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Arrangement of data with equal   number of rows and

columns in between two vertical bars and it is denoted by
or det(A) where A is square matrix.
Ex: Find the determinant of following
sol: det(A)=2x5-3x4=-2
Note: Difference between matrix and determinant is, in
matrix it is not necessary to have equal number of rows and
columns but determinant should have equal number of rows
and columns.
Q Find the determinant of the following:
i) ii)
Ex: Find the determinant of A=

-2(0- -6)+5(0-10)+6(-9-0)
Q Find the determinant of A =
Minor and Cofactor
• Minor
  of a matrix or determinant: Minor of an
element of a determinant is a new determinant
obtain by after deleting row and column that
intersect at an element.
Ex: Find the minor of elements 2 and 5 from the
i) sol: minor of 2 is 5; minor of 5 is 2
ii) Sol: minor of 2 is (5 x9-6x8)=-3
minor of 5 is (2x9-0x7)=18
Cofactor matrix
•   signed minor of an element of amatrix is called cofactor.
Note: Follow these signs:
Ex: Find the cofactor of elements 2, -3 and 5 from the following
i) sol: Cofactor of 2 is +(3)=3
cofactor of -3 is –(5)=-5
cofactor of 5 is –(-3)=3

Sol: Cofactor of 2 is –(5x9-10x4)=-5

cofactor of -3 is -(6x10-7x5)=-25
cofactor of 5 is -(2x9-7x-3)=-39
Transpose of a Matrix
•   interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix is
called as transpose matrix. If A is a given matrix, then the
transpose of A is denoted by
Ex A=, sol: =
Adjoint of a square Matrix
1) 2 by 2 matrix: For adjoint of 2 x2 matrix, exchange the
elements of major diagonal and change the sign of minor
diagonal elements
Ex: let A= sol: Adj(A)=
2) Adjoint of 3 by 3 matrix: First find cofactor matrix and take transpose of it.
Sol: Cofactor of A: =
Note: Singular and non-singular matrix: A square matrix A is said to be
singular if det(A) =0, otherwise non-singular matrix.
Ex. ; sol: det(A)=3x8-6x4=0, singular matrix.
Inverse of a square matrix
•Let  A be the square matrix of order of nxn, then
the inverse of matrix A is
adj(A) ;
Sol: Cofactor of A: =

Solutions of linear equations by matrix inverse method
• Let be the two linear equations, then
A X =B

Ex. Solve the following system of equations by matrix inverse method

A X =B

Det(A)=-2-6=-8, adj(A) =
Solutions of linear equations by determinant
method(i.e Cramer’s rule)
Let be the two linear equations, then

Ex. Solve the following system of equations by Determinant method


= =2

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