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 Today, one of the hot issues in world is about technological devices.
Broadly speaking, all cellular phones, laptop and computers belong to
technological devices. Technology has always been advancing throughout
the years. It has made a big impact on people especially on lifestyle. One
of the many things that are affected in the society; having been a common
source of information and entertainment. There’s no denying that these
technological devices have become a significant part of students’ everyday
lives because Gadgets help students a lot by doing their projects more
productive and progressive. It is a small thing that anyone could have.
Having a gadget may help one’s be more productive and intellectual. But
the question is, how are these devices affect the student’ learning? We are
witnesses to sick on how the students learning affects by technological
devices. Until now we can read in the newspapers about the good and the
bad effects that technological devices may give to the learning of the
 In this case, those problems inspired the researcher to conduct a study about technological
devices and its dependency. The researcher focused on how students should interact to
those technological devices in order to attain learning with the help of it. This will benefit
the student who will be more aware on using technological devices to enhance their
learning performance and not to abuse of using it.

 There is a significant relationship between the technological devices and the academic
behavior of the grade 12-GAS student.
 The method used by the researcher in this study is the quantitative research design or simply means a
descriptive data or survey. A descriptive research involves description, analysis and interpretation of
conditions that now exist. If often involves the comparison and contrast and attempted to discover the
cause and effect relationship that exist in this study.
 The descriptive survey estimated the extent to which different variables are located to each other.
Descriptive research describe the nature of the situation as it exist at the time of the study and explores
the cause of the particular phenomenon.
 The descriptive method was used to achieve the goal of this study. This method seeks to describe the
present existing conditions, which in this research are the effects of technological dependency on
academic behavior of grade 11-gas student of Blessed Name of Mary learning school. In additions, it
also seeks to answer questions to real fact relating to existing condition.
 In the statistic class of 20 students, 100% of the students said that the technology is useful, specifically
in academic performance that help and make their grades high. 13 students also said that through
technology, different work and assignment can be done easy and timeliness, but there are also negative
effect of the technology to the student. Out of 20, 16 or 80%of the students said that the technology can
primarily cause addiction that would result to laziness. Out of 20 student, 90 % said that they are
dependently using gadgets in doing their academic work and almost 10 % said that they are not hundred
percent user of the technology but they are mostly uses books as their source of information and they
are also said that if only the information not in the books they used technology as they second choice of
reference. Generally, 95% of the student said that there is a big impact of technology to their
performance and 5% is not satisfied about the technology because they are mostly relying on books.
 The data collection included surveys that were given at the 20 students from the grade 12-GAS of
Blessed Name of Mary learning school are totally good. The results from the survey were a good
indication where students' levels identified the different effect of the technology, whether it is positive
or negative that understanding the knowledge of the various forms of technology in the world (not just
in the classroom). On the other hand, if we look at the academic realm, students are making significant
gains as a result of computers and mobile devices. The employment of technology in the learning
process has immense impact in enhancing the learning of students.
 The survey conducted have identified that students who are exposed to technology in their daily
leaning activities have an increased average performance in their standardized test as opposed to
their peers who uses traditional methods(uses books, etc.) to study. The studies have also identified
that the students exposed to technology understands concepts more easily and are able to put into
practice that which they learn. Consequently their self-esteem is boosted and they are able to do
even better. Technology exposure makes students to develop more attachment to learning hence
absenteeism and dropout rates are reduced. Learning becomes more dependent and students spend
more time studying, and even gaining wider knowledge, sometimes there are certainly downsides
or negative effect of the technology, such as potentially shorter attention spans when a person is
being addicted in technology (e.g. online games, Facebook, etc.) and a huge rise in cyber-bullying .
 In conclusion, the researchers are confidently support from the studies that have been conducted
that the effects of technological dependency in academic behavior of the student had a positive and
negative impact in the learning process of the student enhancing their academic behavior and the
overall results from this research have shown that technology is an effective way to increase student
 Technology has seen a recent widespread integration into daily life, where access to vast
amounts of information is now available with ease. Today’s generation of students has
grown up with technology all around them in an ever-increasing manner. To create an
effective 21st century classroom that meets the needs of the students, a modern teacher
must factor a student’s motivation to learn and the effects technology has on education.
 The research was completed at Blessed Name of Mary learning school (BNOM) with a
target of 20 student under the General Academic Strand (GAS) at the time of technology
process through data analysis. Student surveys were administered to see the student the
effect of technology in academic performance of the student, student individualized
education plans were reviewed, and classroom observations were made.
 The results showed that student’s feel motivated through the specific use of technology in
the classroom. Through technology it deals a big effect in the academic behavior of the
student. Further study can aid in updating teaching techniques to better support
inclusionary education as well as enhancing student motivation.

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