Telephone Communication - Representing The Company

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communication –
representing the

› mobile phones
› break times
› toilets
› emergencies

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Workshop overview

At this workshop the following will be addressed:

› answering incoming calls

› making outgoing calls
› using voice and paralanguage to make a good impression
› handling difficult callers
› managing stress associated with using the phone

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Workshop expectations

What do you know about the topic?

What do you need to know?

What outcomes do you expect from this workshop?

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Topic 1

Creating an outstanding image

How will you create the correct image?

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The telephone – a communication tool

‘To effectively communicate, we must realise that we are all

different in the way we perceive the world and use this
understanding as a guide to our communication with others.’

(Anthony Robbins)

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Providing service

Answering the phone is a customer service role.

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Topic 2

For many clients or customers the first, or even the only, contact they
have with an organisation occurs over the telephone.

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Receiving calls – answering protocols

Organisational protocols

‘Yep, Yep, whaddaya want?’

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Verbal, vocal communication

Body language and facial expression cannot be seen during normal

phone conversations.

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› spoken clarity
› the clarity with which somebody pronounces words when
› choice of words to fit their context
› a way of speaking, assessed in terms of prevailing pronunciation
and elocution standards

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› excellence of manners or social conduct

› polite behaviour
› a respectful or considerate act or expression

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Listening skills

Please listen carefully

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Listen actively, question effectively.

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Transferring and escalating calls

I will transfer your call now.

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Topic 3

Challenging calls
Not all customers are easy to deal with.

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Handling challenging customers can be a difficult undertaking.

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Complaints are an organisation's lifeline.

Properly handled complaints will result in happy, supportive

customers/ clients.

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Assertive responses

Not all complaints will be resolvable and not all customer/ client
expectations are reasonable.

Assertive – not aggressive or defensive – responses will lead to

effective results.

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Taking messages

Thankyou, I will make sure your message is passed on to the

correct department.

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Topic 4

Outbound calls

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Speak clearly – be prepared

Erm, can I speak to… erm… - oh, what’s his name…….?

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Research indicates that the following voice characteristics, (para-language), are

commonly associated with the following feelings/ meanings:

Para-language Probable feeling/ meaning

Monotonal speech Boredom/ disinterest
Slow speed, low pitch Depression, thoughtfulness
High voice, emphatic speech Enthusiasm, excitement
Ascending tone Astonishment, fear
Abrupt speech, loud tone Defensiveness, stress
Terse speech, loud tone Anger, fear
High pitch, drawn out speech Disbelief

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Make messages short and clear

‘Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much.’

(Robert Greenleaf)

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Topic 5

Handling pressure

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Strategies for managing work

Don’t let the pressure get to you. There are many things you can do
to make your job easier and your time more productive.

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Make better use of your time

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Organise your work space

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‘You wake up screaming and realise you have not fallen asleep yet.’


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Before leaving today please share:

›1 thing you learned
›1 new practice you will undertake at work
›1 activity you enjoyed

Thankyou for your attendance and participation.

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