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Unit 9

Making arrangements

 Agenda - a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting

 Catering - providing food and drinks for people at social events
 Compact - small and including many things in a small space
 Connecting flight - a journey by aircraft that arrives at a particular time so
that passengers can get onto another aircraft
 Go smoothly - to happen without any problems or difficulties
 Gross domestic product (GDP) - the total value of goods and services
produced in a country in a year
 Meet and greet - an arrangement for one person to formally meet and talk to
another person
 Rep - someone whose job is to sell things for a company
 Retirement - when you leave your job and stop working, usually because you
are old
 Review - the process of considering something again in order to make
changes to it
 Roadshow - a radio or television programme broadcast from a public place
 Stylish - fashionable and attractive
 Type up - to make a typed copy of a piece of text that is written by hand
 User-friendly - a machine or system that is easy to use or understand
Present continuous for future use
 Use
The Present Continuous can be used to talk about the future.
1. Use the present continuous to talk about a future arrangement that someone has made.
We´re discussing this again at the next meeting.
2. We usually use the present continuous for personal future arrangements and the present simple for
official future arrangements.
I´m meeting James for lunch tomorrow.
The annual general meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow
3. We dont usually use state verbs, such as be, believe, have (for possession), and need in continuous
Yes: I´m busy tomorrow.
No: I´m being busy tomorrow.

Complete each sentence by choosing the most likely future form:

Are you doing (do) anything later? I thought we could go out.

1) ____________
2) The lesson ___________ (begin) soon so we need to get back to college.
3) Susan __________ (meet) me for lunch later.
4) The match _____________ (start) at 3.00.
is meeting
5) What time ______starts your meeting ________ (start) later?
6) I ____________ does start
(visit) my Nan next Sunday.
am visiting (finish) work early today as I have an appointment at the dentist.
7) I ____________
8) I've am
phoned the centre and the doors ________________ (open) at 1.00.
1. Tom_________ tonight. (not to work). He never works on Sundays.

2. We __________ with friends when we get to Boston. (to stay) We've never been

3. Jamie _____________ Sarah at the railway station tomorrow. (to see)

4. We can't come. We are busy. We ___________ tonight. (to work)

5. The train ___________ at 10 am tomorrow morning. (to arrive)

Other ways to talk about the future
Going to

Form: Am / is / are. + going to + verb

I am going to work late tonight.
Use: To talk about things we intend to do, or have already planned to do before
the moment of speaking; a plan, ambition or goal.
A prediction based on something we can see now.
 We´re going to start a business together when we finish our training.
 I am going to buy a house on the beach.
 The conservatives are going to win the election. They already have most of
the votes.
Form: will + verb in infinitive
I think the new product will be successful.
1. To talk about future facts.
1. Next year the call centre will be in Japan. The sun will rise tomorrow.
2. To talk about predictions.
1. The price of gold will continue to rise.
3. To make decisions / offers at the moment of speaking.
1. Can you call for a taxi? I need to get to the airport.
- Don´t do that, I´ll drive you there myself.
4. To make promises, requests, offers, refusals.
1. I´ll definitely finish it tomorrow. I’ll take care of that. / Sorry, I won’t do that for
you. / I’ll help you if you want.
We can also use “shall” instead of “will” as follows:
I shall walk to the park.
This means exactly the same as “I will walk to the park”. However, there are a few subtle
differences between “shall” and “will”:
 “shall” is more formal than “will”.
 “will” is more common, particularly in modern English.
 “shall” is more common in British English. It’s rarely used in American English.
“shall” to suggest something
We can use “shall” in a question to suggest something. We cannot do this with “will”.
Shall we dance? / It’s cold in here. Shall I close the door?
We use ‘shall’ in the following ways:
 a) to make offers using I/we  c) to express formal obligations
Shall I make some lunch? Applicants shall provide evidence of their
Shall we help you with your bags?
Guests shall not remove anything from the rooms.
Where shall I drop you off? Outside your office?
 d) to make a promise
Shall I water your plants while you’re away?
I shall never forget the help you gave me.
 b) to make suggestions using I/we
We shall do everything we can to solve the problem.
Shall we go to the park later?
 e) to describe the future very formally
Shall we have something to eat?
We shall overcome this difficult moment.
Who shall we invite to the party?
Mr Lopez shall begin his talk at 2:30pm.
Shall I open the window? It´s hot.
Access to the city center shall be limited today due
to the marathon.
Complete with will or going to
1. A: We don’t have any paper in the printer.
B: I know. I __________________ get some from the stationary warehouse later.
2. A: What are your plans after you leave university?
B: I __________________ work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th.
3. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase?
B: I __________________ visit my mother in Scotland next month.
4. A: I’m really cold.
B: I __________________ turn the heating on.
5. A: Are you going to John’s party tonight?
B: Yes. Are you going too? I __________________ give you a lift.
6. The phone rings)
A: I __________________ get it!
Complete these sentences with the correct form of
the future.

1. Economists have predicted that prices _________ (increase) this year in

2. We ___________ (have) lunch together today at 1pm.
3. The door bell is ringing. I ________(get) it!
4. This summer he ___________(travel) to Iceland.
5. Oh it’s raining, I___________(take) an umbrella.
6. Don’t worry, he ___________(not tell) anyone your secret!

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