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Search2Select s

Who We Are…..
Talent waits to be found. It searches no one!

Welcome to new possibilities in Recruitment…..

The new ROI- A Return on Individual
We get Jobs working with people, making them align
with goals set by our clients.

Your Recruitment Challenges + Our Insights =

Better ROI
About Search2Select

Search can be a Tyrant in the Journey of Selection!

15 Years of our Experience in the Industry empowers us with the

“Art of Search Curation” leading to near perfection in Selection.
Our DNA- Deliver Not Await!
We promise to Deliver results irrespective of challenges we come
across. We don’t await answers from our Client’s rather WE present
them with solutions and insights to achieve
“Better ROI”
Our specialization

Consumer Industrial and Power and Electrical and

Product Group Chemical Renewable Energy Switchgear

Your Recruitment Challenges + Our Insights = Better ROI

Consumer Product Group - “Staying Ahead, Staying Above”

Be it competitors or the curve, this industry requires constant change. Products

and Innovation are not the only prowess you need to stay ahead and above.
You need more- A Talent pool made up of forward-thinking innovators who
possess the capability to lead through constant shifts in the market place,
understand the evolving consumer needs and innovate with the changes of a
Global marketplace.
We know the “Art of Moving” people from the Periphery to the Center of your
workplace. We work with you seamlessly to deliver Talent Solutions that will allow
you to build your talent pool into one made up of –
People driven with innovation for impeccable product and penetration
both Local and Global.
Industrial & Chemical- “A rare chemistry yet a perfect
Industrial Revolution- Over the last few centuries, One after the other has
led us to the core of the fourth Industrial Revolution where the
convergence of technology and humans is quickly barreling us deep into a
new chapter in Human development enabled by extraordinary Technology.
Industries and Chemicals both transitioned from one stage to another
fueling demand for extraordinary talent to meet the changing demands
everyday. We comprehend the shifts in Talent Trends, Government
Regulations, operational costs and many more.
Our in-depth understanding of the changing demands of the industry and
talent landscape allows us to effectively curate a “search and selection”
solution to build your talent pool who not only meet the desired criteria
but also possess the elusive X factors which edges them out over the
competition. These are the talents who will make the difference as
economic shifts happen across the international Industrial & Chemicals
Talent Revolution +Our Insights= Better ROI
Power and Renewable Energy- New Soul Mates!

Rapid Industrial revolution and increasing demand of chemicals in last

one century has throttled the surge in use of power and energy
globally leading to eco-vironmental changes. Pollution is by far a
compelling by product of Industrial & Chemical revolutions leading to
a tactical shift towards clean power and energy sources globally.
Decade long industry experience, our in-depth knowledge, market
insights and expertise in the Clean Power and Energy sector has been
honed to perfection.
We understand the shift of “replaceable to renewable”, be it the
processes or people we do it for you! In last few decades, while you
discovered various means of renewable power and energy, we
discovered the “Art of Shifting Replaceable workforce to Renewable
Your Renewable Invention+ Our Insights= Better ROI !
Electrical & Switchgear – Lighting up the Future!
From breakers and starters to conservation of Electricity, Electrical and
Switchgear equipment’s are indispensable. This Industry is secondary to
Power & Energy Sector and plays an important role in the development of
people and the world around.
We understand the connections and circuits which can start or break your
growth in the longer run. Our experience from the connections we have
made with the movers and shakers of the industry and circuits on which
workforce moves enables us to deliver beyond your expectations.
We are ready to switch gears with you, make powerful connections and
design unbreakable circuits in building your Talent pool made up of-
People with high volt energy and innovative attitude to switch gears
with a fast-changing technology in the world of Electricity.
Our Solution- Intangible Services Deliver Tangible Results.

Executive Search Professional Search Partnering Startups Career Transition

Finding Needle in “Sandwich layer to Pushups to Reintegration into

the Haystack! SwitchGear” Scaleups a new Role
Executive Search- Finding Needle in the Haystack
“The way to find a needle in the
Haystack is to sit down”.
If you agree to this……then you may
be wrong!

We do not sit in the haystack of data when it comes to your executive seat. We
work like expert divers who are backed with research driven accurate and precise
knowledge coupled with sector and functional expertise to deliver on the mission
critical to your Organization’s driving seat.
Our investments in Candidates are equally distributed throughout the process of
search to on-boarding and beyond that. We do not hesitate in crossing the line to
gain access to information critical to a candidates behaviour, competencies,
people skills and the most elusive factor- Human Factor while looking for the best
to fit your Executive Seat.
Professional Search- “Sandwich layer to SwitchGear”
A famous business adage “What the Lion cannot
manage to do the Fox can”, clearly explains the
importance of mid-senior level roles in any

Mid-senior level “Personnel” decisions are getting more personal than ever for the C-suite
people as they realize that the erstwhile “Sandwich Layer” is now the new Switchgear on
which organizations can tread to success.
The Euphoria of Top-Bottom line success stems out from the core of middle line and
organizations have started to realize the importance of middle-line SwitchGear for a
consistent growth in Top-Bottom lines.
We are uniquely positioned to address the challenge, find solution and mitigate the failure
in your SwitchGear. Our Search is carefully curated keeping in mind your future needs and
aspirations. Our experience and time-tested “Search 2 Selection” solution enables us to
create a talent pool which serves your current need and is capable of addressing the future
requirements of your Organization.
Partnering Startups- Pushups to Scaleups

Betting on Strong ideas to building Scalable We know what you need at each stage
Unicorns- Sounds Great! A Start-up is like a gate of your Rocket. Our talent solution is
rocket on space-mission which if misses the designed as per your stage gates and helps
trajectory gets lost in the universe of you build a talent pool of people who can
business. be, sprinters to marathon runners,
Startups as a rocket, goes through lots of engineers to great operators, isolators to
stages from Launch to attaining a stable motivators and above all astronauts who
orbit and beyond that. Personal Choices can persevere and find solutions to
transform into ‘Personnel’ Choices and calamitous problems at each stage gates.
with advancement in each stage your .
‘Personnel decisions’ would hold the ticket
for entry to the next stage.

“Early to bet, Early to rise”

Career Transition- Reintegration into a new Role

Tough decisions often accompany plagued thoughts!

Personal Branding Services
for a Complete new YOU
Fear of failure, uncertainty and insecurity are the
immediate outcomes when you are evaluating on
tough career decisions. You need a trusted Advisor to Tailored coaching, reskilling and upskilling to
navigate you through the narrow and edgy channels of make you Reintegrated into new ROLE
career transition.
We bring you fresh perspective, new thinking and
relevant insights driven advice that helps you discover
the new possibilities in your career. We don’t call it Ideas and Connections that work for
‘Outplacement’ rather we consider it as Lifetime
Our Workforce Reintegration Solution is tailored to suit
an individual or a group and offered both to Candidates
and Organizations looking for outbound placement.

Your Reintegration + Our Insights = Better ROI

People and Process
• AI, ML, Advance
• Formal Reference Check Search Curation Tools
• Joining Formalities for fast & accurate
assistance results
• Candidate On-boarding • Talent Mapping, Smart
and post joining Sourcing, Digital
Management Profile Matchmaking.

• Candidate Hand holding • Structured Evaluation,

People at the Centre of
& management. your business Virtual Interview
• Background and Integration.
• Process Optimization.
reference check
• Offer and Feedback Cognitive and Skill
Management based assessment.
• Superlative Candidate
S2S Advantages & Client Benefits- What you Get !

Advantage-S2S Client Benefits

 Search Curation Technique.  Technology led Human Engineering.

 Industry Focused Insights.  Cutting-Edge market intelligence.

 Unique & Customized Selection Solution  DNA based on Solution Delivery.

 More than 500k active contacts on  Strong contacts with Movers &

social & professional media platforms. Shakers of the industry.

 Flexible and Virialized HR cost matrix  Better “ROI” on time,

for economic volatility. every time.

Clients We Proudly Serve
Clients we Proudly Serve
Consumer Industrial and Power and Electrical and
Product Group Chemical Renewable Energy Switchgear

Exclusive Partners
Our Team would like to thank you for giving us a
wonderful opportunity to explore the next level
of our Relationship. We cannot achieve Success
without you as our Client. You are our Inspiration
in doing our very best.

Thank You and Remember- We Value you!

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