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Disaster Medical Services

Tintinalli Ch. 6
Ken Goodell, PGY2
Definition of disaster
 Sudden ecologic phenomenon of sufficient
magnitude to require external assistance.
 Number of patients presenting in a given time
are such that ED cannot give even minimal care
without external assistance.
 “mass casualty incidents”
 Massive disruptive impact (small pox, anthrax)
 External and/or Internal disasters
Difficulties in Disaster Medicine
Hospital shortcomings include …
Delayed or improper notification
Poor delineation of command structure
Overloaded/ broken communications network
Improper or incomplete identification
Lack of supplies
Lack of public relations
Difficulties in Disaster Medicine
Factors hindering ED disaster mgmt …
Poor communications with scene and within
Incidence Command System not followed
Convergence of rescuers, EMTs, and media
Convergence of doctors/ nurses with
inadequate experience with MCI/ roles
Convergence of family and friends
Difficulties in Disaster Medicine
 Walking wounded arrive
at hospital before the
most injured.
 Within 90 min, 50-80%
of acute patients will
likely arrive at closest
medical facilities.
Severity Predictor for Mass Casualty Events
1/3 Critical Black (dead/Expectant)
casualties Red (Immediate)
Yellow (delayed-admitted)
All acute 2/3 Non-critical Yellow (delayed-released)
casualty casualties Green (Minimal)

*The following factors can change the pattern of casualties:

 Use of manufactured weapons (i.e., military ordinance)
 Explosion in a confined space
 Collapse of buildings or other structures
Federal Response Resources
DHHS (dept health human services)
 OEP (office emergency preparedness)
 MMRS (metropolitan med response team)
Local responders - WMDs, bioterrorism
 NDMS (national disaster medical system)
Large scale natural disasters/ bioterrorism
DMATs (disaster medical assistance teams)
 Local response to federally declared disasters
 CCRF (commissioned corps readiness force)
 DMORTs (disaster mortuary operations …)
Federal Response Resources
DHHS cont.
Rapid response teams
Laboratory response network
Rapid response and adv tech lab
National electronic disease surveillance system
Health alert network
National pharmaceutical stockpile
Hospital Emergency Incident
Command System (HEICS)
Common language
Defined/ predictable chain of management
Flexible response
Prioritized response
Accountability of position function
Documentation guidelines for
accountability and cost recovery
HEICS describes …
 Activation of plan
 Assessment of hospital’s capacity
 Establishment of a disaster control center
 Communications
 Supplies
 Hospital disaster administrative and treatment
 Training and drills
 Security and crowd control
Role of Disaster Control Center
Disaster Operations
Disaster site
Incident Command
(fire, EMS, police)
(remote from ED)
Triage area

Patient care area

Outside assistance
(other hospitals,
federal response)
Disaster Operations
“In the field”
START (simple triage rapid treatment)
First level of triage
Transportation capacity overwhelmed
Advanced field med/surg treatment
Local hospitals overwhelmed
SAVE: 2º assessment of victim endpoint
Prolonged delay in accessing definitive care
Distribution of casualties to receiving hosp
Hospital Disaster Adm & Rx Areas
 Disaster control center
 Triage
 Patient care stations
 Major trauma and medicine
 Minor trauma and medicine
 Presurgical holding
 Surgery
 Morgue
 Decontamination
 Psychiatry
 Family waiting/ discharge area
Initial ED response
Call to ED from disaster site …
 Disaster notification form
 Appropriate hospital administrator notified
 (now disaster control) puts plan in effect
 Additional ED staff notified
 Notify other departments (ICU, surgery, etc)
 Initial needs assessment by charge nurse/ Dr
 ED physician - on site incident commander
 Communicate c prehosp disaster com center
 “Prioritization of patient care based on
severity injury, prognosis, and resources.”
 Triage officer
 ED physician or qualified nurse
 Performs second triage upon patient arrival
 Easily identified
1. Assigns Pts to appropriate treatment areas
2. Institutes most basic life-support measures
– Manually opening airway, control hemorrhage
Triage Categories
 Life-threatening shock, hypoxia
 Can be stabilized and survive with immediate care
 Injuries have systemic effects, not yet life-threatening
 45-60 min wait before immediate risk
 Local injuries w/o systemic effects (walking wounded)
 Dead/ expectant; no spontaneous respir’n or circul’n
Triage Categories
Resuscitaiton areas, “crash rooms”

Major trauma-medical area

Minor trauma-medical area
Patient Care in ED
flush copiously; delayed 1º closure; Td
Consider delayed injury
Crush syndrome: arrhythmia, K, RF
Fulminant pulmonary edema/ pneumonia
Delay x-rays 24-48h (nonangulated, stable)
Consider XR alternatives (FAST)
Order labs sparingly
Tintinalli Ch. 6

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