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Empowering People in the

Community through the De

velopment of One's Copin
g Mechanism
Presentation of Group 1
In today's world there is nobody who
can honestly say that they have absolu
tely no problems or worries in their l
ife. Everyone has something to deal wi
th and things to get over in their lif
e-- that's why it is called life. As l
ong as you're alive, you will constant
ly have to battle the burdens of life
that all people encounter.
Challenges we may e
Pollution in air, w
ater and land
Because of being
hopeless, some were
destroyed by the
hardships... But others
had overcome and
Effects of Environment Damage
Loss of Propertie
s and Biodiversity
Economic Impact
Loss of Tourism I
Health Impact
Loss of Lives of
human and animals
Empowering People in the Community through the
Development of One's Coping Mechanism
What do we mean by "coping mechanism"?
Known as "survival skills" a term which refers
to the methods or strategies that people adopt to
deal with life experiences that cause stress, pai
n or trauma.
Types of Coping Mechanism
1. Defense Mechanism- are ways to cope which p
eople use unconsciously to overcome stress
and challenges.
2. Action-based Coping Mechanism- a coping mec
hanism involves an active approach to probl
em-solving the situations that cause stress
3. Emotion-based Coping Mechanism- a coping me
chanism enables individual to reduce stress
by acknowledging the emotions that have bee
n triggered .
What can we do to save our Mother Nat
Recycle, Recycle, Recycle- Start by recycling
all of the things you may use that can be recy
cled. This helps to reduce landfills and reduc
es wastes.  When things are reused and re purp
osed for other things we are already helping t
he environment.
Reducing your Needs and Consumption- R
educing your water and energy usages. T
urn off the water when brushing your te
eth. Turn off the lights when you are n
ot in a room.
Educating others- Teaching not only our chil
dren but others too on how valuable Mother Ea
rth is to us. The more you can teach the cons
ervation and value of Mother Earth to others
the more we are helping to save the environme
Tips On How To Develop One's Coping Mechanism
Ask a trusted friend or family member for h
elp and support.
Use positive self-talk to overcome negative
thought patterns.
Hone your communication skills.
Believe in yourself that you can.
Always put in to your mind that it’s just
a simple problem and it will be solved.
Always think that you’re stronger and bigg
er than the challenges in life.
Every year, an estimated 2.2 billion tons of waste
is dumped in our oceans.
At the rate we are going, we need 1 and ½ Earths t
o sustain our lifestyle. By 2030, we will need 2 E
The reefs grow at a rate of only 0.3 cm to 10 cm a
day. The reefs that you see now have been growing
for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years.
In just one generation, our production of man-made
chemicals increased by 40,000% - from 1 million to
400 million tons?
In the last 200 years, we have added 2.3 trillion
tons of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere? Half of
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