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Of Man
The modern period is generally characterized as
anthropocentric and rationalistic. The search for
truth is centered on man and human reason.
Human reason is liberated from the influence of
faith. Modern thinking advanced human
knowledge in several areas. Scientific discoveries
advanced one’s understanding of the universe and
scientific laws and allowed one to explain how
physical and reality operates without reference to
divine laws.
One of the leading philosophers of the
modern period was Rene Descartes, a French
philosopher. Descartes describes man as a
human being composed of body and spirit or
mind. These two components are separate
substances or entities, having different
attributes and functions.
During the period of enlightenment, the later years of the
modern period philosophy was understood to be not just an
instrument for intelligence but also for human happiness. One
must struggle against ignorance and tyranny which are the
causes of unhappiness.

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