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• Leadership and Commitment-demonstrate the leadership and commitment
towards Management System
• Establishment policy and objective at relevant function, level and processes
• Integration Management System into the organization business processes
• Ensure the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the
Management System are available
• Consultation and participation of workers at all level and functions during the
development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for
improvements of OH&S MS
• Focus on fulfilling the interested parties need and expectations and applicable
statutory and regulatory requirement and other requirements
ISO 45001:2018
ISO 45001:2018 TIMELINE
The 45001:2018 migration time-line

October March 2015 Quarter 1 April 2017 November

October 12 March
2013/July 2016 2017
2014 2018
First working Project ISO/DIS ISO/DIS 2
draft Committee 45001:2016 45001:2017
comment 45001:2017 45001:2018
completed. failed to published
CD1 published for published published
reach a and ballot for
produced consensus comment
for comment on CD1 (3 months)
and ballot

Organization which certified to OHSAS 18001:2007 required to migrate

within 3 years starting from published date of ISO 45001:2018

© Novo Quality Services (M) Sdn Bhd – ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Awareness (Rev 0, Mar 2018) 5

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Structure Ensures
similar to other workers are
management aware of the
system risks and their
standards responsibilities

in ISO 45001
More focus on
suppliers and
than control
manage risks

New clause for


© Novo Quality Services (M) Sdn Bhd – ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Awareness (Rev 0, Mar 2018) 7
What remains unchanged from 18001

The overall intent to focus on hazard, risk, and controls, the

Plan-Do-Check-Act model, planning and policy, legal
requirements, improvement objectives, action planning,
monitoring, awareness, competency and resources needed to
support the system remain similar to 18001

© Novo Quality Services (M) Sdn Bhd – ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Awareness (Rev 0, Mar 2018) 8
PDCA Model
Just like the OHSAS 18001:2007 version, the standard is
based upon the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

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Structural Changes
OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 45001:2018
Introduction Introduction

1. Scope 1. Scope
2. Normative references 2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions 3. Terms and definitions
4. OHS Management System 4. Context of the organization (title only)
requirements (title only)

4.1. General requirements 4.1. Understanding the organization and its context (New)
4.2. Understanding the needs and expectations of
interested parties (New)
4.3. Determining the scope of the OH&SMS
4.4. OH&S Management System
5. Leadership & worker participation (title only)
5.1. Leadership & Commitment (New)
4.2 OHS policy 5.2. OH&S Policy
4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility & 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities &
authority authorities
4.4.2 Consultation, participation and representation 5.3 Consultation and participation of workers
4.3 Planning (title only) 6. Planning (title only)

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Structural Changes … continues
OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 45001:2018
1. Hazard identification (OSH) 1. Actions to address risks & opportunities
2. Legal & other requirements 1. General (New)
2. Hazard identification and assessment of risks
and opportunities
3. Determination of legal requirements & other
4. Planning action (New)
4.3.3 Objectives, targets & programs 1.OH&S Objectives
2.Planning to achieve them

4.4 Implementation & operation (title only) 7. Support (title only)

7.1. Resources (New)

4.4.2 Competence, training & awareness 7.2. Competence

7.3. Awareness

4.4.3 Communication 4. Communication

1. General
2. Internal communication
3. External communication

4. Documentation 5. Documented Information

5. Control of documents 1. General
4.5.4 Control of records 2. Creating & updating
3. Control of documented information

© Novo Quality Services (M) Sdn Bhd – ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Awareness (Rev 0, Mar 2018) 11
Structural Changes … continues
OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 45001:2018
4.4.6 Operational control 8. Operation (title only)
8.1 Operational planning & control
8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks
8.1.3 Management of Change
8.1.4 Procurement
4.4.7 Emergency preparedness & control 8.2 Emergency Preparedness & Response
4.5 Checking (title only) 9.0 Performance Evaluation (title only)
1. Monitoring & measurement 9.1Monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation
2. Evaluation of compliance 1. General
2. Evaluation of compliance

4.5.5 Internal audit 9.2 Internal Audit

1. General
2. Internal audit programme

4.6 Management review 9.3 Management Review

4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective & preventive action 10. Improvement (title only)
(Removed) 1. General
2. Incident, Nonconformity & corrective action
3. Continual improvement (New)

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Key benefits of ISO 45001
 Easier integration with other ISO standards because of the Annex SL
 Increased awareness of its OH&S risks
 Continual improvement of its OH&S performance
 Reputation for being one of the safest places to work
 Improved ability to respond to regulatory compliance issues
 Reduction in the overall costs of incidents
 Reduction in downtime and the costs of disruption to operations
 Reduction in the cost of insurance premiums
 Reduced absenteeism and employee turnover rates
 Recognition of achievement of an international benchmark which would in
turn influence the many existing and potential customers who are
concerned about their social responsibilities
© Novo Quality Services (M) Sdn Bhd – ISO 45001:2018 Requirements Awareness (Rev 0, Mar 2018) 14
Leadership and Commitment
Involvement of Top Management
• Top management now have a greater involvement in the management
• They have to make sure that the requirements of the management
system are integrated into the organization’s processes and that the
policy and objectives are compatible with the strategic direction of the
• They also have to demonstrate their commitment by making sure that the
management system achieves its intended outcome(s), has adequate
resources, and they have to inform everyone that the management
system is important and that everyone should participate in its effective
• The involvement of top management in the management system is
significant and hands-on and should include supporting other relevant
management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to
their areas of responsibility
• The policy requirements have also been strengthened
• It has to include commitment to satisfy applicable requirements and
continually improve the management system
• As well as being communicated internally, it has to be made available
to interested parties
Roles, responsibilities and authorities

Authorities also need to be allocated and

communicated not just roles and responsibilities
Consultation and participation of workers
2-way communication involving dialogue Contribution workers in any programme
and exchange related to OH&S
Involve worker or worker representative The feedback is dependent upon worker
with the management level participation
Worker or representative provide Encourage worker to report hazardous
feedback to be considered by situations
management before decision making
Changes on the requirement
Clause 4.1 Understanding the organization
and its context
• The organization need to determine external and internal issues that
are relevant to its purpose i.e. what are the relevant issues, both
inside and out, that have an impact on what the organization does,
that would affect its ability to achieve intended outcome(s) of its
management system
• It should be noted that the term ‘issue’ covers not only problems,
which would have been the subject of preventive action in previous
standards, but also important topics for the management system to
address, such as any market assurance and governance goals that the
organization might set for its management system
Clause 4.2 Understanding the needs and
expectations of interested parties
• An interested party is a person or organization that can affect, be
affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by the a decision or
activity that’s within the scope of the management system
• There will be those external interested parties that impose specific
legal, regulatory or contractual requirements on to an organization
• There some also be requirements specified by internal interested
partied, for example management and staff
• Determine the relevant needs and expectation (requirements) of
these interested parties which become its compliance obligations.
Clause 5.1 Leadership and Commitment
• ISO 45001 has stronger emphasis on top management for actively
engage and take accountability for the effectiveness of the
management system
Clause 6.1 Action to address risks and
• Having highlighted the issues and requirements in clause 4, i.e. the
organization and its context and the needs and expectation of
interested parties, the organization is also required to prevent, or
reduce, undesired effects ad determine the risks and opportunities
that need to be addressed
• The organization shall plan actions to address these risks and
opportunities and how to integrate and implement the actions into its
management system. Later, to evaluate the effectiveness of these
Clause 8.1.2 Eliminating Hazards and
Reducing OH&S Risks
Clause 8.1.3 Management of Change
• Establishment a process for the implementation and control of
planned temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S

• Changes that should be consider

• New product, services and process
• Legal requirement
• Knowledge or information about hazards
• Development in knowledge and technology
Clause 8.1.4 Procurement
• Procurement process should be used to determine, assess and
eliminate hazards and to reduce OH&S risks
• Ensuring that the requirements of OH&S management system are met
by contractors and their workers
• Procurement process shall establish and apply the OH&S criteria for
selection of contractors
Steps for ISO 45001 implementation

Operation To- Evaluation
Do list
Plan to
identify the
risks and then
Leaders and mitigate
workers those risks
together set the
The context of policy and
the assign roles and
organization responsibilities

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