Vietnam Last One

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Vietnam Competition Law

• Regulated entities
• . Interpretation of terms
• State’s policies on competition
• Competition rights and rules in business
• State’s policies on competition
• Roles of regulatory agencies in competition
• . Prohibited acts related to competition
• Determination of relevant market
• Determination of market share and combined market share
• Anti-competitive agreements
• Prohibited anti-competitive agreements
• Acceptance of exemption application
Impact of Vietnam’s new Competition Law on mergers

• Applicability offshore
• Merger notification
• Prohibited economic concentration
• Safe harbours and clearance
• Tips on merger filings
• Impact of the law on mergers
Competitive Advantage

• Competitive Advantage of GCC Date Palm Sector in

the International Market: Market Shares, Revealed
Comparative Advantages, and Trade Balance Indexes
In the GCC countries, the date-palm sector is
strategically important for the economic, social and
environmental development.
Competitive Advantage
• Rank Country Production (1000 Metric Tonnes)
• 1. Egypt 1,373.57
• 2. Saudi Arabia 1,122.82
• 3. Iran 1,016.61
• 4. UAE 900.00
• 5. Algeria 690.00
• 6. Iraq 619.18
• 7. Pakistan 557.28
• 8. Oman 268.01
• 9. Tunisia 180.00
• 10 Libya 165.95
Vietnam Business ethics and anti-corruption
• Features of bribery offences
• Compliance defense and mitigation
• Facilitation payments
• Gifts and entertainment
• Corporate liability for the acts of intermediaries
• Liability of individual directors and officers
• Penalties

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