Topic Name: Global Professionalism and Recruitment: Faculty of Business and Law - School of Management

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Module 7

Topic Name: Global Professionalism

and Recruitment

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Lecture Activities
Review your findings from the Pre-Workshop Online

• What were the five ways your company could

prepare you for an overseas assignment?

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Expat Life

Your future employer gives you the opportunity to choose an overseas placement. Use the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey to identify your
top choice country. What drew you to that location?

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Activity: Practice Your Professionalism

You just stepped onto the lift, and the CEO of your
favourite company is already in there. You have 30-60
seconds to introduce yourself, make a good impression
and convince them why you should be hired for an
internship/entry level job based on your skills, personality
and education. Go!

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
EmployABILITY Thinking

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Continue working on your Group Oral The Group Oral
Presentation (30%)
Presentation for the remainder of class. • Completed in
Workshop in Module 9
By the time you leave today, you should have: • Wix website
• Finalised your Recommendations • Sample Wix site, Wix
User Guide available
• Nearly finished writing the text for your on Blackboard
• Started adding content to your Wix site
• Divided the speaking portions of the speech,
to ensure roughly equal time to all members

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Template created by: FBL-FLET

Thank you!

Faculty of Business and Law | School of Management CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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