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Table #1 - History of Education

Educational Era My five (3) interesting facts What I learned from others in the
American Colonies (1620-1750) -During this time teachers had very
little requirements to be teachers,
very low pay, very minimal respect
-In 1642 was when it was required for
parents and Masters of children to
provide them with basic reading,
writing, and colonial laws. When this
law was broken the state was able to
come in and take possession of the
child to give them that educational
-Beginning in the early 1700s private
school became in to play they were
mainly for wealthy students but it was
more often than they would see
primarily male students at this time
as only men in the family were given
the proper educations with that it
was often seen that men were the
ones that became educators, verse
Revolutionary Period (1750-1820) -Formal educations was mostly

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