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Presented By:

Muhammad Usman
Registration No:
Presented To:
Mr. Kamran Shaheen
Presentation Topic:
“Hardworking is the to success”

What is hardworking?
A great deal of effort or endurance
What is success?
The accomplishment of an aim or purpose
Importance of hardworking

Life is full of twist and turns. Everyone has to struggle here in this world to
conquer every hindrance in the way to success.For this hard work is
obligatory. Without hardworking and just by sitting it will be hard for one
to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the
sentence that my parents used to tell me “To be a better person in life
and to get the success you have to work hard,the result of hard work is
always rewarding.So you have to workh ard.”
Ha rd work never goes wasted

There is a well- know n proverb ”no pain no gain” hard work never goes wasted. Although it may be latter or sooner succ ess c omes to your feet .

The harder you fall , the heavier

your heart ; the heavier heart,
the stronger you c lim b, the stronger
you c limb, the higher your pedestal.”
Historical Background

1-History is full of people who achieved apparently impossible things through

2- Nations got freedom only after they fought for their independence.
3-Quaid-e-Azam succeeded in founding Pakistan only through blood,sweet and
4-Scientists have revolutionized the world through continuous research.
5-Islam also persues people to work hard to become successful in this world and
6-The holy prophet (PBUH) worked day and night for the spread of Islam.
7-All great personalities had to burn the candle at both ends to reach the height of
The value of hard work

1-”The hard work puts you where the good luck can find you.”(Anonymous)
2-”There is no substitute for hard work.”(Thoms Edison)
3-”Life rewards those who work hard at it”.(Anonymous)
4-”Great things come from hard work and perseverance.”(kobe Bryant)
5-”When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work is not an option .It’s a necessity.”(Steve Pavlina)
6-Hard work is what seperates the winner from the losers.”(ATGW)
Desire to get a thing

It is also very important for success to want a thing in such a way that it is must for your life.
Aflatoon(A great Scientist and teacher of Alexander the great )
Once a man came to him(Aflatoon) and asked about that how
he could get a thing in life.Aflatoon took him on the bank of a river and pushed him into the water holding him from head Aflatoon dipped him into the water for a few
seconds and after that he took him outside the river.Aflatoon asked him while in the depth of water which thing you wanted the most. He replied air.
Aflatoon advised him if you want a thing like air while you were in he depth of water you could get it essaily.
“Through hard work,
perseverance and a faith
in Allah, you can live your
(Ben Carson)

“Without hard work and

discipline it is difficult to be
a top professional.”
(Jahangir Khan)

“Success isn’t given .It earned.”


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