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The Geopolitics

Definition of geopolitics
The science that deals with the interaction between geographical areas and
political processes
)The spatial analysis of political phenomena(
)Geography in the service of politics(
Geopolitical Significance
)nations ethics(
)Changing and moving principles(
)Global awareness of societies and nations(
Where is studying geopolitics
)Faculties of Arts and Humanities(
)Faculties of Law and Political Science(
)Military Colleges(
Marine Military Colleges((
)Staff colleges(
)Colleges and institutes of leadership and upbringing of leaders(
To understand the geopolitical moves of the countries,
::one must look
)Human Geography(
)Military Geography(
)Economic Geography(
)Tourism Geography(
)Communication Geography(
)Geography of transportation(
)Geography of violence(
Geography of Terrorism
international law
International Relations
International History
Law of the Sea
Assessment factors of the countries From the point of
view geopolitical

)Economy( .7 )Area( .1
)Army( .8 )Topography( .2
)Armament( .9 )climate( .3
)Technology( .10 )Geology( .4
)Demography( .11 )Hydrology( .5
)Agriculture( .12 )Natural Resources( .6
)the doctrine( .13

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