Port User Tsunami Preparedness (Short) - v2 - 2000 - 25 - Aug - 2020

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Port Users & Tenants

Tsunami Preparedness Programme

What does the Tsunami Warden course cover

Overview of what causes tsunamis, how to recognise when a tsunami

is coming and what to do

Overview of Tsunami evacuations zones, inundation zones and

emergency warning arrangements.

Overview of the role of the Emergency Warden and responsibilities in

during an earthquake and tsunami.

Practical evacuation from the port using the tsunami evacuation route
up to the Bluff Hill Lookout (Tsunami Safe Assembly Point)

How a Tsunami Works
Tsunami Expected Arrival Times
Tsunami Evacuation Zones

A tsunami evacuation zone is an area that you may need to evacuate from if you feel a long rolling
earthquake that lasts more than a minute, or a strong earthquake that makes it hard to stand up, or if there
is an official tsunami warning.

There are three tsunami evacuation zones for Hawke’s Bay:

The Red Evacuation Zone represents the highest risk zone and
includes Napier Port, and some very low-lying areas. You should leave
this zone immediately if you feel a long or strong earthquake. Tsunami
travel time for this threat 15 – 20 min, don't wait for official warnings.

The Orange Evacuation Zone represents low-lying coastal areas that are likely to be flooded following a
large distant or regional source earthquake. Tsunami travel time to Napier is in the order of 2 hours to
several hours. For this threat, BOTH Red and Orange zones must be evacuated.

The Yellow Zone represents areas that could potentially be flooded in a very large local source tsunami.
Because of the short travel time (less than 20 minutes), it is unlikely that there will be an official warning.
For this threat, ALL Zones (Red, Orange and Yellow) must be self-evacuated based on natural warnings.
Hawke’s Bay Tsunami Inundation Zones
Tsunami Near & Distant Source Inundation

Tsunami modelling maximum credible event

Portwide Emergency Warning System
The Port-wide Emergency Warning System (PEWS) is intended to alert people and other port users to
local and regional hazards. During an actual emergency, its provides pre-recorded tones and instructions.

Napier Port will perform a full test of its Port Emergency Warning System (PEWS) @1200 Hours each
Tuesday, and the following simulated tones & voice announcements will be broadcast during the exercise:

ADVISORY PEWS Advisory Tone @ 0940 hours – followed by a voice

TONE/MESSAGE announcement “For Exercise Only Napier Port will be closing to
carry out the Port wide simulated Tsunami Evacuation Exercise”

WATCH & ACT PEWS Watch Act Tone & E-Text @ 0955 hours – followed by
TONE/MESSAGE a voice announcement “For Exercise Only, a simulated distant
source earthquake has been felt, port users to protect
themselves by “Drop, Cover & Hold On”

WARNING PEWS Warning Tone & E-Text @ 1000 hours – followed by a

TONE/MESSAGE voice announcement “For Exercise Only, all port users to
immediately evacuate the port and move up to Bluff Hill
ALL CLEAR PEWS All-Clear Tone & E-Text @ 1100 hours – followed by a
TONE/MESSAGE voice announcement “For Exercise Only, All-Clear, the
simulated main threat has passed and it’s safe to return to the
port and designated workplaces back along the evacuation
Types of Tsunami Warnings
Types of Tsunami Warnings
Tsunami know when to go
Warden Duties during Earthquakes & Tsunamis
The role of a Warden is to act in an emergency, recognise and
take action to initiate evacuations. In the event of a significant
long and strong earthquake, you will need to act decisively to
ensure your own safety and that of other staff, port users and
Earthquake Evacuations
• Where possible ensure all staff, port users and visitors drop, cover and hold until the quake subsides
• After the earthquake remind all staff, port users and visitors to remain covered to ensure their safety
• Be prepared to find a safe location in the event of aftershocks
• If the shake is Long or Strong move to high ground on Bluff Hill Lookout (Tsunami Safe Location)
• When the emergency has passed check on the welfare of all staff, port users and visitors
• Should there be serious harm to any person, apply first aid and Dial 111, ask for the Ambulance Service

Tsunami Evacuations
 Advise all staff, port users and visitors not go to the wharfs or seafront
 Advise all staff, port users and visitors to move to high ground on Bluff Hill Lookout (Tsunami Safe Location)
 Where possible and available, take with you - cell phone, surface/laptop, keys wallet or handbag
 When the emergency has passed check on the welfare of port users and visitors
 If the Emergency Warning System stops, it does not mean the emergency is over
 Advise all staff, port users and visitors to remain where they are until they have received an official All-Clear
 DO NOT re-enter the Port until the ALL CLEAR has been given by the Chief Warden or FENZ or CDEM
Port Evacuation Routes & Tsunami Assembly Point
Thames Depots Tsunami Safe Assembly Points
Evacuation Routes during Tsunami Exercise

Simulated Exercise
Tues 8 Sept 2020

and Slip

and Slip

and Slip
Central Rail Gate - Tsunami Evacuation Route

Exit the port through the Central Rail Gate, then turn right into Breakwater
Road, then turn left into and head up Hornsey Road, through Sturms Gully up
to the Tsunami Assembly Point which is located in the vicinity of the Bluff Hill
PCB Portpac - Tsunami Gate & Evacuation Route

Exit the port on foot via the tsunami gates, then head up Hornsey Road,
through Sturms Gully up to the Tsunami Assembly Point which is located in the
vicinity of the Bluff Hill Lookout.
Tsunami Safe Location on Bluff Hill Lookout

Assemble at the designated Tsunami Safe Location at the Bluff Hill Lookout and
await further instructions and/or the “All-Clear”.
Napier Port's Earthquake Drill & Tsunami Hikoi!



Evacuation Route - PCB rear door through the Central Tsunami Gate up to the Bluff Hill Lookout (Tsunami Site)

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