ancient science of our species,
only recently being rediscovered, was the interweaving

terrestrial astrology and sacred


There is a great galactic symphony of subtle forces

playing upon our planet by virtue of the cyclical orbits
and particular positions of numerous different celestial
bodies relative to the earth.

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Ancient Temples of India
Correlated With Neurological Centers in

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Superimposition Analogy
Between the Outline of Bharath & Brain

Outline Map of
Ancient Bharath

Outline of sagittal
section of Brain

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Superimposition Analogy
Cerebral Cortex
North India

Brain Stem
Central &
South India

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Scriptural Basis of
World Transforming Discovery
Pilgrimage in Ayurveda

This discovery gives scientific support for references

in Ayurveda about the importance of pilgrimage- as
mentioned in the Charaka Samhita

Daiva Vyapashraya - Divine or religious therapy

includes pilgrimages (Gamana) among other
subtle spiritual methods to ward off negative
influence and to promote those which are good.

It is the first line of approach in Prevention or Therapy

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
The Basis of the correlation between
Geography of India &
the Neurological Centers in Brain

1. Rik Veda is at the basis of the physiology (Geography) of

India. Vedas
quoted by Maharishi

2. Rik Veda is at the basis of the holistic functioning of the

Human Physiology (i.e.) the nervous system.
Maharaja Nader

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Reference Source

Discovery of
Veda and Vedic
Literature in
Human Physiology
Maharaja Nader Ram

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Reference Source

Rik Veda is at
the basis of the
functioning of
the human
Nader Ram

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Lord Nataraja in Chidambaram &
Pyramidal tract’s association

Crossed Leg of
Lord Nataraja Chidambaram Tamilnadu Pyramidal Tract
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Kollur Mookambigai and Karnataka’s
association since time immemorial revealed scientifically
through the perspective of Physiology (an expression of Veda
& Vedic literature)

Karnataka Kollur Mookambika Hypoglossal Motor Nuclei

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Significance of the
World Transforming Discovery




Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Significance of the
World Transforming Discovery


A revolution in the medical field is on the cards.

Ayurvedic therapy with the inclusion of Gamana

(Pilgrimages) will be complete with the inclusion of cosmic
support through pilgrimage.

This form of therapy using the Cosmic Forces concentrated in

certain “Active Spots” on different parts of the world can be
both Preventive & Therapeutic

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Significance of the
World Transforming Discovery

Sacred pilgrim spots as the all nourishing Supreme Power
will be respected more
by one & all as it is proven to rejuvenate
every one's brain functioning.

A clear understanding of the importance

of all religions as parts of one whole will

This will result in

Universal Brotherhood & Peace

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Significance of the
World Transforming Discovery


All pilgrim centers in different parts of the world will

be the center point of world ‘s attention for attaining
Perfect Health

Pilgrim Tourism will be associated with Health

Tourism & its economic rewards will be
And as preventive approach is total now,
the healthy population will influence positively on
the world economy

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Significance of the
World Transforming Discovery


The science behind achieving Invincibility through

Coherence creating groups in sacred spots
is understandable now as one can understand that the
Sacred spots are the cosmic switch board
to influence the entire universe.

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System
Proposed Action Plan

This Discovery needs to be substantiated

by conducting field trails in all the
Pilgrim sites of the world.

Advanced imaging techniques like Functional MRI

scan have been proposed to be used to evaluate the
effects of exposure to pilgrim sites on the brain.

Satellite imaging (Global Positioning System) will

be used to identify the mathematical precision
behind the location of different Pilgrim Spots

Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System

For more details and to join in this eternal research…
Sacred Pilgrim Sites Of The World Correlated With Neurological Centers In Human Nervous System

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