Theories of Aging - Biologic Type STOCHASTIC

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Theories of Aging: Biologic Type

Reported by:
Burhan, Reem
Labrador, April Mae

Submitted to:
Pamela P. Pacada, RN, MAN
A Video Case Scenario:
Biological Theories of Aging:
➔ Concerned with physiologic
processes that change with aging.
Biologic Theories: 2 Divisions
❖ Stochastic: Explain aging as events that
occur randomly and accumulate over time.
➢ Episodic event

❖ Nonstochastic: View aging as certain

predetermined, timed phenomena.
➢ Predicted events happening
Stochastic Theories of Aging
➔ Effects of aging are primarily due to genetic
defects, development, environment, and the inborn
aging process.
➔ Entropy, in this context, refers to the tendency of
all matter to decay into a more random, less
ordered state.
➔ Aging is caused by small changes in the body over
time and the body's failure to restore the system
and mend the damages to the body.
Stochastic Theories has
4 components:
1. Free Radical Theory
2. Error (Orgel) Theory
3. Wear & Tear Theory
4. Cross-Linkage (Connective
Tissue) Theory
Free Radical Theory
Exogenous Sources of Free Radicals:
❏ Aging is due to oxidative metabolism and
❏ Tobacco smoke
the effects of free radicals, which are the ❏ Pesticides
end products of oxidative metabolism. ❏ Organic solvents
❏ Free radicals are produced when the ❏ Radiation
body uses oxygen, such as exercise. ❏ Ozone
❏ Damage accumulates when proteins, ❏ Selected medications
lipids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
Strategies to assist in delaying mitochondrial
ribonucleic acid (RNA)-- causing cellular decay:
❏ Decrease calories in order to lower weight
❏ Maintain diet -- high in nutrients using
❏ Avoid inflammation
❏ Minimized accumulation of metal in the body that
can trigger free radical reactions
Error/Orgel Theory
❏ Overtime, cells accumulate errors in their Error causes:
DNA and RNA protein synthesis that cause
the cells to die ❏ Radiation exposure
❏ Sunburn/ UV exposure
❏ Error causes the reproduction of an enzyme
❏ Chromosomal abnormalities
or protein that is not an exact copy.

This theory proposes that aging would not occur if

Strategies to assist in delaying
destructive factors such as radiation did not exist mitochondrial decay:
and cause “errors” such as mutations and
regulatory disorders. ❏ Sunblock
❏ Avoid exposure to radiation
❏ Stem cell therapy
❏ Telomere
Wear & Tear Theory
Causes of wear and tear:
❏ Overtime, cumulative changes occuring
in cells age and damage cellular ❏ Strenuous exercise/ activity
metabolism. ❏ Effects of aging on adrenocorticosteroid
❏ Cells can no longer repair and new.
activity (ACTH) -- lifelong exposure to
In other words:
❏ Exposure to radiation, toxins and UV
❏ Aging regardless of chronological age to
describe the progressive deterioration.
❏ Cells simply wear out over time.
❏ Physiotherapy
❏ Diet -- high in nutrients and antioxidants
❏ Moderate exercise
❏ Cell repair/ stem cell therapy
Cross-Linkage (Connective Tissue) Theory

❏ Accumulation of crosslinked proteins Management:

damages cells and tissues, slowing down
bodily processes resulting in aging. ❏ Adequate fluid hydration
❏ Elastin dries up and cracks with age; ❏ Diet- low protein, high antioxidants and
hence, skin with less elastin (as you get calories.
older) tends to be dried and wrinkled. ❏ Exercise/ physiotherapy
❏ Overtime, due to decreased extracellular
fluid, numerous deposits of sodium,
chloride, and calcium build up in the
cardiovascular system.
What is the
Thank you!

Book References:
Gerontological Nursing (2010). Kristen L. Mauk

PDF References:

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