Power System Modeling and Analysis

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Competency Training and Certification Program in Electric Power Distribution System Engineering

Certificate in
Power System Modeling and Analysis

Training Course in

Short Circuit Analysis


Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 2

Course Outline

1. Analysis of Faulted Power System by

Symmetrical Components
2. Bus Impedance Matrix Method
3. Short Circuit Analysis of Unbalanced
Distribution Feeders
4. Short Circuit Studies

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National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 3

Short Circuit Analysis of

Unbalanced Distribution System

 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

 Three-Phase Line Segment Model
 Transformer Generalized Matrices
 Analysis of Faulted Unbalanced Feeder

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Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 4

Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Equivalent system:
Source Z sys

Thevenin equivalent circuit @ secondary bus:


Eth Z th
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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Primary transformer equivalent line-to-neutral voltages
VLN  ELN  Z sys  IABC  ELN  Z sys  dt  Iabc

Secondary line-to-neutral voltage:

abc ABC
VLN  At  VLN  Bt  Iabc
 A t  ELN  ABC
 Z sys  dt  Iabc  Bt  Iabc 
Thevenin equivalent voltages & impedances:
abc ABC
Eth  A t  ELN
abc ABC
Z th  A t  Z sys  dt  Bt

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Three-Phase Line Segment Model

Node n a
I na I line zaa a
Im Node m
n m
Vag Vag
I nb I line zbb zab zca
n m
Vbg Vbg
I nc I line zcc zbc
n m
Vcg Vcg

½ Yabc ½ Yabc

Voltages & currents at node n in terms of the voltages & currents at node m:
VLG  a  V abc
 b  I abc
 c  VLG,m  d  I abc
,n LG,m
a  U  21  Z abc  Yabc c  Yabc  41  Yabc  Z abc  Yabc
b  Z abc d  U  21  Z abc  Yabc

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Three-Phase Line Segment Model

Voltages & currents at node m in terms of the voltages & currents at node n:
abc abc abc
VLG,m  a  VLG,n  b  I n

Iabc abc abc

m  c  VLG,n  d  In

Voltages at node m as a function of voltages at node n and currents

entering node m:
abc abc abc
VLG,m  A  VLG,n  B  Im

A  a 1
B  a 1  b

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Generalized three-phase transformer bank:
VAN H1 X1 Van
VBN H2 X2 Vbn
VCN H3 X3 Vcn
H0 X0

ABC abc
VLN  at  VLN  bt  Iabc
I ABC  ct  VLN  dt  Iabc

abc ABC
VLN  A t  VLN  Bt  Iabc

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Delta – Grounded Wye Step-Down Connection
VLL, rated high side
nt 
VLN , rated low side
0 2 1  0 2Z tb Z tc 
 nt   nt  a c
at   1 0 2 bt    Zt 0 2Z t 
3   3
2 1 0 2Z ta Z tb 0 

Z ta , Z tb , Z tc are referred to the low - voltage side
0 0 0   1 1 0 
c t  0 0 0  dt    0 1  1
  nt  
0 0 0   1 0 1 

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Delta – Grounded Wye Step-Down Connection

 1 0  1 Z ta 0 0
1  
At    1 1 0  Bt   0 Z tb 0
nt  
 0  1 1  0 0 Z tc 

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Ungrounded Wye – Delta Step-Down Connection
VLN , rated high side
nt 
VLL , rated low side
 1 1 0   Z tab  Z tab 0
nt  bc 
at  nt   0 1  1 bt    Z t 2Z tbc 0
  3
  1 0 1    2Z tca  Z tca 0

Z tab , Z tbc , Z tca are referred to the low - voltage side
0 0 0   1  1 0
1 
c t  0 0 0  dt   1 2 0
  3nt  
0 0 0   2  1 0

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Ungrounded Wye – Delta Step-Down Connection
2 1 0 
1 
At   0 2 1
3nt  
 1 0 2
 2Z tab  Z tbc 2Z tbc  2Z tab 0
1  bc 
Bt   2Z t  2Z tca 4Z tbc  Z tca 0
 Z tab  4Z tca  Z tab  2Z tca 0

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Grounded Wye – Gounded Wye Connection
VLN , rated high side
nt 
VLN , rated low side
 1 0 0 Z ta 0 0
 
at  nt  0 1 0 bt  nt   0 Z tb 0
 
0 0 1 0 0 Z tc 

Z ta , Z tb , Z tc are referred to the low - voltage side
0 0 0   1 0 0
c t  0 0 0  dt   0 1 0
  nt  
0 0 0 0 0 1

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Grounded Wye – Grounded Wye Connection

 1 0 0 Z ta 0 0
1  
A t   0 1 0  Bt   0 Z tb 0
nt  
0 0 1 0 0 Z tc 

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Delta – Delta Connection
VLL, rated high side
nt 
VLL, rated low side
 2  1  1 2 1 0
n 1
at  t    1 2  1 W   0 2 1
3   3  
  1  1 2   1 0 2
 1 0 0 Z tab 0 0 
 
AV  nt  0 1 0 Z tabc   0 Z tbc 0 
 
0 0 1  0 0 Z tca 

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Delta – Delta Connection
 Z tca  Z tbc 0
1  
G1   Z tca Z tab  Z tca 0
Z tab  Z tbc  Z tca
  Z tab  Z tbc  Z tbc 0

bt  W  AV  Z tabc  G1
 1 0 0  2  1  1
1  1 
dt   0 1 0 At    1 2  1
nt   3nt  
0 0 1   1 2 2 
Bt  W  Z tabc  G1

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Open Wye – Open Delta Connection
VLN , rated high side
nt 
VLL, rated low side

1  1 0  Z tab 0 0 
 bc 
at  nt  0 1  1 bt  nt   0 0  Zt 
 
0 0 0   0 0 0 

Z tab , Z tbc are referred to the low - voltage side
0 0 0  1 0 0 
c t  0 0 0  dt   0 0  1
  nt  
0 0 0 0 0 0 

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Transformer Generalized Matrices

Open Wye – Open Delta Connection
2 1 0  2Z tab 0  Z tbc 
1  1  
At    1 1 0 Bt     Z tab 0  Z tbc 
3nt   3
  1  2 0   Z tab 0 2Z tbc 

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
1 2 3 4 5
Z sys ABC
Z sub ABC
Z eqS Z abc
Z eqL
System Equivalent Substation Total In-line Total
Voltage System Transformer Primary Feeder Secondary
Source Impedance Line Transformer Line
Segment Segment
Impedance Impedance

Z1 
 kVLL 
 Z0 
3 kVLL 
 2Z 1 
MVA 3 MVA 1
2Z 1  Z 0 Z 0  Z1 Z 0  Z1 
1 
Z sys   Z 0  Z1 2Z 1  Z 0 Z 0  Z1 
3  
( approx )
 Z 0  Z1 Z 0  Z1 2Z1  Z 0 
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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
 Thevenin equivalent voltages at points 2 and 3:
computed by multiplying the system voltages by the generalized
transformer matrix At of the substation transformer.

 Thevenin equivalent voltages at points 4 and 5:

the voltage at node 3 multiplied by the generalized transformer
matrix At of the in-line transformer.

 Thevenin equivalent phase impedance matrices:

sum of the phase impedance matrices of each device between the
system voltage source and the point of fault.

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
Thevenin equivalent circuit:
Zf I fa a
Zf I fb
ZTOT b x
Zf I fc c

Ea Eb Ec V xg

Ea, Eb, Ec = Thevenin equiv. line-to-ground voltages @ the faulted node

ZTOT = Thevenin equiv. phase impedance matrix @ the faulted node
Zf = fault impedance

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
E a   Z aa Z ab Z ac   I fa  Z f 0 0   I fa  Vax  V xg 
E    Z   b   b   
Z bb Z bc I f   0 Zf 0 I f   Vbx   V xg 

 b   ba  c   c  
Ec   Z ca Z cb Z cc   I f   0 0 Z f   I f  Vcx  V xg 

In compressed form,
Eabc  ZTOT  Ifabc  Z F  Ifabc  Vabcx  Vxg
Combining terms,
Eabc   ZTOT  Z F   Ifabc  Vabcx  Vxg  Z EQ  Ifabc  Vabcx  Vxg
Solving for the fault currents,
Ifabc  Y  Eabc  Y  Vabcx  Y  Vxg
Y  Z EQ
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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
Define IP  Y  E abc
Substituting & rearranging,
IPabc  Ifabc  Y  Vabcx  Y  Vxg
I a  I a  Y Yab Yac  Vax  Yaa Yab Yac  Vxg 
 b   b  f aa
     V   Y  V 
 P
I I f 
Yba Y bb Ybc   bx   ba Ybb Ybc   xg 
 c   c  Y Ycb Ycc  Vcx  Yca Ycb Ycc  Vxg 
 P   f   ca

IPa  Ifa  YaaVax  YabV bxYacVcx   YSaVxg

IPb  Ifb  YbaVax  YbbV bxYbcVcx   YSbVxg

IPc  Ifc  YcaVax  YcbV bxYaaVcx   YScVxg

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
where YS  Yaa  Yab  Yac
YSb  Yba  Ybb  Ybc
YSa  Yaa  Yab  Yac
3 equations, 7 unknowns - I fa , I fb , I fc ,Vax ,Vbx ,Vcx ,V xg
I Pa , I Pb , I Pc are functions of the total impedance &
the Thevenin voltages and are known

Needed: 4 additional equations

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
Three-Phase Faults:
Vax  Vbx  Vcx  0
I a  I b  Ic  0
Three-Phase-to-Ground Faults:

V ax  V bx  Vcx  V xg  0

Line-to-Line Faults (assume i-j fault with phase k

Vix  V jx  0
I fk  0
I fi  I fj  0

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
Line-to-Ground Faults (assume phase k fault with
phases i and j unfaulted):
Vkx  V xg  0
I fi  I fj  0

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
7 equations in matrix form:
I Pa   1 0 0 Y11 Y12 Y13 YS1   I fa 
 b  2  b 
I P  0 1 0 Y21 Y22 Y23 YS   I f 
I Pc  0 0 1 Y31 Y32 Y33 YS3   I fc 
    
 0           Vax 
 0          Vbx 
    
 0          Vcx 
 0           V xg 
In condensed form:
IPs  C  X

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Short-Circuit Analysis of
Unbalanced Feeders
X  C 1  IPs
Example: 3-phase fault
C44  1 C55  1 C66  1
C71  C72  C73  1
All of the other elements in the last 4 rows of C will be set to zero.

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bus I ABC Iabc

Z eqS 2
Z abc
3 4

Compute the short-circuit currents for a bolted line-to-line fault between

phases a and b at node 4.

Line-to-neutral Thevenin voltage at node 4:

Eth ,4  A t  ESLN
Thevenin equiv. impedance at secondary terminals (node 3):
Z th ,3  At  Z eqS  dt  Z tabc

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Total Thevenin impedance at node 4:

Z th ,4  ZTOT  Z th.3  Z eqL
Equivalent admittance matrix at node 4:
Yeq ,4  ZTOT
Equivalent injected currents at point of fault:

IP  Yeq ,4  Eth ,4
For the a-b fault at node 4,
I fa  I fb  0
I fc  0
Vax  Vbx  0
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Unknowns are computed as

X  C 1  ISP
Suppose that the phase impedance matrices for the 2 line segments are:

0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.3225 0.0361  j 0.2752 

Z eqS   0.0361  j 0.3225 0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.2953  
 
 0.0361  j 0.2752 0.0361  j 0.2955 0.1414  j 0.5353 

0.1907  j 0.5035 0.0607  j 0.2302 0.0598  j 0.1751

Z abc
eqL  0.0607  j 0.2302 0.1939  j 0.4885 0.0614  j 0.1931 
 
 0.0598  j 0.1751 0.0614  j 0.1931 0.1921  j 0.4970 

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The transformer bank consists of three single-phase transformers each

rated: 2000 kVA, 12.47-2.4 kV, Z = 1.0 + j6.0 %

Source line segment:

 1 0 0
a1  d1  U  0 1 0
 
0 0 1
b1  Z eqS
0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.3225 0.0361  j 0.2752 
  0.0361  j 0.3225 0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.2953 
 
 0.0361  j 0.2752 0.0361  j 0.2955 0.1414  j 0.5353
c1   0

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1 0 0
A1  a11  0 1 0
 
0 0 1
B1  a11  b1
0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.3225 0.0361  j 0.2752 
  0.0361  j 0.3225 0.1414  j 0.5353 0.0361  j 0.2953 
 
 0.0361  j 0.2752 0.0361  j 0.2955 0.1414  j 0.5353

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Load line segment:  1 0 0

a 2  d2  0 1 0
 
0 0 1
0.1907  j 0.5035 0.0607  j 0.2302 0.0598  j 0.1751
b 2  0.0607  j 0.2302 0.1939  j 0.4885 0.0614  j 0.1931
 
 0.0598  j 0.1751 0.0614  j 0.1931 0.1921  j 0.4970 
c 2   0
1 0 0
A 2  0 1 0
 
0 0 1
0.1907  j 0.5035 0.0607  j 0.2302 0.0598  j 0.1751
B 2  0.0607  j 0.2302 0.1939  j 0.4885 0.0614  j 0.1931
 
 0.0598  j 0.1751 0.0614  j 0.1931 0.1921  j 0.4970 
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Transformer impedance in ohms referenced to the low-voltage winding

2.4 2  1000
Z base   2.88 
Z tlow  (0.01  j 0.06)  2.88  0.0288  j 0.1728 
Transformer phase impedance matrix

0.0288  j 0.1728 0 0 
Z abc
t  0 0.0288  j 0.1728 0 
 
 0 0 0.0288  j 0.1728 
Turns ratio: Transformer ratio:
12.47 12.47
nt   5.1958 at   2.9998
2 .4 3  2. 4

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Generalized matrices are:

0 2 1  0  3.4639  1.7319 
 nt 
at   1 0 2    1.7319 0  3.4639 
3    
2 1 0  3.4639  1.7319 0 
 0 2Zt Zt 
 nt 
bt   Zt 0 2Zt 
3  
2Zt Zt 0 
 0  0.0998  j 0.5986  0.0499  j 0.2993 
  0.0499  j 0.2993 0  0.0998  j 0.5986 
 
 0.0998  j 0.5986  0.0499  j 0.2993 0 
0 0 0
c t  0 0 0
 
0 0 0

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1  1 0   0.1925  0.1925 0 
1 
dt   0 1  1   0 0.1925  0.1925 
nt    
 1 0 1   0.1925 0 0.1925 
1 0  1  0.1925 0  0.1925 
1 
At   1 1 0    0.1925 0.1925 0 
nt    
 0  1 1   0  0.1925 0.1925 
0.0288  j 0.1728 0 0 
Bt  Z abc
t  0 0.0288  j 0.1728 0 
 
 0 0 0.0288  j 0.1728 

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The infinite bus balanced line-to-line voltages are 12.47 kV, which leads to
balanced line-to-neutral voltages at 7.2 kV:
 12,47030 o   7199.60 o 
 o  o
E LL,s  12,470  90  V ELN ,s  7199.6  120 
 12,470150o   7199.6120o 
   
The line-to-neutral Thevenin circuit voltages at node 4 are:
 2400   30 o 
 o
E th,4  A t  E LN ,s  2400   150 
 2400 90 o 
 

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The Thevenin equivalent impedance at the secondary terminals (node 3)

of the transformer consists of the primary line impedances referred
across the transformer, plus the transformer impedances:
Z th,3  A t  Z eqS  dt  Bt  A t  Z eqS  dt  Z abc

 0.0366  j 0.1921  0.0039  j 0.0086  0.0039  j 0.0106 

  0.0039  j 0.0086 0.0366  j 0.1886  0.0039  j 0.0071
 
 0.0039  j 0.0106  0.0039  j 0.0071 0.0366  j 0.1906 
Total Thevenin impedance at node 4:

Z th,4  ZTOT  Z th,3  Z abc


0.2273  j 0.6955 0.0568  j 0.2216 0.0559  j 0.1645 

 0.0568  j 0.2216 0.2305  j 0.6771 0.0575  j 0.1860  
 
0.0559  j 0.1645 0.0575  j 0.1860 0.2287  j 0.6876 

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Equivalent admittance matrix at node 4:

Yeq,4  ZTOT
 0.5031  j1.4771  0.1763  j 0.3907  0.0688  j 0.2510
  0.1763  j 0.3907 0.5501  j 1.5280  0.1148  j 0.3133 S
 
 0.0688  j 0.2510  0.1145  j 0.3133 0.4843  j1.4532 
The equivalent injected currents at the fault point:
4466 .8  96.4 o 
 o 
I p  Yeq,4  E th,4   4878 .9138.0  A
 4440 .916.4 o 
 
Sums of each row of the equivalent admittance matrix:

0.2580  j 0.8353 
Ys  Yeq,ik  0.2590  j 0.8240  S
 
k 1
0.3007  j 0.8889 

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For the a-b fault at node 4,

I fa  I fb  0 I fc  0
Vax  0 Vbx  0
The coefficient matrix
1 0 0 0.501  j1.477  0.176  j 0.390  0.069  j 0.252 0.258  j 0.835 
0 1 0  0.176  j 0.390 0.550  j1.528  0.115  j 0.314 0.259  j 0.824 
 
0 0 1  0.069  j 0.251  0.115  j 0.313 0.484  j1.452 0.301  j 0.889 
C   1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 
 
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 

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The injected current matrix: The unknowns are computed by:

4466.8  96.4 o   8901 .7  8.4 o 
 o   o 
 4878.9138.0   8901 .7171 .6 
 4440.916.4 o   0 
   
Isp   0  X  C 1  Isp  7740 .4  90.6 o 
 0   0 
   
 0   0 
 0   2587 .989.1o 
   
The interpretation of the results are:
I fa  X1  8901.7  8.4 o Vax  X 4  7740.4  90.6 o
I fb  X 2  8901.7171.6 o Vbx  X 5  0
I fc  X 3  0 Vcx  X 6  0
Vxg  X 7  2587.989.1o
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Short Circuit Studies

 Fault Current at Different Times

 ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standards
 ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method
 IEC Calculation Method

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Fault Current at Different Times

Clearing Time
of Molded
Breakers Clearing Time
of High Voltage

Fault Current that

upstream overcurrent
Contact devices must withstand
Clearing Opening Time while downstream devices
Time of of High Voltage isolate the fault
Fuse Breakers

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Fault Current at Different Times

 First (1/2) Cycle Fault Current
 Short circuit ratings of low voltage equipment
 Ratings of High Voltage (HV) switch and fuse
 Close & Latch (Making) capacity or ratings of HV
Circuit Breakers
 Maximum Fault for coordination of instantaneous
trip of relays

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Fault Current at Different Times

 1.5 to 4 Cycles Fault Current
 Interrupting (breaking) duties of HV circuit
 Interrupting magnitude and time of HV breakers
for coordination
 30 Cycles Fault Current
 For time delay coordination

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Application of Short Circuit Analysis

 Comparison of Closed-and-Latch (Momentary
or Making) and Interrupting (Breaking) Duties
of Interrupting Devices
 Comparison of Short-time or withstand
rating of system components
 Selection of rating or setting of short circuit
protective devices
 Evaluation of current flow and voltage levels
in the system during fault

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Characteristic of
Short Circuit Currents

Ri  L  E sin  t   
E sin (t+) dt

E sin  t      E sin(   ) R t
i   e X
2 2 2 2
R X R X

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Characteristic of
Short Circuit Currents
E sin  t      E sin(   ) R t
i   e X

R2  X 2 R2  X 2

I total , RMS  I symmetrica l RMS  Asymmetrical Factor

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ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standards

 ANSI/IEEE: American National

Standards Institute/ Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers
 IEC:International Electrotechnical

Prescribes Test Procedures and

Calculation Methods
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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

½ Cycle Network: also known as the subtransient
network because all rotating machines are
represented by their subtransient reactances
Type of Machine Xsc
Utility X”
Turbo generator Xd”
Hydro-generator with amortisseur windings Xd”
Hydro-generator without amortisseur windings 0.75 Xd’
Condenser Xd”
Synchronous motor Xd”
Induction Machine
> 1000 hp @ 1800 rpm or less Xd”
> 250 hp @ 3600 rpm Xd”
All other  50 hp 1.2 Xd”
< 50 hp 1.67 Xd”
Xd” of induction motor = 1/(per-unit locked-rotor current at rated voltage)
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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

1.5-4 Cycle Network: the network used to
calculate interrupting short-circuit current and
protective device duties 1.5-4 cycles after the
Type of Device Duty

High Voltage CB Interrupting Capability

Low Voltage CB N/A

Fuse N/A

Switchgear and MCC N/A

Relay N/A

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

1.5-4 Cycle Network: also known as the transient

Type of Machine Xsc

Utility X”
Turbo generator Xd”
Hydro-generator with amortisseur windings Xd”
Hydro-generator without amortisseur windings 0.75 Xd’
Condenser Xd”
Synchronous motor 1.5 Xd”
Induction Machine
> 1000 hp @ 1800 rpm or less 1.5 Xd”
> 250 hp @ 3600 rpm 1.5 Xd”
All other  50 hp 3.0 Xd”
< 50 hp infinity
Xd” of induction motor = 1/(per-unit locked-rotor current at rated voltage)
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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

30 Cycle Network: also known as the steady-state

Type of Machine Xsc

Utility X’’
Turbo Generator Xd’
Hydro-generator w/ Amortisseur Winding Xd’
Hydro-generator w/o Amortisseur Winding Xd’
Condenser Infinity
Synchronous Motor Infinity
Induction Machine Infinity

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

ANSI Multiplying Factor: determined by the
equivalent X/R ratio at a particular fault location.
The X and the R are calculated separately.
Local and Remote Contributions
A local contribution to a short-circuit current is the
portion of the short-circuit current fed
predominantly from generators through no more
than one transformation, or with external
reactance in series which is less than 1.5 times the
generator subtransient reactance. Otherwise the
contribution is defined as a remote contribution.

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Momentary (1/2 Cycle) Short-Circuit Current
Peak Momentary Short-Circuit Current

Imom, peak  MFp  Imom,rms, symm

 

MFp  2 1  e X R

 

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Momentary (1/2 Cycle) Short-Circuit Current
Asymmetrical RMS value of Momentary Short-
Circuit Current

Vpre  fault
Imom,rms, symm 
Imom,rms, asymm  MFm  Imom,rms, symm

MFm  1  2e X R

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1.5-4 Cycle)
Adjusted RMS value of Interrupting Short-Circuit
Current (for total current basis CBs)
Vpre  fault
Iint,rms, symm 

I int,rms ,adj  AMFi  I int,rms ,symm

where AMFi  MFl  NACD  MFr  MFl 

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

No AC Decay (NACD) Ratio
The NACD ratio is defined as the remote
contributions to the total contributions for the
short-circuit current at a given location

I remote
I total
• Total short circuit current Itotal = Iremote + Ilocal
• NACD = 0 if all contributions are local
• NACD = 1 if all contributions are remote

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1.5-4 Cycle)

 t
MFr  1  2e X R

Circuit Breaker Contact Parting

Rating in Cycles Time ( t ) in Cycles
8 4
5 3
3 2
2 1.5

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1.5-4 Cycle) Calculation

Multiplying factors (total current basis CBs) MFr for 3-phase &
line-to-ground faults.
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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1.5-4 Cycle)

Multiplying factors (total current basis CBs) MFl for 3-phase faults.

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1.5-4 Cycle)
Adjusted RMS value of Interrupting Short-Circuit
Current (for symmetrically rated CBs)
AMFi  I int,rms ,symm
I int,rms ,adj 
Circuit Breaker Contact S Factor
Parting Time (Cycles)
4 1.0
3 1.1
2 1.2
1.5 1.3

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1/2 Cycle) Calculation
Adjusted asymmetrical RMS value of Interrupting
Short-Circuit Current
Vpre  fault
Iint,rms, symm 

I int,rms ,adj  MF  I int,rms ,symm

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1/2 Cycle) Calculation

2(1  e X R
MF  
Unfused power

( X R )test
2(1  e )

1  2e X R
MF  Fused power
breakers &

 Molded Case
( X R )test
1  2e
Note: If calculated MF < 1.0, set MF = 1.0
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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Interrupting Duty
(1/2 Cycle) Calculation

Circuit Breaker Type (X/R)test

Power Breaker (Unfused) 6.59
Power Breaker (Fused) 4.90
Molded Case (> 20 kA) 4.90
Molded Case (10.001 – 20 kA) 3.18
Molded Case (10 kA) 1.73

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ANSI/IEEE Calculation Method

Fuse Interrupting Short-Circuit Current
- same procedure as Circuit Breaker Interrupting
Duty calculation.

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IEC Calculation Method

An equivalent voltage source at the fault location
replaces all voltage sources. A voltage factor c is
applied to adjust the value of the equivalent voltage
source for minimum and maximum current
All machines are represented by internal impedances
Line capacitances and static loads are neglected, except
for the zero-sequence network.
Calculations consider the electrical distance from the
fault location to synchronous generators.

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IEC Calculation Method

Initial Symmetrical Short-Circuit Current (I’’k) RMS
value of the AC symmetrical component of an available
short-circuit current applicable at the instant of short-circuit
if the impedance remains at zero time value.

Peak Short-Circuit Current (ip)

Maximum possible instantaneous value of the available
short-circuit current.

Symmetrical Short-Circuit Breaking Current (Ib)

RMS value of an integral cycle of the symmetrical AC
component of of the available short-circuit current at the
instant of contact separation of the first pole of a switching

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IEC Calculation Method

Steady-state Short Circuit Current (Ik)
RMS value of the short-circuit current which remains after the
decay of the transient phenomena.

Subtransient Voltage (E’’) of a Synchronous Machine

RMS value of the symmetrical internal voltage of a
synchronous machine which is active behind the subtransient
reactance Xd’’ at the moment of short circuit.

Far-from-Generator Short-Circuit
Short-circuit condition to which the magnitude of the
symmetrical ac component of the available short-circuit current
remains essentially constant

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IEC Calculation Method

Near-to-Generator Short-Circuit
Short-circuit condition to which at least one synchronous machine
contributes a prospective initial short-circuit current which is more
than twice the generator’s rated current or a short-circuit condition to
which synchronous and asynchronous motors contribute more than
5% of the initial symmetrical short-circuit current (I” k) without motors.
Subtransient Reactance (Xd’’) of a Synchronous Machine
Effective reactance at the moment of short-circuit. MS value of the
symmetrical internal voltage of a synchronous machine which is active
behind the subtransient reactance Xd’’ at the moment of short circuit.

ZK  KG R  jX d''  kVn = nominal voltage of the terminal bus
kVr = motor rated voltage
kVn cmax Xd” = subtransient reactance
KG 
kVr 1  xd'' sin r r = machine rated power factor

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IEC Calculation Method

Minimum Time Delay (Tmin) of a Circuit Breaker
Shortest time between the beginning of the short-circuit current
and the first contact separation of one pole of the switching device
Voltage Factor (c)
Factor used to adjust the value of the equivalent voltage source
for the minimum and maximum current calculations

Voltage Factor Voltage Factor

Max SC Calculation Min SC Calculation
230/400 V 1.00 0.95
Other LV up to 1 KV 1.05 1.00
> 1 kV to 35 kV 1.10 1.00
> 35 KV to 230 KV 1.10 1.00

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IEC Calculation Method

c Un
I k  Zk = equiv. Impedance at fault point
3Z k

i p  2 k I k k = function of system R/X at fault location

I b  I k for far-from-generator fault

for synch. machines, for near-to-generator

I b  I k faults

I b  qI k for ind. machines, for near-to-generator


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IEC Calculation Method

HV CB asymmetrical breaking & dc current rating

 4 f t min 
I b ,asymm  I b ,symm 1  2 exp  
 X /R 
 2f t min 
I dc  I b ,symm 2 exp  
 X /R 
f = system frequency
tmin = minimum delay time

Ib,symm = AC breaking current

X/R = calculated based on testing PF of 7% at 50 Hz

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in
National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 75

IEC Calculation Method

LV CB asymmetrical breaking current rating

 4 f t min 
I b ,asymm  I b ,symm 1  2 exp  
 X /R 
f = system frequency
tmin = minimum delay time

Ib,symm = AC breaking current

X/R = calculated based on testing PF given by IEC

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in

National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 76

IEC Calculation Method

Fuse asymmetrical breaking current rating

 4 f t min 
I b ,asymm  I b ,symm 1  2 exp  
 X /R 
f = system frequency
tmin = assumed to be a half cycle

Ib,symm = AC breaking current

X/R = calculated based on testing PF of 15%

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in

National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 77

Selection of Device Duties

8-Cycle Total-Rated Circuit 5-Cycle Symmetrical-Rated
Breakers (KA) Circuit Breakers (KA)

Example Momentary Closing and Closing and Short-Circuit

Circuit Interrupting
Maximum Rating (1st Latching Latching Capability
Breaker Rating (Total
System Cycle total Capability Capability (Symmetrical
Nominal Size RMS Current
Operating RMS before 1987 1987 & after RMS Current
Identification at 4-cycle
Voltage Current (1st Cycle (1st Cycle at 3-Cycle
total RMS crest contact-
Parting Time
Current) Current) Parting Time

4.16 – 75 4.16 KV 20 10.5 19 32 10.1

4.16 – 250 4.16 KV 60 35 58 97 33.2

4.16 – 350 4.16 KV 80 48.6 78 132 46.9

13.8 – 500 13.8 KV 40 21 37 62 19.6

13.8 – 750 13.8 KV 60 13.5 58 97 30.4

13.8 – 1000 13.8 KV 80 42 77 130 40.2

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in

National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 78

Selection of Device Duties

Max. Closing &
Rated Rated Rated Short- Symmetrical Latching
Rated Max. Voltage Continuous Circuit Current Interrupting Capability
Voltage Range Current at at Rated Max Capability (1.6 x Rated
(K x Rated Short Short Circuit
Factor, K 60 Hz (A) kV (KA, rms) Current, kA,
Circuit Current,
KA, rms) rms)

15.5 2.67 600 8.9 24 38

15.5 1.29 1200 18 23 37

25.8 2.15 1200 11 24 35

38 1.65 1200 22 36 58

48.3 1.21 1200 17 21 33

72.5 1.21 1200 19 23 37

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in
National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering
Training Course in Short Circuit Analysis 79

U. P. National Engineering Center Competency Training & Certification Program in

National Electrification Administration Electric Power Distribution System Engineering

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