Harmonic Mining

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 Slice mining
 Ascending slicing
 Descending slicing
 Mixed slicing
 Factors affecting the division of seam into slices
 Thickness of slices in seams

Minish Reddy
Mr Sandeep Panchal sir
Slice Mining
In this method of mining coal seam is divided into
slices of appropriate thickness
• Each slice is worked in the method similar to method
of seam having the thickness of seam as slice
• Working of each slice can be either board and pillar
method or long wall method
• Greater strata problems and heavy loss of coal in
board and pillar method compared to long wall
mining so longwall is preffered
• Slice mining is of 4 types namely (1) Inclined slicing
(2)Horizontal slicing
(3)Diagonal slicing
(4)Transversely Inclined

• Coal from the slices can be extracted in 3 ways of each
of the 4 methods named above
(c)Mix order
Ascending slicing
• The first slice to be excavated
is the bottom most slice
• Working of slice is like working
with seam of average
• Subsequent slicing is done
with stowing
• The upper slice is worked by
stowing the bottom slice
• This method cannot be adopted with caving
• The last slice i.e the top most slice is excavated with
stowing or caving
Disadvantages in ascending slicing with stowing :
• As a result of compression of stowing material the roof
lowers down and fractures develop in the roof and
invariably after the third slice , roof control becomes
• Because of compression of stowing material roof sags
and as a result cracks develop in the roof of coal seam
and from the potential sources for initiation of
spontaneous heating
• Props set over sand floor do not offer resistance needed
to support the roof if the sand contains more water.
However with sole plates of adequate size prop
penetration can be substantially minimised
• Stowing adds to overall cost of mining and unproductive
employment which reduces overall productivity
Descending slicing
• The first slice to be excavated
is the top most slice
• The last slice to be excavated
is the bottom most slice as
shown in figure b
• This method can done with or
without stowing
• Stowing is rarely practiced in
• Where stowing must be done , timber boards are laid on
the floor to hold the stowing material
• In case of this method with the caving spreading of wire
netting is required to make artificial roof to arrest the
material of the broken goaf of upper slice and wire
netting serves as a roof for the lower slices i.e lower
slices are worked below the broken roof
• Work is always done on the firm floor hence
mechanization is easy
Disadvantage of descending slicing in caving :
• Necessity of netting needs extra money and extra man power which reduces the OMS

Advantage of descending slicing over ascending slicing :

• Less chances of spontaneous heating in descending slicing compared to ascending slicing

• Under suitable conditions descending slicing is preferred over ascending slicing as chance of
spontaneous heating is high in ascending slicing
Mixed order slicing
• In this method coal seam is
divided into blocks
• Each block consisting of a
number of slices
• The slices in the block are
worked in ascending order
with stowing
• While the blocks are worked in descending order
• The ascending-descending method is described as shown
in figure c
• In descending-ascending method it happens in vice versa
of ascending-descending method
• In descending-ascending method blocks are worked in
descending order while slices are worked in ascending
• Stowing is compulsory in this method
Factors affecting the division of seam into slices
• Thickness and inclination of seam :
The thicker the seam , the more the number of
slices and also slices may be thicker. The thickness of
the slices are reduced if the angle of inclination of the
seam is more . For example in poland the thickness of
the slices is 2.5m if the inclination of the seam is up to
25degrees and if the inclination is more than 25degrees
then the thickness is reduced to 2m (Kasperk ,1964)
• Gassiness of the seam and the proneness of the seam to
spontaneous heating :
The seams which are gassy will produce
more gas if the thickness of slice is more . Similarly the
thicker the seam , the greater is the risk of spontaneous
heating . So seam is divided into more no slices if the
seam is gassy and vice versa
• Thickness and hardness of dirt bands :
Sometimes dirt bands present in the seam
are taken advantage of by making them roof or floor of
the slice in such cases the thickness of the slice is
suitably adjusted
• Intended mechanization scheme :
If mechanized coal getting is intended . The
height of the available machines and equipment will
determine the thickness of the scale . On account of this
consideration the thickness of slice should not be less
than 1.8m
• Productivity :
The face productivity falls of if the slices are
made too thick . In highly mechanized operations the
productivity fall off at face height exceeding 3.5 -4 m
(Cochrane, 1972)
• Support cost :
The cost of the support is higher in the
thicker slices . For example the cost of a 2.5m chock
sheild is 1200 euroes and the cost of 4.5m chock sheild
is 33000 euroes
• Characteristic of coal
• Characteristic of roof and floor :
In the chosen method the
roof and floor characteristics plays role in dividing the
slices of seam and roof control is difficult in thick slices
• Stature of Labour :
If the height of the labour is more then
the slices of bigger height are required and if the is less
then smaller height slices are required
Different slices of thick seam
Thickness of slice in seam
• In consideration of the above physical , economical and
operational factors the optimum thickness of the slice in
the seam appears to be 2-3m
• However in hydraulic sand stowing the height may be up
to 4.8m
Advantages :
• Greater the thickness of slice lesser the development
Disadvantages of thick slices :
• Roof control is difficult
• Heavy and long timber is required
• Caving may present difficulties
• Packing of too high voids presents difficulties
• Coal getting from too thick slices is different

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