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I. Introduction

Information and communication technology ( ICT ) in education is the mode of

education that use of information and communication technology to support, enhance and
optimize the delivery of information. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to
improved student learning and better teaching methods. Information and communication
technology in schools can be used as a school communication tool to improve student
learning and better teaching techniques. With the advancement of technology in
education, schools adopt school communication software to transmit, store, share or
exchange information.
II. Findings of the study

Based on the responses collected from the teachers it was found out some of the teachers
now were using ICT in teaching. They were aware of the policies in using ICT. They used
technology as a tool for classroom activities, that’s why the transformation of teaching and
learning increased and geared up. They believe that using ICT in teaching will carry out their
work faster and order for them to facilitate the teaching and learning processes well, wherein
students also learn better when they are advance to modern technology.
III. Conclusion

I therefore conclude that using ICT in teaching will allow students to develop their
ability to learn new software quickly and efficiently. This is an extremely useful and
desirable skill which will make young people more adaptable and versatile students. It
develops teaching force skilled of the teachers. It increases individual efficiency and
effectiveness in teaching learning process. ICT provides wide array of information and
effective lessons.

Prepared by: Leonel Bryan U. Cosmiano

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