Eng 6 Q 1 WK 8 Days 1-5

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Week 8- Days 1 & 2

Sto. Rosario Elementary School
Angeles City
To the Learner
Always keep in mind that whenever you receive, we
should always be thankful and show our gratitude
by showing good deeds and uttering kind words.
In our next lesson, we will evaluate narratives and
try to compose coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures. As we go along
we would also learn how to observe politeness at all
Let’s Learn This

In this activity sheet, I have prepared

exercises for you to enhance your skills
on how to evaluate narratives based on
how the author developed the elements:
PLOT(Chronological-sequential, en
medias res and flashback).
Let’s Try This
Task 1: Picture
Analysis: Look at
the picture and
describe it to your
Task 2A: Charades
Look at the words that the teacher will
post on the board.
The teacher will need some volunteers to
show the following actions and ask your
classmates to guess your action. The
correct answers will be presented on the
Task 2B: Match Maker
Match the following words with the correct
meaning from the box . A. the foot of an animal that
_____1. ancient has claws
B. lacking strength, energy or
_____2. weary freshness because of need for
rest or sleep
_____3. ramped up C. to stand or advance
menacingly with forelegs or
with arms raised
_____4. paw D. something very common
E. very old; having lived or
existed for a very long time
Task 3: Listen as your teacher
plays an audio-clip of the tale
“Androcles and the Lion”
Androcles and the Lion
It happened, in ancient times that a slave named Androcles
escaped from his master and fled into the forest. And he
wandered there for a long time ‘til he was weary. Just then he
heard a lion near him moaning, and groaning and at times
roaring terribly. And when he tried to get up, there he saw
the lion coming towards him. Instead of attacking him, it kept
on moaning and groaning, and looking at Androcles who saw
that the lion was holding out its right paw which was covered
with blood much swollen. Looking more closely at it,
Androcles saw a great big thorn pressed into the paw, which
was the cause of all the lion’s trouble. Plucking up
courage, he seized hold of the thorn and drew it out of the
lion’s paw, who roared with pain when the thorn came
And soon after, found such relief from it that he ramped
up against Androcles and showed that he was truly
thankful from being relieved from such pain.
One day, a number of soldiers came marching through the
forest, and found Androcles. They took him prisoner and
brought him back to the town and he was condemned to
death because he had fled from his master.
Now it used to be the custom to throw murderers and other
criminals to the lions. And on the appointed day, he was led forth
into the arena. The emperor of Rome was in the royal box that day
and gave the signal for the lion to come out and attack Androcles.
But when it came out of its cage, and got near Androcles, what do
you think it did?
Instead of jumping upon him, it rubbed up against him and stroked
him with his paw. It was of course the lion which Androcles had met
in the forest. The emperor summoned Androcles to him. So,
Androcles told the emperor how the lion showed its gratitude for his
having relieved it of the thorn. Thereupon, the emperor pardoned
Androcles and ordered his master to set him free. While the lion was
taken back into the forest and let loose and enjoy freedom once
(Adapted from an Aesop’s Fable)
by Gretel Laura M. Cadiong

As he walking
through the forest,
he saw a lion lying
down moaning and
groaning. Androcles
was afraid so he
immediately ran
But he was
surprised when
the lion did not
chase him. So he
turned back and
went near the
As he got near,
the lion put out his
paw. Androcles saw
that it was bleeding
and swollen. He
found out that a
big thorn had got
into it. He pulled
out the thorn and
The lion rose and
licked the hand of
Androcles like a
dog. For several
days, Androcles
would go to the
lion to bring him
some meat, until
he got fully well.
One day, both
Androcles and the
lion were caught.
Androcles was
imprisoned and
was sentenced to
be thrown to a
hungry lion.
Soon, Androcles
was led out to the
plaza where the
king and all his
soldiers came to
watch how the
slave would be
eaten up by the
Next, the lion was
let loose from his den
and roared loud as it
got near its victim.
But as it got close to
Androcles, the lion
recognized his friend,
and licked him like a
friendly dog.
The king who was
surprised called
Androcles. He, then,
told the king about
how he and the lion
became friends. So, the
king forgave Androcles
and freed him while
the lion was let loose
and brought back to
the forest.
Try to answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the setting of

the story? How does it
relate to the characters?
Try to answer the questions that follow.
2. Identify the main
characters in the story.
Describe each characters
personality. How are they
related and why?
Try to answer the questions that follow.
3. What changes did the
characters go through as the
story unfolded?
Try to answer the questions that follow.
4. What do you think is the
theme of the story? How did
the characters help reveal
the theme?
Task 4: Graph me Up!
Work with a partner and
complete this organizer with the
setting and characters from our
previous story about Androcles
and the Lion.

Task 5:
Oral Reading Fluency Practice
Get your partner. Take turns in reading several
paragraphs from the story. Have a partner time
your reading for one minute. Copy the following
chart on your paper, then fill it with the number of
words you read. Record it on the chart.
Read the passage the second and third time.
Have your partner do the same procedure and
record your progress.
Let’s Study This

Analyzing Story Plot

The plot is one of the elements of a
narrative. It consists of several events.
The events tell the action and conflict
that leads to its climax and conclusion.
It is the storyline plan or scheme.
The plot may be presented through literary devices
such as the following:
1. Chronological-sequential arrangement of events.
This is the normal way as shown by the story
mountain below. Climax: Shows the highest
point of interest, suspense,
and turning point of the
Rising Action: Introduces and Falling action : shows how the
develops conflict/ main problem characters solve the problem /
faced by the character/s conflict or ties up loose ends
Exposition: Provides background
Resolution: Shows how
information, setting, and information things end up in the
about the characters
2. En medias res. This is a Latin phrase which
means “into the middle of things”. Unlike the
direct narration pattern of story events,
another related story is narrated inside the
main plotline. It is narrating from the midpoint
rather than the beginning- usually opening
with a dramatic action rather than the
3. Flashback. This device presents to the
reader all or most of the events that have
taken place before the events that are
currently unfolding in the story. The events
may be past narratives by characters of
their dreams or memories to create a
background to the present situation, place
or person. These may be placed at the
Let’s Do This

Do a presentation of the
plot using the
arrangement of events.
Let’s Do More
Ready, Set, Graph

Thank you 
Choose any story below. Evaluate the
narrative to show the plot using the
elements you’ve learned.
1. “Eleven”
2. “Androcles and the Lion”
Let’s Remember This

The plot is one of the elements of a narrative. It

consists of several events. The events tell the
action and conflict that leads to its climax and
conclusion. It is the storyline plan or scheme.
The plot may be presented through literary
devices such as:
Chronological-sequential arrangement of
events, en medias res and flashback.
Let’s Test Ourselves
Task 5: Testing… 1,2,3!
Identify which element of the narrative are the
following sentences. Write the correct number
corresponding to the event.
1- Exposition 2- Rising Action 3- Climax
4- Falling Action 5- Resolution 6- En medias res

7- Flashback
__1. The real owner of the dirty sweater eventually
admitted that it was hers.
___2. Mrs. Price put the dirty sweater on Rachel to shame
___3. It happened, in ancient times that a slave named
Androcles escaped from his master and fled into the forest.
___4. Plucking up courage, he seized hold of the thorn and
drew it out of the lion’s paw, who roared with pain when
the thorn came out.
___5. The emperor of Rome was in the royal box that day
and gave the signal for the lion to come out and attack
___6. Just then he heard a lion near him moaning, and
groaning and at times roaring terribly.
___7. The emperor summoned Androcles to him. So,
Androcles told the emperor how the lion showed its
gratitude for his having relieved it of the thorn.
___8. Rachel remembered the look in her classmates eyes
as they ridiculed her in front of the class.
___9. Thereupon, the emperor pardoned Androcles and
ordered his master to set him free. While the lion was taken
back into the forest and let loose and enjoy freedom once
___10. Belle and the Beast lived happily ever after.
Days 3 & 4
To the Learner
Our next topic will teach you how to compose clear
and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures following the rules in
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Always remember that whenever we communicate
with others, we should always be tactful and open
to criticism. Being open for correction shows a
good attitude towards the people around you.
Let’s Learn This

In this activity sheet, several exercises are

prepared for you to enhance your skills
on Subject-Verb Agreement so you can
compose clear and grammatically correct
Let’s Try This
Task 1: Rumble Jumble
Rearrange the following set of words to form a
sentence with a complete thought and essence.
1. jacket the dirty Rachel removes
2. escapes from master his Androcles
3. to want they finish output soon their
4. the participants enjoy the view Taal Lake of
5. carries the waiter food table to table from
Task 2: Pick-a-Boo
Box the subject and circle the verb in the sentences
that you have formed. The teacher will present the
sentences and you may answer it on the board.
Let’s Study This
Observing Subject-Verb Agreement
Verbs must always agree with the noun or
pronoun subject of a sentence, both in tense
and number.
Subjects and verbs should agree with one another
in number- singular or plural. Thus, if a subject is
plural, its verb must also be in plural form.
Subject Present Tense Singular Present Tense Plural
(First Person) I, We walk do have walk do have
(Second Person) You walk do have walk do have
(Third Person) He, She, It, They walks does has walk do have
Note that the base form is used in all other instances.
Subject-verb agreement is not applied when the tense is
The basic rules in subject-verb agreement are as
1. Singular nouns, singular common nouns and mass
nouns go with the –s form of a verb.
The emperor orders for the gate of the lion be
Mrs. Price has one dirty jacket on her hand.
2. Plural proper nouns, plural common nouns,
and plural mass nouns formed with quantifiers
go with the base/simple form of verbs.
Smart students fascinate the principal so
The soldiers sieze Androcles when they saw
him in the forest.
Two liters of canola oil cost around six
hundred pesos.
3. Use the plural form of verbs with
compound subjects joined by and.
Dr. Dre and his wife treat patients for free.
Mario, Luigi and the Princess travel along
the pipes to escape King Coopa.
4. When the parts of a compound subject
are joined by or or nor, the subject closest
to the verb determines agreement.
The girls or Noli knows the way to the mall.
Noli or the girls know the way to the mall.
5. Subject nouns that are derived from
adjectives take plural verbs.
The rich favor the ordinance.
The poor need more government attention.
Subject-verb agreement is applied when the
verb be is used as a main verb or as a helping
verb in both the past tenses.
1. I am the class president.
2. I was the vice-president last year.
3. Moana is the secretary now.
4. She was the class treasurer last
5. We are the class officers for this
school year.
6. They were the class officers last year.
7. Ms. Malonzo is our class adviser for the
school year.
8. Mr. Alonte was our English teacher last
9. Charice and Aiza are designing our school
stage at the moment.
10. Bong and Michelle were here yesterday.
Let’s Do This
Task 3: Choosy Me!
Choose the verb in the parentheses that
agrees with the subject. Write your answers
on your paper.
1. Pet owners (treat, treats) their pets well.
2. Before the advent of motor vehicles, the
horse (was, were) the fastest means of
transportation on land.
3. In some parts of the country, horse drawn rig (seem,
seems) to be still a common means of transport.
4. Marionne (drive, drives) a banca.
5. Either my Mom or my Dad (know, knows) how to use
the Internet.
6. Most animals in the zoo (was, were) rescued from
the wild.
7. The ruthless usually (dislike, dislikes) taking care of
8. Mr. and Mrs. Del Fonso (tend, tends) to travel around
the Philippines every summer.
Let’s Do More
Task 4: On Our Own
Work with a partner and compose your own
sentences using the following pairs of subject and verb in a sentence.
Be sure to observe rules in subject-verb agreement.
1. Neither the soldiers nor the master- believe
2. Either the pupils or Mrs. Price- ridicule
3. Belle or the Beast- dance
4. Alden and Yaya Dub- love
5. She- allow
Let’s Remember This
Verbs must always agree with the
noun or pronoun subject of a sentence both in
tense and number.
Subjects and verbs should agree with one
another in number- singular or plural. Thus, if
a subject is plural, its verb must also be in
plural form.
The base form is used in all other
Subject-verb agreement is not applied
when the tense is in the past.
Subject-verb agreement is applied when
the verb be is used as a main verb or as a
helping verb in both past tenses.
Let’s Test Ourselves Testing...1,2,3!
Choose the correct verb in the parentheses to complete the sentence
and then write your answer on a piece of paper.
1. Mrs. Hulipas (teach, teaches) her pupils
2. The pupils (learn, learns) much from
3. The MAPEH Teacher (teach, teaches)
beautiful songs to her class.
4. The Grade VI pupils (love, loves) to sing
the songs.
5. The coach (explain, explains) the
techniques in singing.
6. My pupils (is, are) excited to visit the
National Museum.
7. My parents (own, owns) a small
8. My younger brother (work, works) as a nurse in
the U.S.
9. He (drive, drives) his own car to work.
10. Andrei (study, studies) his lesson with his father.
11. Byron (clean, cleans) his room every weekend.
12. We all (live, lives) in a world full of wonders.
13. I can (show, shows) you the world.
14. Volunteers (donate, donates) books at Bakakeng
Elementary School.
15. James and Nadine (visit, visits) the orphanage.
Day 5
To the Learner
This topic will teach you how to
describe different forms and conventions of
film and moving pictures focusing on set-up.
Sit back.
Let’s Learn This
In this activity sheet, we will enhance your knowledge on
the different forms and conventions of film and moving
pictures. We will be focusing on the set-up or set design.
Let’s Try This
Task 1: Look Back!
The teacher will call a volunteer to give some
titles of the previous film clips, movies or TV
shows that you’ve watched. The class will
identify the setting of each.
Examples: Spongebob Squarepants - Bikini
Bottom/ under the sea
Mulan - ancient China
Let’s Study This
Set It Up
A set-up, is also called set design, it
refers to the creation of a scenery that depicts
the “look” or physical appearance of the set for
a film.
Set-ups or set designs communicate a sense of
location and place. They are often structured or
built in studios. They can also be on locations.
Let’s Do This
Task 2: Ready....Set....Action!
The teacher will show you a short film clip
from the movie “Inside Out”. This will give
you an idea on how film production staffs
create a set-up for a movie or TV show.
After watching the clip, you will answer the
following questions:
1. What’s the name of Joy’s most favourite
character that she saw as they entered the
Dream Production’s studio?
2. What setting is the production crew setting
up for Riley’s dream?
3. Did Bing Bong released a cord and changed
the set-up of the stage? Why did he do it?
4. Is the set-up important to set the mood or
theme of a film?
Let’s Do More
Task 3: Picture Picture
Examine the following pictures. Identify the type of set-up that it
shows. Write A if it is structured or built in a studio or B if it is on
Let’s Remember This
A set-up is also called set design. It refers to
the creation of a scenery that depicts the
“look” or physical appearance of the set for a
Set-ups or set designs communicate a sense
of location and place. They are often
structured or built in studios. They can also be
outside locations.
Let’s Test Ourselves
Identify the set-up used in the following film, TV show or
movie. Is it SS-structured in a studio or OL- on location?
Write your answers on your paper.

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