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Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc.

Bachelor of Science in Public Administration

PA1113 - Program and Project Development


World Bank Project
Philippines Program for Climate Resilience: TA for
the Risk Resiliency and Sustainability Program
What is the classification
of the project?

The project is classified as operational and emergency

because it will help the government for a better and
enhance operation and support in time of calamities
wherein the Philippines is a vulnerable country when
it comes to natural calamities.
In what particular phase of its life cycle is the
project undergoing? Justify your answer.
The project is in the planning phase. The main focus of
the project is to create a better plan for the Risk
Resiliency Program of the Philippines and the plan is
not yet implemented though it is on the track of
making a good progress.
Characterize the project according to:
• Importance –it will enhance the government’s program towards
resiliency to the risk of natural calamities and it will increase the
climate adaptation through providing technical assistance, capacity
strengthening and stakeholder consultations to allow the Philippine
Government to develop a national investment program for climate
adaptation and resilience. This will be underpinned by (i) providing an
operational framework for a climate adaptation and resilience
investment program to generate and leverage investments, (ii)building
government capacity and convergence for responding to climate risks
through risk-informed identification, planning, financing, execution,
monitoring and evaluation of adaptation and resilience investments,
and (iii) developing and applying climate analytics and tools to
enhance understanding of climate risks and enable risk informed
Scope – strengthening the Risk Resiliency Program of
the Philippines
Lifespan – 2017 – 2019

Climate Investment Funds
What environmental forces do you think could contribute to the success
of the projects? How about its failure?

I think the use of new technologies in the Risk Resiliency

Plan will contribute to the success of the projects as it
will make the climate adaptation and operations during
calamities more successful than using traditional and/or
manual labors. On the other hand, shortening the life
cycle of the planning of the program may contribute to
its failure because programs for risk resiliency and
climate adaptation are needed to plan accurately and
critically for a country that is very vulnerable to natural
calamities like the Philippines.
Using project management, what factor could delimit the
better supervision of the project in order to get the most
effective results?

For me, for the better supervision of the project in order

to get the most effective result of the project, the
functional management should be limit to some major
technical committee to avoid the extension of
schedule due to many concerns when it comes to

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