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• Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and
exchange information.
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In the beginning of time, human beings made use of it for

the process of discovery of the world and evolution.
Technology is the knowledge and use of tools, techniques
and systems in order to serve a larger purpose such as
solving problems or making life easier and better. Its
importance for human beings is enormous because it has
helped them adapt to the environment.

• The development of high technology has helped

to conquer communication barriers and reduce
the gap between people around the world.
Distant places have become closer each time
and consequently the pace of life has increased.
Things that used to take hours to complete, can
be done in a matter of seconds now. The world
is smaller and life is much faster.
• Technological advances have become an essential part of our lives. To
understand why, it is enough to look around us and see that in every
moment and context we are surrounded by it; Whether we are working
or resting, he is always present to make our lives simpler.
Due to its application, our standard of living has improved, as needs are
more easily met. In general, all industries benefit from it, be it medicine,
tourism, education, entertainment, among many others. In addition,
companies have grown and become more efficient, helping to create new
employment opportunities. The application of technology has driven
research in fields ranging from genetics to extraterrestrial space.

On the other hand, the rapid development of new devices, encourage

consumerism, and excessive use also has repercussions on health, such
as visual stress, insomnia, deafness or obesity, among others. Finally,
spending so much time browsing our cell phones and tablets disconnects
us from what is happening around us and affects our relationship with
The use of technology is immeasurable and will continue to change,
based on the demands of the people and the market. How we use it
determines whether it is good or bad, useful or harmful. The technology
itself is neutral, but we are the ones who make it good or bad, based on
the use we give it.

• Technology plays an extremely important role in

almost all areas of our lives, has been able to
transform the lifestyle of human beings in such a way
that it would be difficult to imagine a day without it.
At a business level, technological resources have
become a vital tool that generates a wide range of
benefits for those who know how to take advantage
of them, but how necessary are the technologies and
those growing companies that are just beginning to
venture into their respective industries?
• taking into account the accelerated dynamics
of the market, this type of business needs
more than ever to invest in technologies and
development teams that allow them to
improve each of their processes to provide
more value to the organization to develop at a
level equal to or greater than of its
competitors, in order to achieve greater
participthe market

the growth of global quality standards, the way in which

businesses move, the access to information on the part of
consumers, among other factors have forced the executives
of the growing companies to acquire infrastructure and
technological tools that allow them to compete in the
knowledge economy and help them transform their
offerings of products and services to grow and compete
investing in technological resources allows your company to
stake ou
Over time, technology has reduced the barriers to doing
business, increasing revenues, improving processes and
implementing new tools within companies.
However, today, the implementation of the same is no longer a
luxury, or an investment but a fundamental need that allows
large and small companies to be at the forefront of the new
times, with competitive processes both in the national market
and international.
According to the vice president worldwide for SMEs of H.P.
John Brennan, the mission of the companies that provide
different types of technology in this market remains clear: help
SMEs or get more results in their business from their
investments in technology. what it means is that the SME
should concentrate on achieving their objectives or results
(focus on their work) and not have to worry about technology,
so it is important to be up to date on technological advances
with the support of a good company.
Likewise, said the manager that these solutions optimize
productivity, because they are focused on the needs of
SMEs and are worked together with business partners to
meet the requirements and needs of these current and
future companies.

The added value of these new technologies that

multinationals are currently incorporating and what
makes them different from the others is that they have a
large amount of resources, products, solutions and
services that are focused on SMEs and that have been
improved and implemented. After several years of
working hand in hand with many companies in this
market and with many business partners who also work
in the sector.

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