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Academic Reading 2

UNIT 2 and 3 (find the attached book)

Chapter 1


Academic focus:
Sociology and International Studies
Academic Reading Objectives
• Know more vocabulary used on academic studies

• Read academic texts for information


• Create academic word list

• Express your thought about ideas in readings by writing in a journal

• Transfer ideas gained from reading to personal experience

• Synthesize ideas from different reading sources

Strategy: Reading for a Purpose
1. Preview the text: the reading title and subheadings, art, photographs, drawings
etc.,; read glossary

2. Read the text nonstop to get a “big picture”

3. Mark the text: reread without a dictionary, underline or circle unfamiliar words or

4. Reread the text as many times as necessary using dictionary

5. Check your comprehension: discussion and activities

6. Review the text: reread, ask and answer questions, check you recall (memory)
Reading Selections
• Buicks, Starbucks and Fried Chicken: Still China?

• The Muslim World of Colas

• The Roots of Old and New World Foods

Reading Selection 1
Buicks, Starbucks and Fried Chicken: Still China?
1. Maneuvered –moved or turned skillfully
2. Common ground –an area of agreement, shared values, or shared opinions
3. Converging – coming together from different directions
4. Sprouted – emerged and developed quickly
5. Imperialism – a political system in which one country increases its
authority over other countries
6. Internalized –made it a part of their attitudes or beliefs
7. Clones – persons or things that copy or closely resemble another
8. Intruders –persons who enter a building or area where they are not supposed
to be
9. Lattes – strong coffee drinks topped with foamy milk
10. Be beside the point- to not be important compared to something else
11. Copycat stores – stores that are copies of other people’s stores
12. Cater to- provide a particular group of people with something they need or
Academic Vocabulary
Strategy: Identifying Main ideas and Major
Identifying the main idea sentence
Reading Selection 1
Buicks, Starbucks, Fried Chicken: Still China?
• Find the attached file of the College Academic Reading book.
• Open the page #6.
• Do the following exercises:
– Exercise 3: Preview the text by following questions
– Exercise 4: Find the main idea sentence and match the sentences with their descriptions.
– Exercise 5: Answer the questions about main idea of the Selection 1.
– Exercise 6: Identify major points of the paragraphs.
– Exercise 7: Identify the main idea sentences.

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