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09/11/2020 Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 1

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Ministry of Higher Education
Badakhshan University
Computer Science Faculty

Database Fundamentals

09/11/2020 Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 2

Lecture #4
SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)

09/11/2020 Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 3

System development life cycle is a conventional way to
develop a program or software.
Whenever we develop a program or software or build
something, there are some activities we perform.
It consist of many steps and each steps involves
professional persons to perform there activities.

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Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 4
It consist of the following steps or activities which is perform during
development of program or software.
1 . Requirements gathering / Data collection.
2 . Requirements analysis / Data Analysis
3. Design
 Conceptual
 Logical
 Physical
4. Coding
5. Testing
6. Maintenance
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System development life cycle (SDLC)…

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1.Requirment collection/ Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis is done in order to understand the problem which the
software system is to solved.
The main purpose of requirement analysis is to identify what is need of
organization from new system which is developed.
In this phase, the current organization system is studied in detail to find out
how it works and where the improvement are required.
The person responsible for the requirement analysis is often called the analyst

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Requirement analysis…
There are two major activities in this phase
1. Problem understanding :
in this type of activities the analyst is responsible to understand the problem
and its content.
The goal of this activity is to understand the requirements of new system
that is to be developed.
It required interacting with clients and end users and studying the existing
manuals and procedures to find what the organization want from new
system that is to be developed

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2. Requirement specification :
Once the problem is analyzed and the essentials understood the
requirements must be specified in requirement specification.
in requirement specification must specify all functional and performance
of the organization.
all the factors that may effect the design and proper function of the system
should be specified in requirement specification
For requirement specification in the form of document, some
specification language has to be selected

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2.Software design
The purpose of design phase is to plan a solution of the problem specified
by the requirements specification
This phase is the first step in moving from problem state to solution state.
The design of a system is perhaps the most critical and important factor
affecting the quality of the software. And has major impact on the later
Generally we have two types of design
1Conceptual design
2. Logical design
3. Physical design

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Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 10
1. Logical design :
the logical design contain the definition of the data to be stored
in database. It also contains the rules and information about
the structure and type of data.
All entities their fattributes and their relationships are
described in logical model.
It is the complete description of data stored in database
The process of logical database design are as follows

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The process or function of logical database design

Represent Entity


Merge the

Normalize the

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2. Physical design :
Physical database design requires a knowledge of the specific
DBMS that will be used to implement the database.
It is used to estimate the size or volume and usage patterns of
The estimation of database size is used to select the physical
storage device and cost of storage.

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3. Coding / implementation
When the design phase is complete the actual coding of the
program is done.
The coding phase is depend on the programming language
which are not specified during design phase.
The goal of coding phase is to translate the design of the
system into coding in a given programming language.
The coding phase affects both testing and maintenance phases
a well written code reduce the testing and maintenance efforts

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4. Testing
Testing is the major quality control measure during software
Its basic function is to detect errors in the software, all
software modules are integrated and tested to ensure that they
are running according to the specifications.
Specially test data is prepared as input for processing
In this phase a module is tested separately and is often
performed by the coder himself simultaneously.

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5. Maintenance
Maintenance is not a part of software development, but is an
extremely important activity in the life of software product.
Maintenance includes all the activities after the installation of
software that are performed to keep the system operational.
Maintenance involves understanding the existing software
(coding and related documents), understanding the effects of

09/11/2020 Badakhshan University Faculty of Computer 16

Any Questions

Phone: +0789152242

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