Gaudium Et Spes (Pastoral Constitution On The Church in The Modern World)

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Gaudium et Spes

(Pastoral Constitution on the

Church in the Modern World)
17 Margareth Concepcion
18 Kathleen De Guzman
19 Dana de la Vega
20 Katrina De Vera
Author & Date

 Vatican II
 1965
Historical Context/ Social Issue
The Church’s duty to serve the society despite criticism
from political parties

Concern for human welfare in lieu of economic and social


Importance of promoting justice and sustaining peace and

respect to counter the increase of corruption and injustice
in the society

Stateconfusions/disputes (Wars. No specific war was

To serve the society entails scrutinizing the signs of the times through
being aware of social, economical and political issues and their bearings
on human development and faith formation

Humans are the source, center and purpose of economic and social life and
should, thus, be given grave attention and concern by the church and
government in dealing with their moral and spiritual welfare and condition

Peace is not solely the absence of war but rather continual promotion of
justice and respect among men within and throughout the various sectors
of the community specially those drastically affected by unjust societal
practices/ structures

The Church’s interference in political, economical and social issues is a

concrete manifestation of its duty and mission to take the Gospel values of
love, justice and peace, God’s self-revelation in the Sacred Scripture, and
integrate these in humans’ daily encounters.
Contemporary Issues
Strife between Church and Government

Public’s opposition and discomfort with

regard to the Church’s involvement in
political policies

Strong protests against the Church’s

proposals specially those regarding
reproduction, infant mortality, marriage
and the like.
 See - See the different point of views of the Church and the government towards social and
economical issues
  Judge - Discern the fundamental needs of humans which are the moral obligation of both
the Church and the government to the society
  Act – Support the Church and appreciate its concern for our authentic progression both as
individuals and as a developing society. Open our minds and hearts to the side of both the
church and the government for they both pursue the common good of the Filipinos. Listen
to the Church’s Teachings and apply the values gained in day-to-day encounters. Promote
peace and justice through all means possible, be it big or small. Through active
participation in church-endorsed projects and seminars in the school and community, we
will increase our awareness, sharpen our discernment and thus act accordingly as given
example by Christ and the Church.
  Celebrate - Rejoice and be thankful for the numerous deeds the Church has accomplished
such as the peaceful and non-violent revolutions like EDSA. Give thanks to the Lord for
bestowing us with leaders who study the tradition and scripture of the past, apply and
implement these Gospel values in today’s societal issues, and work towards the building of
a brighter and more united people of God in the future.
  Evaluate – Reflect whether there have been improvements, see the flaws and improve
Contemporary Application
 Comboni missionaries: The missionary vocation calls for desire to serve and for the Combonis, it
means to grow in solidarity with the poor. St. Comboni’s passion was for the “poorest and most
abandoned”. We work for the integral liberation of persons disfigured by sin and injustices, forming
activities that favor the development of the whole person.
  Maryknoll is a name shared by three organizations that are part of the Roman Catholic Church and
whose joint focus is on the overseas mission activity of the Catholic Church in the United States. These
organizations consist of two religious orders and one lay group: The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
(The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America); The Maryknoll Sisters (The Maryknoll Sisters of
St. Dominic); and the Maryknoll Lay Missioners. While sharing a name and similar origins, the
organizations are independent entities that work closely together in many of their missionary endeavors.
As of 2008, there are over 550 Maryknoll priests and Brothers serving in countries around the world--
principally in Africa, Asia and Latin America--where it has long worked to help alleviate poverty and
bring constructive changes to the poor
  Youth for Christ: For sixty years, Youth for Christ (YFC) has been communicating the life-changing
message of Jesus Christ to young people. Youth for Christ was born in the mid-1940s through an
impulse from the heart of God that simultaneously touched dozens of leaders in different places with a
concern to reach out to young people normal church channels were missing. This led to dynamic young
evangelists, using revolutionary methods, conducting lively mass rallies in more than a dozen cities
under the name of Youth for Christ.
  Caritas Manila: As the lead Catholic agency for social services and development in the Archdiocese
of Manila, Caritas, meaning love in perfection, aim for total human development of marginalized
people through their services and programs and the promotion of social justice through the help of the
Church’s Catholic Social Teaching and also to concretize the love of God among 52 % of Metro
Manila's population who are poor.

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