Activity 0.7 - Winning The Academic Battle (F2020)

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Winning the Academic


D r. D w i g h t R o b l y e r, P h . D . , A g g i e C l a s s e s o f ‘ 8 4 a n d ‘ 0 9
TA M U S e n i o r L e c t u r e r, P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e Fall 2020
Step 1: Recon our academic positions
Step 2: Determine our objectives
Step 3: Take inventory of our resources
Step 4: Build our mission plans
Step 5: Secure supporting forces/fires
Step 6: Execute the plan
Step 7: Reassess, adapt, and re-attack
Step 1: Recon our academic positions
Determine location:
◦ Current GPA?
◦ Academic major?
◦ Financial aid that is dependent on GPA?
◦ Course load & class schedule this semester? (hours, difficulty of courses, course schedule)
◦ Current commitments, other than courses? (includes clubs, Corps, athletics, etc.)

Determine situation:
◦ Formally identified as “at-risk?” (academic probation, financial aid probation, etc.)
◦ GPA trend since began TAMU or college in general?
◦ Learning disability? (possible, identified, under treatment, or accommodations accepted?)
◦ Current morale?
◦ English is not primary language?
Step 2: Determine our objectives
GPA mandates for this semester
◦ Externally set minimums to remain in school? (financial aid, university, parents)
◦ Do the math! Know these numbers! No estimating or guessing!

GPA objectives
◦ Practicality demands setting sights higher than mandates (“shoot for the stars to reach the
◦ Are there other goals set by external authority figures in your life?

Specific academic objectives

◦ Grades in courses in major area of study?

Long-term professional, life objectives

Step 3: Take inventory of our resources
Identify academic strengths
Lay out past lessons learned
◦ What didn’t work? Do you know why? Corrections discovered?
◦ What did work? Why? Generalizable?

Tally sources of support & encouragement

◦ Count me in!

Inventory and assign available academic time on your calendar

◦ Complete a 24/ 7 schedule for typical week: eating, sleeping, rec, class, studying, etc.
◦ Treat school as if it were a full-time job (with overtime!)
TOOLS: 24/7 Planning Template &
Template: Account for every hour of a typical week. Use activities like those on the checksheet.
Check-Sheet: Add up the hours each day for each activity, then total each activity across the
week and see how those totals compare to the priorities you want.
Location: Canvas / Course Resources
Step 3: Take inventory of our resources (2 of
Identify academic strengths
Lay out past lessons learned
Tally sources of support & encouragement
Inventory and assign available academic time on your calendar
Evaluate usefulness of current personal study approach using expert sources
TOOLS: Articles about Learning
How many of us are still using highlighters
like they are scanning and
storing info in our
brains? H LI G HT ING
◦ They don’t!

How many of us are still

“studying” by “looking
back over” slides and
notes as if our eyes are
storing info in our brains? A DING
◦ They don’t!
TOOLS: Articles about Learning
How high of a bar do we set for
ourselves when learning new
◦ Self-testing or quizzing is the gold
◦ Goal is to retain and be able to use
what you learn months later
◦ Requires that we be able to explain
the material in our own words

TOOLS: Articles about Learning
Other articles available on my
Three quick ones:
◦ 8 High School Habits That
Will Fail You in College
◦ Conquering the Freshman
Fear of Failure
◦ 7 Life Lessons You Learn in
Step 3: Take inventory of our resources (3 of
Identify academic strengths
Lay out past lessons learned
Tally sources of support & encouragement
Inventory and assign available academic time on your calendar
Evaluate usefulness of current personal study approach using outside sources
Evaluate usefulness of alternative study approach: “Fighting for Understanding”
TOOL: How to Fight for Understanding
PPT Presentation

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: How to Fight for Understanding

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: How to Fight for Understanding

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: How to Fight for Understanding

Check out the

presentation for
all of the info…

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
Step 3: Take inventory of our resources (4 of
Identify academic strengths
Lay out past lessons learned
Tally sources of support & encouragement
Inventory and assign available academic time on your calendar
Evaluate usefulness of current personal study approach using outside sources
Evaluate usefulness of alternative study approach: “Fighting for Understanding”
Locate a quizzing partner—not a study partner or group!
TOOL: Quizzing Partners

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: Quizzing Partners

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: Quizzing Partners

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
TOOL: Quizzing Partners

TOOL: Quizzing Partners

u t t he
Chec tation for
prese he info…
all of

Location of unnarrated slides:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn and Succeed
Step 3: Take inventory of our resources (5 of 5)
Identify academic strengths
Lay out past lessons learned
Tally sources of support & encouragement
Inventory and assign available academic time on your calendar
Evaluate usefulness of current personal study approach using outside sources
Evaluate usefulness of alternative study approach: “Fighting for Understanding”
Locate a quizzing partner—not a study partner or group!
Learn how Dr. Roblyer does test questions differently
◦ “To be a great test taker, learn to think like the test maker!”
TOOL: Basic Guide: How to Learn &
Succeed in Dr. Roblyer’s POLS
TOOL: How to Test Well (covers exam
prep, content, execution, review)
Step 4: Build the mission plan
Insert required due dates, exams, etc. for every course
◦ Use your electronic calendar with notifications turned on!
◦ Do not rely on memory—even sharp memories degrade a lot when under stress
◦ Rolling task: always look ahead at least next 2 weeks

Plan early completion of tasks to avoid “late fees” (grades of ZERO)

Plan to take full advantage of “wasted” time opportunities—I call this moment
◦ Bus rides, long lines, cancelled meetings, etc.
◦ Take next chapter with you to pre-read
◦ Take recent slides & notes with you to post-review
Step 5: Secure supporting forces/fires
Go-to veteran trainers ready to be called upon
◦ Instructors in class, before/after class, during office hours, by appointment
◦ TAMU Academic Success Center: website, seminars, academic coaches, Tutor Zones
◦ 9th floor of Rudder Tower (no longer in YMCA building) or
◦ Tutor Zones located in Library, Howdy Learning Center, White River Complex (operate Sun-Thurs eves)

Officially scheduled, organized events—Don’t Miss Out on These!

◦ Occasional review and study sessions (e.g., CHEM 101 reviews)
◦ Biweekly Supplemental Instruction sessions for those courses with SIs

Off-campus tutoring companies

◦ Quality and value varies widely—buyer beware!
◦ I do NOT recommend their $25 “test prep” sessions for my course, but you may disagree!
Step 6: Execute the plan
Use your schedule
Respond to your reminders
Implement the 3-step approach to fighting for understanding
TOOL: Mind Map to Academic Success

Location of 1-page Mind Map:

Location of narrated presentation: Canvas / Course Resources / Helps for Students / How to Learn & Succeed
Step 7: Reassess, adapt, re-attack
Think like a designer: prototype, test, assess, modify prototype, test, assess…
A study approach should never be “set in stone”
◦ When we can’t adapt, the opposing forces will win!

Let me help you troubleshoot

◦ Can usually diagnose and prescribe within a few minutes

Track your progress and frequently “what if” your course grade
All this is worth the effort!
You will be learning for a lifetime
You will discover that learning can be easier, faster, and more fun
Your future self will be a more valuable employee, supervisor, executive,
consultant, and/or entrepreneur

Good grades without UNDERSTANDING the content material

are worth nothing to your future professional self…

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