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Drinking the urine of an animal helps to

News on the Day avoid getting the coronavirus

May 5, 2020

Drinking the urine of an animal helps to

avoid getting the coronavirus
It is a dubious medical "treatment"
that consists of using the animal's
urine to cure diseases, viruses, to
increase beauty or to clean the
intestines. Most people who do it
drink the animals' own urine. To be
exact, the first one in the morning.
it can be from the dog, cat or pig
page 2
Some prefer it as it comes and warm, others mix it with juice or bathe the
fruit with it. There is no doubt who prefers a couple of drops mixed in a
spoon that contains water. The first thing one thinks is that the urine must
have a disgusting taste, but there are also remedies that do not taste very
good. Drinking urine has been practiced for thousands of years. This "drink"
is the preferred one of the doctors in "natural cures". The biggest attraction
of this homemade elixir is its cost, availability, and ease of transportation. It
is much cheaper than any drink or liquid that has any healing properties.
Most people say they do not experience side effects from poisoning. The
specialists who found this wonderful cure say that there is practically
nothing that this "treatment" does not cure: flu, colds, viruses, broken
bones, toothaches, dry skin, psoriasis and any skin related problem. They
also claim that it delays aging and that it helps to treat AIDS. They say that it
is useful for allergies, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension,
chemical poisoning, constipation, gastroenteritis and pneumonia etc. some
specialists say they see urine as the manifestation of cosmic intelligence.
With such properties it is very rare that science has not bothered to
develop this "medicine", knowing that one has the remedy in his pocket, so
to speak. Each individual would be a walking pharmacy.
Eat cockroaches to
News the rummage lose weight
May 7, 2020

¡ Cockroaches the salvation of the obese !

Despite what many people think,

eating cockroaches is a habit more
than widespread in many eastern
countries, therefore this practice can
not be harmful. it is beneficial for
our health there are many types of
cockroaches blaptica has a high
protein composition, 59% and a low
amount of fat fat page 2
The way to prepare this food is known by
specialists and they are fried twice, experts
assure that this is the best way since in this way
the shell becomes crisp and the interior tasty. also
another way is cooked because they release the
substances that help to lose weight and experts
recommend making them in the soup in an
interview they said that roaches have a high
content of proteins and amino acids, so eating this
type of food could replace the meat feeding.
provide 45% protein to humans Due to the low
percentage of sugars that cockroaches have,
experts have concluded that they can be good for
fighting diseases such as diabetes or obesity.
Since insects are a perfect solution to feed on the
necessary nutrients and control sugar intake.
Cure gastritis with this
News new life May 7, 2020 miracle shake
This miracle drink is very beneficial
for health. It contains ingredients that
help to cure gastritis quickly and
effectively. Its names are worm and
earthworm shakes, and not just any
worm is the Californian worms.
Experts report that the shakes contain
magnesium, protein, high fiber
content and have a gel that helps heal
and coat the stomach walls page 2
It also helps restore the balance of the bacterial flora,
strengthens the immune system to fight infections
and raise natural defenses, recovers digestive
function to improve the irritable colon, gastritis,
constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, autoimmune
diseases, produces more serotonin, hormone
responsible for sleep, appetite and moods, helps to
deflate the body and recover the alkaline acid
balance of the body its preparation is to add worms
or worms to the liquidator then add water and finally
a radish this mixture is a miracle fallen from the sky
some will say that it will taste horrible but remember
that all remedies taste bad

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