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OJT Training

OJT training

Name: Fakhar Rahid AL-Rashdi

Initiating and planning projects
Key concept

• Identify the key characteristics of a project

• • Identify primary project constraints
• • Define the role and responsibilities of the project manager
• • Identify Project Organizational Structures
• • Understand the definition of a Project Stakeholder
• • Identify project stakeholders
• • Identify information needs of the project stakeholders
• • Define responsibility for managing stakeholder and controlling
stakeholder engagement
• • Define the purpose of using a project charter
• • Summarize the key elements of a project plan
• • Identify common sources of conflict within a project environment
• • Describe the difference between authority and influence
• Right understanding of the definition and key
characteristics of project is of significant importance. Any
project is not just a way to make or do something but it’s
an opportunity to achieve some desired result
by implementing a systematic management approach (for
example, producing a product or sharing knowledge).
• An individual or organization involved in projects needs to
understand how to solve complexity of problems
through project management. In this article we’ll define the
term “project”, describe the key characteristics of a project,
and explain how to distinguish a project from an activity.
First week
Day 1-2
• What is a Project? –

• Project is a great opportunity for organizations

and individuals to achieve their business and
non-business objectives more efficiently
through implementing change. Projects help us
make desired changes in an organized manner
and with reduced probability of failure.
• A Project is a temporary, unique and progressive
attempt or endeavor made to produce some kind of
a tangible or intangible result (a unique product,
service, benefit, competitive advantage, etc.).
• It usually includes a series of interrelated tasks
that are planned for execution over a fixed period
of time and within certain requirements and
limitations such as cost, quality, performance,
• Key Characteristics
• As follows from the given definition, any project can be characterized by
these characteristics:
• Temporary. This key characteristic means that every project has a finite
start and a finite end. The start is the time when the project is initiated
and its concept is developed. The end is reached when all objectives of
the project have been met (or unmet if it’s obvious that the project cannot
be completed – then it’s terminated).
• Unique Deliverable(s). Any project aims to produce some deliverable(s)
which can be a product, service, or some another result. Deliverables
should address a problem or need analyzed before project start.
Some examples of a project are:
•Developing a new product or service
•Constructing a building or facility
•Renovating the kitchen
•Designing a new transportation vehicle
•Acquiring a new or modified data system
•Organizing a meeting
•Implementing a new business process
The fundamental purpose of the PMBOK Guide is to recognize and explain
generally accepted knowledge and systems that can be applied to the
projects. The PMBOK Guide is a subset of the project management body of
knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice.

Guide to the project management body of knowledge

(PMBOK) has been developed by the project management
institute (PMI) to promote generally recognized good
practices in project management that

Are applicable to most projects most of the time

Can enhance the success of a wide range of different
PMBOK guide describes 10 projects
management knowledge Areas

scope HR

integration Time risk

quality stakeholder Cost

Triple constraint

TC is a framework for balancing competing project demands for

example you and the team have a specific time period within which
you are to produce an end and product or services . this is the
constraint of time or schedule .money or resources is also have a
specific amount of money and other resources allocated to your
Scope or quality . As things change , you will find yourself having to
balance these constraints with each other and with the third
Project manager is the person assigned by the
performing organization to achieve the project
objectives . The role of a project manager is
distinct from functional manager or operations
manager . Typically the functional manager is
focused on providing management oversight for
an administrative area and operations managers
are responsible for a facet of the core business >
Types of Project
Project team: is comprised of the project manger , project
management team , and other team members who carry
out the work of the project , but who are not necessarily
directly involved with the management of the project .

Project management team :consists of those members of

the project team who are directly involved in project
management or leadership activities .

Sponsor : is the person or group that provides the financial

resources in cash for the project .
Week 3
Project stakeholder management

initiating Planning
Identify Plan
stakeholder stakeholder

nitoring and controlling Executing

Control Manage
stakeholder stakeholder
engagement engagement
Identity stakeholder is refers to the process of identifying all
people or organization impacted by people or documenting

Plan stakeholder management : is the process of developing

appropriate management strategies to effectively engage
stakeholders throughout the project life cycle .

Executing stakeholder engagement : is the process of

communicating and working with stakeholder to meet their
needs , address , issues

Control stakeholder engagement : is the process of monitoring

overall project stakeholder relationships and adjusting
stakeholders and plans for engaging stakeholders .
Stakeholder register
Is a list of all of your project stakeholder and should contain at
least their basic contact information , who are your stakeholder.

project manager :of course you are a stakeholder you are positively

Project team members : remember those are the people who are
doing the work .

Project management team :if they are helping to run the project ,
then of course they have a stake in it .

Sponsor : is a person who is most likely paying fir the poject and is
the one who is championing the project .

Customer : they will ultimately use the product or service that you
are creating

Government :your stakeholders may come from diverse

Management skills
General management skills Project management skills
• Leading • Planning
• Communicating • Organizing
• Influencing • Staffing
• Problem solving • Monitoring
• Negotiating • Controlling
• Reporting
Some of the major sources of conflict that a 2
project manager may influence are

Project Resources

Of Cost

Conflict management
Traditional view Current view
• Always bad • Inevitable
• Should be avoided • Often beneficial
• Must be suppressed • Natural result of change
• Caused by troublemakers • Can be managed
According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the term project stakeholder refers to, "an individual, group, or
organization, who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a
project."[1] ISO 21500 uses a similar definition.

Project stakeholders are entities that have an interest in a given project. These stakeholders may be inside or outside an
organization which:

sponsor a project, or
have an interest or a gain upon a successful completion of a project;
may have a positive or negative influence in the project completion.
The following are examples of project stakeholders:

Project leader
Senior management
Project team members
Project customer
Resource Managers
Line Managers
Product user group
Project testers
Any group impacted by the project as it progresses
Any group impacted by the project when it is completed
Subcontractors to the project
Consultants to the project
HR Management processes fall
under the executing process group

Acquire Develop Manag

project e
project Team project
Team Is the process of team
Is the process improving the Is the process of
tracking team
of confirming competencies member
human ,team interaction , performance ,
resource and overall team
N E 2
Key objectives for

01 Material
properties in Design

02 Static failure

03 Fully reversed loading in fatigue

04 Fluctuating. fatigue and miner is

Material proprieties in design strength

Key topics
 Strength and stress

 Modulus of elasticity

 Ashby's plots

 Metals

 Temperature effects and

Strength and stress
Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the
ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.

What is strength :

Stress is the force applied to a material, divided by the material’s cross-

sectional area.

stress and strain

σ = stress (N/m2, Pa)

F = force (N)

A0 = original cross-sectional area (m2)

Strain is the deformation or displacement of material that results from an

applied stress.
Tensile stress
What is Tensile Stress?
Tensile stress is a quantity associated with stretching or tensile forces. It is responsible for
the elongation of the material along the axis of the applied load. Tensile stress is defined as:

The magnitude F of the force applied along an elastic rod divided by the cross-sectional area
A of the rod in a direction that is perpendicular to the applied force.
Elastic modulus
Elastic modulus: It is the stiffness of the material and also known as modulus of
elasticity. It is defined as the ratio of stress and strain when the deformation is
completely elastic. To measure elastic modulus, the stress-strain curve is used.

Ultimate tensile stress (UTS): It is defined as the maximum stress that a material can
withstand when a force is applied. When the materials are pushed beyond UTS they
experience the cracking.

Modulus of resilience: It is defined as the ratio between tensile stress and two times
the Youngs modulus of the material.

Fracture stress: It is defined as the maximum stress that is experienced in a crack

point before it breaks down and is denoted as σf.
Difference Between Tensile Stress And Tensile Strength
Tensile stress

Difference Between Tensile Stress And Tensile Strength

Tensile stress Tensile strength
It is defined as force per unit area which is associated with stretching and denoted by
σ. It is defined as the amount of tensile stress a material can withstand before
breaking and denoted by s.
The formula is: σ = F/A

σ is the tensile stress

F is the force acting
A is the area
The formula is: s = P/a

s is the tensile strength

P is the force required to break
a is the cross-sectional area
• MODULE of elasticity
Modulus of elasticity
The ratio of the stress applied to a body to the strain that results in the body in
response to it. The modulus of elasticity of a material is a measure of its stiffness
and for most materials remains constant over a range of stress.♦ The ratio of the
longitudinal strain to the longitudinal stress is called Young's modulus.

The modulus of elasticity is simply stress divided by strain:

E = σ / ε with units of pascals (Pa), newtons per square
meter (N/m2) or newtons per square millimeter (N/mm2).
The modulus of elasticity (= Young’s modulus) E is a material property, that describes its stiffness and
is therefore one of the most important properties of solid materials.
Mechanical deformation puts energy into a material. The energy is stored elastically or dissipated
plastically. The way a material stores this energy is summarized in stress-strain curves. Stress is
defined as force per unit area and strain as elongation or contraction per unit length
When a material deforms elastically, the amount of deformation likewise depends on the size of the
material, but the strain for a given stress is always the same and the two are related by Hooke´s Law
(stress is directly proportional to strain):
where σ is stress [ MPa ]
E modulus of elasticity [MPa]
ε strain [unitless or %]
From the Hook’s law the modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of the stress to the strain :
Stress is not directly measurable. We can calculate it from different formulas for different types of the
loading (tension, flexural stress,…)
Strain is defined as the change of the length divided by the original (initial) length (see Fig.:38) :
where ∆l is change of the length [m]
l1 length after elongation [m]
l0 original (initial) length [m]
Fig.:38 Determination of the strain
E [ ] MP
 Properties of metals:
1. They have shiny surface
2. They are good conductor of heat and electricity
3. They are strong material
4. They are ductile- they can easily made into wire
5. They are malleable- they can easily made into different sheet
6. They are formable- they can easily made into different shapes
7. They have high melting points
8. They are heavy
 Metals: Types of metals are Pure metals & alloys
1. Pure metals:
 Metals in clear form or unmixed form.
 They are better conductor of electricity and heat than alloys.
 They are more ductile, malleable and formable than alloys.
 They are soft than alloys.
 Examples of pure metals are Copper, Aluminum, Tin and Tungsten.
a) Copper is used to make automobile radiator sheets, bottoms of cooking,
pipes of heat exchangers, electrical wire cable and motor winding.
Because it is good thermal conductivity,good electrical conductivity,
b) Aluminum is used to make soft drink cons, windows frame, food storage
foils. Because it is corrosion resistance, malleable, low cost, more
availability and easy for manufacturing.
c) Tin is used to cover the surface of materials, because it is corrosion
d) Tungsten is used for filament in bulbs, because of its high melting point,
corrosion resistance.
2. Alloys:
 Alloys are mixture of two or more metals.
 They are stronger and harder than pure metals.
 Examples of alloys are Steel, Stainless Steel, High Speed steel (HSS), Brass, Cost
Iron, Duralumin and Bell metal.
1) Steel is made by mixing Iron and Carbon. Types of steel:
i. Low carbon steels
 If the percentage of carbon in steels are between 0.05-0.15%
 They are used for structure bars, automobiles bodies, and
 They have good strength, ductile, malleable, formable and
easy for welding process.
ii. Mid steels
 If the percentage of carbon in steels are between 0.16-0.29%
 Used and properties same to Low carbon steel.
iii. Medium carbon steels
 If the percentage of carbon in steels are between 0.3-0.59%
 They are used to make Shaft, Bolts and Nots. Because they
are more strength compared to low carbon and mid steel.
iv. High carbon steel
 If the percentage of carbon in steels are between 0.6-0.99%
 They are used to make springs and ropes. Because they have
more strength compared with low carbon steels, mild steel
and high carbon steels.
v. Ultra-high carbon steels
 If the percentage of carbon in steels are between 1-2%
 They are used to make automobiles axles, workshop
punches, workshop scribers, workshop dividers. Because they
2) Stainless steel is made by mixing Iron, Carbon, Chromium and Manganese
 It is used to make Vernier caliper, workshop ruler, bearing of
machines, spoons, knives, plates, cups, surgical equipment.
 They are good strength, corrosion resistance, shiny surface,
ductile, malleable, and formable.
3) High Speed steel (HSS) is an alloy of Iron, Carbon, tungsten, Chromium
and vanadium.
 It is used to make cutting tools of various machines and
workshop files.
 It has high hardness, high strength, high toughness, easy for
re-sharping and low cost.
4) Brass is made by mixing Copper and Zinc.
 It is used to make heat exchanger pipes and ship parts.
 It is stronger than Copper, good conductor of heat, malleable,
low cost and corrosion resistance.
5) Cost Iron is made by mixing Iron, more than 2% of Carbon, silicon and
 It is used to make machine tool bases.
 It is easy for casting, easy for cutting, medium hardness,
absorb vibration and low cost.
Ashby plots
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Infographics - Idea

01 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting

02 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

of the printing and typesetting

03 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

of the printing and typesetting

04 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

of the printing and typesetting

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