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Operating Systems

Lecture week 05

Maryam Qamar
Lecturer CS & IT, UAJK
Thread Usage
Reformatting thread

Automatic Save thread

Interactive thread

How would this have
worked with processes? A word processor with three threads


User Satisfaction?
Thread Usage (Cont.)

A multithreaded Web server

Thread Usage (Cont.)

Rough outline of code for previous slide
(a) Dispatcher thread
(b) Worker thread

Why Threads?

Threads have the ability to share an address space and all of its data
among themselves.

They are lighter weight than processes, they are easier (i.e., faster) to
create and destroy than processes.

If there is substantial computing and also substantial I/O, having
threads allows these activities to overlap, thus speeding up the

Useful on systems with multiple CPUs, where real parallelism is

The process model is based on two independent concepts:
• Resource grouping and Execution.
• Entity of Execution now becomes Thread.

Has own program counter, register set, stack

Ready, Running and Blocked states like Process states and
Terminated state

Shares code (text), global data, open files
• With other threads within a single Heavy-Weight Process (HWP)
• But not with other HWP’s

The Thread Model

Column 1: Items shared by all threads in a process
(process properties)

Column 2: Items private to each thread
Making Single-Threaded Code Multithreaded

Conflicts between threads over the use of a global variable

Making Single-Threaded Code Multithreaded (Cont.)

Threads can have private global variables – new

Scoping level
Threads: Benefits

User responsiveness
• When one thread blocks, another may handle user I/O
• But: depends on threading implementation

Resource sharing: economy
• Memory is shared (i.e., address space shared)
• Open files, sockets shared

• E.g., Solaris: thread creation about 30x faster than heavyweight
process creation; context switch about 5x faster with thread

Utilizing hardware parallelism
• Like heavy weight processes, can also make use of multiprocessor
Threads: Drawbacks

• Access to shared memory or shared variables must be controlled if the
memory or variables are changed
• Can add complexity, bugs to program code
• E.g., need to be very careful to avoid race conditions, deadlocks and other

Lack of independence
• Threads not independent, within a Heavy-Weight Process (HWP)
• The RAM address space is shared; No memory protection from each other
• The stacks of each thread are intended to be in separate RAM, but if one
thread has a problem (e.g., with pointers or array addressing), it could
write over the stack of another thread
Interprocess Communication
Race Conditions
A folder that holds files waiting to
be printed until the printer is ready.

Two processes want to access shared memory at same time


Race condition
• Two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and the final
result depends on who runs precisely when

• In our former example, the possibilities are various


Mutual exclusion
Prohibit more than one process from reading and writing the shared data at the
same time/Prohibit more than one process from entering their critical region at the
same time

Critical region
• Part of the program where the shared memory/file is accessed

Critical Regions

Four conditions to provide mutual exclusion and have parallel

processes cooperate correctly and efficiently using shared
1. No two processes simultaneously in critical region

2. No assumptions made about speeds or numbers of CPUs

3. No process running outside its critical region may block

another process

4. No process must wait forever to enter its critical region

Critical Section Problem
do {

entry section

critical section

exit section

remainder section
} while (TRUE);

General structure of a typical process Pi 16

Critical Regions (Cont.)

Mutual exclusion using critical regions

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting

Disable interrupt
• After entering critical region, disable all interrupts
• Since clock is just an interrupt too, no CPU preemption can occur
Unwise: What if a process never turned them on again?
Doesn't work for multiprocessors: Disabling interrupts affects only the CPU that
executed the disable instruction. The other ones will continue running and can
access the shared memory.

Mutual Exclusion with busy waiting

Lock variable
• A software solution
• A single, shared variable (lock, initially 0), before entering critical region,
programs test the variable, if 0, no contest; if 1, the critical region is occupied

Busy waiting - Continuously testing a variable until some desirable value

Spin lock - A lock that uses busy waiting
• What is the problem?

• We've
12/09/2019 circled back from where we started: Race Condition
Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting : strict

Proposed solution to critical region problem

(a) Process 0. (b) Process 1.

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting : strict
Both processes are in non-critical regions and turn is set to 1.

Process 0 completes its non-critical region and goes to while loop but
can not enter it critical region.

Violates condition 3.

So taking turns isn't a good idea when one process is much slower than
the other.


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