The Biggest Spiders in The World: Presented by Juan Carlos Orozco Fernández

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the biggest spiders in the world

 presented by
 Juan Carlos Orozco Fernández
Wolf spider

 the wolf spider is the largest in the world, reaching 30 cm. They are of nocturnal customs,
although the female can be seen at the entrance of her cave all day in good weather. They
mate in spring, and the result is a hundred eggs that the female wraps in silk. Wolf spiders
have very good eyesight and tend to run away from an animal larger than them, making it
difficult for them to bite a human.
Goliath giant tarantula

 It is another spider that can measure up to 30 cm, it has longer legs than the Wolf spider. Lives in
tropical areas of South America. The Goliath tarantula feeds not only on large insects, but also on
birds. One of his hunting techniques is to throw hair with poisons. Of nocturnal habits, the females of
the species inhabit burrows underground, which they make and cover with cloth, or in other cases use
burrows abandoned by other spiders or rodents. Males roam free and hide under fallen rocks or trees.
Brazilian Red Giant Tarantula

 It is 10 centimeters smaller than the wolf spider, they have a life expectancy that can reach
16 years, in the case of the female. Of course, this one not only lives longer, but has a
larger size than the male, which reaches 13 centimeters in length at most. Most of the body
of this arachnid is dark brown, except for the fur of the abdomen and the legs that give it
its name, its food consists basically of invertebrates.
Violinist spider

 It is a spider that can measure up to 8 and 28 cm. It is the most dangerous in the world,
since it is difficult to see and the symptoms of its sting are felt when the poison is already
spread. But they do not bite if they do not feel attacked, it is also rather thick and hairy. It
easily blends in with its environment thanks to its black, brown, reddish-greenish, ash-
greenish or ash-brown color. The female is larger and more prominent opistosome than the
male, being the female considered more dangerous.
Cerbalus Aravensis spider

 Its size can reach 14 cm in length, making it the boldest spider in its class in the Middle
East. It is nocturnal and lives underground, creating closed burrows with small particles of
earth as a door that serve as camouflage.

 It is located in a habitat that is in danger of disappearing since the Dunes of Samaria is a

redoubt that was once 7 square kilometers long and currently only 3 remain, due to the
territorial occupation of humans by agriculture. spider is in danger of extinction.
Brazilian Wandering Spider

 This type of spider of Brazilian origin is not the largest in the world. It is only 15 cm long,
it is more poisonous than the goliath spider, it has one of the deadliest poisons. This
spider's venom rarely kills humans, but its sting will cause it to writhe in pain. You don't
have to go to Brazil to find this poisonous spider. Watch out! This spider likes to hide in
shoes. Some of the side effects of your sting are: loss of muscle control, severe pain,
difficulty breathing and if your victim is not treated with the anti-poison, it can cause death
due to lack of oxygen.
Camel spider

 Camel spiders, also called wind scorpions and giant solupids from Egypt, are only 7-10
centimeters long. It is smaller than the others and is less Venezuelan. But they are cruel
predators that can kill insects, rodents, lizards, and small birds. These harsh desert dwellers
have large and powerful jaws, the size of up to a third of their body length.
 but its princepal characteristic is its jaw, being bigger than the other spiders.
Colombian Black Giant Tarantula

 It is the most terrifying, this huge tarantula can be up to 23 cm long on its legs. The vast
majority are black, but have brown hairs and some reddish markings. This species is
characterized by eating very aggressively, but it is more harmless than the rest for humans,
in addition to the scares it can cause in people. Like all tarantulas, it experiences baldness
in the chest area from old age, which makes it look very scary.

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