Urogenital System of Frog

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Urogenital System

Can frogs become hermaphrodites?

ANSWER: Some frogs are observed by studies to contain both

testes and oviducts

What organ can help a student determine a hermaphrodite
frog’s predominant gender ?

ANSWER: The presence of the seminal vesicle can be a great

diagnostic feature in order to determine if a frog is predominantly

What organ can become an instrument to a toad’s sex-

ANSWER: The bidder’s organ, which occurs both in male and

female toads, can transform into an ovary

What is one of the frog’s interesting defense mechanisms that
utilizes their urogenital system?

ANSWER: Frogs have been found to absorb object implanted into

their body cavity and are able to excrete them through their
urogenital system

How do frogs reproduce?

ANSWER: Typically, frogs lay eggs. This process usually occurs

through external fertilization, where the female releases her eggs from her
body into water. Then, the male releases his sperm to fertilize them.
However, a few species of frog use internal fertilization.

Since frog/ toad eggs are fertilized externally in a body of
water, how are they able to ensure that the sperm will reach
the egg cells and not get pushed away by the water current or
other movements in the water?
ANSWER: The male and female frogs/ toads adapt a specific
mating posture called amplexus, where the male climbs onto the
female’s back and wraps his forelegs around the female while they
eject the egg and sperm cells simultaneously. This increases the
chances of the sperm cells reaching the egg cells.

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