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Business Statistics:

A First Course
(3rd Edition)

Chapter 10
Simple Linear Regression

© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc. Chap 10-1

Chapter Topics
 Types of Regression Models
 Determining the Simple Linear Regression
 Measures of Variation
 Assumptions of Regression and Correlation
 Residual Analysis
 Measuring Autocorrelation
 Inferences about the Slope

Chap 10-2
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chapter Topics

 Correlation - Measuring the Strength of the

 Estimation of Mean Values and Prediction of
Individual Values
 Pitfalls in Regression and Ethical Issues

Chap 10-3
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Purpose of Regression Analysis
 Regression Analysis is Used Primarily to Model
Causality and Provide Prediction
 Predict the values of a dependent (response)
variable based on values of at least one
independent (explanatory) variable
 Explain the effect of the independent variables on
the dependent variable

Chap 10-4
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Types of Regression Models
Positive Linear Relationship Relationship NOT Linear

Negative Linear Relationship No Relationship

Chap 10-5
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression Model

 Relationship Between Variables is Described

by a Linear Function
 The Change of One Variable Causes the Other
Variable to Change
 A Dependency of One Variable on the Other

Chap 10-6
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression Model

Population regression line is a straight line that

describes the dependence of the average value
(conditional mean) of one variable on the other
Population Random
Population Slope Error
Y intercept Coefficient

Yi      X i   i
Population Independent
Variable Regression  Y |X (Explanatory)
Line Variable
(conditional mean) Chap 10-7
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression Model

Y (Observed Value of Y) = Yi      X i   i

 i = Random Error 

Y | X      X i
 (Conditional Mean)
Observed Value of Y
Chap 10-8
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Linear Regression Equation
Sample regression line provides an estimate of
the population regression line as well as a
predicted value of Y
Sample Slope
Y Intercept Coefficient
Yi  b0  b1 X i  ei Residual

Yˆ  b0  b1 X  (Fitted
Simple Regression Equation
Regression Line, Predicted Value)
Chap 10-9
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Linear Regression Equation

 b0 and b1 are obtained by finding the values

of b0 and b that minimizes the sum of the
squared residuals

   e
n 2 n
Yi  Yˆi 2
i 1 i 1

 b0 provides an estimate of  
 b1 provides and estimate of 
Chap 10-10
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Linear Regression Equation

Yi  b0  b1 X i  ei Yi      X i   i
Y b1
i 
 Y | X      X i
 Yˆi  b0  b1 X i
b0 X
Observed Value
Chap 10-11
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Interpretation of the Slope and

    Y |X 0 is the average value of Y when

the value of X is zero.

Y |X
1  measures the change in the

average value of Y as a result of a one-unit
change in X.

Chap 10-12
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Interpretation of the Slope and
Intercept (continued)

 b  ˆY |X 0 is the estimated average value

of Y when the value of X is zero.

ˆY | X
 b1  is the estimated change in the
average value of Y as a result of a one-unit
change in X.

Chap 10-13
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression:
You wish to examine Annual
Store Square Sales
the linear dependency Feet ($1000)
of the annual sales of 1 1,726 3,681
produce stores on their 2 1,542 3,395
sizes in square footage. 3 2,816 6,653
Sample data for 7
4 5,555 9,543
stores were obtained.
5 1,292 3,318
Find the equation of
6 2,208 5,563
the straight line that
7 1,313 3,760
fits the data best.
Chap 10-14
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Scatter Diagram: Example
Annual Sales ($000)


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Square Feet
Excel Output

Chap 10-15
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression
Equation: Example

Yˆi  b0  b1 X i
 1636.415  1.487 X i

From Excel Printout:

Intercept 1636.414726
X Variable 1 1.486633657

Chap 10-16
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Graph of the Simple Linear
Regression Equation: Example

Annual Sales ($000)


8 7 Xi
6000 + 1.4
. 415
4000  6 36
Yi =
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Square Feet

Chap 10-17
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Interpretation of Results:

Yˆi  1636.415  1.487 X i

The slope of 1.487 means that each increase of one
unit in X, we predict the average of Y to increase by
an estimated 1.487 units.

The equation estimates that for each increase of 1

square foot in the size of the store, the expected
annual sales are predicted to increase by $1487.

Chap 10-18
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Simple Linear Regression in
 In Excel, use PHStat | Regression | Simple
Linear Regression …
 EXCEL Spreadsheet of Regression Sales on

Microsoft Excel

Chap 10-19
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measures of Variation:
The Sum of Squares


= Explained + Unexplained
Variability Variability

Chap 10-20
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measures of Variation:
The Sum of Squares

 SST = Total Sum of Squares

 Measures the variation of the Yi values around
their mean, Y
 SSR = Regression Sum of Squares
 Explained variation attributable to the relationship
between X and Y
 SSE = Error Sum of Squares
 Variation attributable to factors other than the
relationship between X and Y

Chap 10-21
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measures of Variation:
The Sum of Squares

Y 
SSE =(Yi - Yi )2
SST = (Yi - Y)2

 _
SSR = (Yi - Y)2

Chap 10-22
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The ANOVA Table in Excel


df SS MS F
MSR P-value of
Regression k SSR MSR/MSE
=SSR/k the F Test
Residuals n-k-1 SSE

Total n-1 SST

Chap 10-23
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measures of Variation
The Sum of Squares: Example
Excel Output for Produce Stores
Degrees of freedom

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 30380456.12 30380456 81.17909 0.000281201
Residual 5 1871199.595 374239.92
Total 6 32251655.71

Regression (explained) df SST

Error (residual) df
Total df SSR Chap 10-24
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The Coefficient of Determination

 SSR Regression Sum of Squares

r  2

SST Total Sum of Squares

 Measures the proportion of variation in Y that

is explained by the independent variable X in
the regression model

Chap 10-25
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Coefficients of Determination (r 2)
and Correlation (r)

Y r2 = 1, r = +1 Y r2 = 1, r = -1
^=b +b X
Yi 0 1 i
^=b +b X
Yi 0 1 i

Y = .81, r = +0.9
r r2 = 0, r = 0

^=b +b X
Y ^=b +b X
i 0 1 i i 0 1 i
Chap 10-26
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Standard Error of Estimate

 
n 2
Y  Yˆi
SYX   i 1

n2 n2

 The standard deviation of the variation of

observations around the regression equation

Chap 10-27
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Measures of Variation:
Produce Store Example
Excel Output for Produce Stores
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9705572
R Square 0.94198129
Adjusted R Square 0.93037754
Standard Error 611.751517
Observations 7
r2 = .94 Syx
94% of the variation in annual sales can be
explained by the variability in the size of the
store as measured by square footage
Chap 10-28
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Linear Regression Assumptions

 Normality
 Y values are normally distributed for each X
 Probability distribution of error is normal
 2. Homoscedasticity (Constant Variance)
 3. Independence of Errors

Chap 10-29
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Variation of Errors Around the
Regression Line
• Y values are normally distributed
f() around the regression line.
• For each X value, the “spread” or
variance around the regression line is
the same.

Sample Regression Line
Chap 10-30
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Residual Analysis
 Purposes
 Examine linearity
 Evaluate violations of assumptions
 Graphical Analysis of Residuals
 Plot residuals vs. X and time

Chap 10-31
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Residual Analysis for Linearity

e e

© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Not Linear
 Linear
Chap 10-32
Residual Analysis for




Heteroscedasticity Homoscedasticity
Chap 10-33
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Residual Analysis:Excel Output
for Produce Stores Example
Observation Predicted Y Residuals
1 4202.344417 -521.3444173
2 3928.803824 -533.8038245
3 5822.775103 830.2248971
Excel Output 4 9894.664688 -351.6646882
5 3557.14541 -239.1454103
6 4918.90184 644.0981603
7 3588.364717 171.6352829
Residual Plot

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Square Feet
Chap 10-34
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Residual Analysis for
 The Durbin-Watson Statistic
 Used when data is collected over time to detect
autocorrelation (residuals in one time period are
related to residuals in another period)
 Measures violation of independence assumption

 i i 1
( e  e ) 2
Should be close to 2.
D i 2
n If not, examine the model
i 1
i for autocorrelation.

Chap 10-35
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Durbin-Watson Statistic in
 PHStat | Regression | Simple Linear
Regression …
 Check the box for Durbin-Watson Statistic

Chap 10-36
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Obtaining the Critical Values of
Durbin-Watson Statistic
Table 13.4 Finding critical values of Durbin-Watson Statistic

   5
k=1 k=2
n dL dU dL dU
15 1 .0 8 1 .3 6 .9 5 1 .5 4
16 1 .1 0 1 .3 7 .9 8 1 .5 4
Chap 10-37
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Using the Durbin-Watson
H0 : No autocorrelation (error terms are independent)
H1 : There is autocorrelation (error terms are not

Reject H0 Inconclusive Reject H0

(positive (negative
Accept H0
autocorrelation) autocorrelation)
(no autocorrelatin)

0 dL dU 2 4-dU 4-dL 4
Chap 10-38
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Residual Analysis for
Graphical Approach

Not Independent
 Independent

Time Time

Cyclical Pattern No Particular Pattern

Residual Is Plotted Against Time to Detect Any Autocorrelation

Chap 10-39
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Inference about the Slope:
t Test
 t Test for a Population Slope
 Is there a linear dependency of Y on X ?
 Null and Alternative Hypotheses
 H0: 1 = 0 (No Linear Dependency)
 H1: 1 0 (Linear Dependency)
 Test Statistic

b1  1 SYX
t where Sb1 
Sb1 n

 (X
i 1
i  X) 2

d. f .  n  2
Chap 10-40
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Example: Produce Store
Data for 7 Stores:
Annual Estimated Regression
Store Square Sales Equation:
Feet ($000)
1 1,726 3,681 Yˆ  1636.415  1.487 X i
2 1,542 3,395
3 2,816 6,653 The slope of this
4 5,555 9,543 model is 1.487.
5 1,292 3,318
Does Square Footage
6 2,208 5,563
Affect Annual Sales?
7 1,313 3,760
Chap 10-41
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Inferences about the Slope:
t Test Example
Test Statistic:
H0: 1 = 0
H1: 1  0
From Excel Printout b1 Sb1 t
  .05 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 1636.4147 451.4953 3.6244 0.01515
df  7 - 2 = 5 Footage 1.4866 0.1650 9.0099 0.00028
Critical Value(s):
Reject Reject Reject H0
.025 .025 Conclusion:
There is evidence that
-2.5706 0 2.5706 t square footage affects
annual sales.
Chap 10-42
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Inferences about the Slope:
Confidence Interval Example
Confidence Interval Estimate of the Slope:
b1  tn  2 Sb1
Excel Printout for Produce Stores
Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 475.810926 2797.01853
X Variable 11.06249037 1.91077694
At 95% level of confidence the confidence interval
for the slope is (1.062, 1.911). Does not include 0.
Conclusion: There is a significant linear dependency
of annual sales on the size of the store.
Chap 10-43
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Inferences about the Slope:
F Test
 F Test for a Population Slope
 Is there a linear dependency of Y on X ?
 Null and Alternative Hypotheses
 H 0 : 1 = 0 (No Linear Dependency)
 H1: 1 0 (Linear Dependency)
 Test Statistic

F  1

 nd.f.=1
Numerator  2 , denominator d.f.=n-2

Chap 10-44
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Relationship between a t Test
and an F Test
 Null and Alternative Hypotheses
 H0: 1 = 0 (No Linear Dependency)
 H1: 1 0 (Linear Dependency)

t 
n2  F1,n  2

Chap 10-45
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Inferences about the Slope:
F Test Example
Test Statistic:
H0: 1 = 0 From Excel Printout
H1: 1  0
df SS MS F Significance F
  .05 Regression 1 30380456.12 30380456.12 81.179 0.000281
numerator Residual 5 1871199.595 374239.919
df = 1 Total 6 32251655.71
df  7 - 2 = 5
Reject H0
Reject Decision:
 = .05 There is evidence that
square footage affects
0 6.61 F1,n  2 annual sales.
Chap 10-46
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Purpose of Correlation Analysis
 Correlation Analysis is Used to Measure
Strength of Association (Linear Relationship)
Between 2 Numerical Variables
 Only Strength of the Relationship is Concerned
 No Causal Effect is Implied

Chap 10-47
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Purpose of Correlation Analysis

 Population Correlation Coefficient  (Rho) is

Used to Measure the Strength between the
 Sample Correlation Coefficient r is an
Estimate of  and is Used to Measure the
Strength of the Linear Relationship in the
Sample Observations

Chap 10-48
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Sample of Observations from
Various r Values

r = -1 r = -.6 r=0

© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
r = .6 r=1 Chap 10-49
Features of and r
 Unit Free
 Range between -1 and 1
 The Closer to -1, the Stronger the Negative
Linear Relationship
 The Closer to 1, the Stronger the Positive
Linear Relationship
 The Closer to 0, the Weaker the Linear

Chap 10-50
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
t Test for Correlation
 Hypotheses
 H0:  = 0 (No Correlation)
 H1:  0 (Correlation)
 Test Statistic
t where
  r 2


 X i  X   Yi  Y 
r  r2  i 1
n n

 X X  Y Y 
2 2
i i
i 1 i 1 Chap 10-51
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Example: Produce Stores
From Excel Printout r
Is there any Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9705572
evidence of linear
R Square 0.94198129
relationship between
Adjusted R Square 0.93037754
Annual Sales of a Standard Error 611.751517
store and its Square Observations 7
Footage at .05 level
of significance? H0:  = 0 (No association)
H1:   0 (Association)
  .05
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
df  7 - 2 = 5 Chap 10-52
Example: Produce Stores

t   9.0099 Reject H0
 r 2
1  .9420
5 Conclusion:
There is evidence of a
Critical Value(s): linear relationship at 5%
level of significance
Reject Reject
The value of the t statistic is
.025 .025 exactly the same as the t
statistic value for test on the
-2.5706 0 2.5706 slope coefficient
Chap 10-53
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Estimation of Mean Values
Confidence Interval Estimate for Y | X  X i :
The Mean of Y given a particular Xi
Size of interval vary according to
Standard error distance away from mean, X
of the estimate
1 (Xi  X ) 2
Yˆi  tn  2 SYX  n
t value from table  (Xi  X )
i 1

with df=n-2
Chap 10-54
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Prediction of Individual Values
Prediction Interval for Individual
Response Yi at a Particular Xi

Addition of 1 increases width of interval

from that for the mean of Y

1 (Xi  X ) 2
Yˆi  tn  2 SYX 1  n
 (Xi  X )
i 1

Chap 10-55
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Interval Estimates for Different
Values of X
Prediction Interval Confidence
for a individual Yi Interval for the
Y mean of Y

 + b X
1 i
Yi = b0

X A given X
Chap 10-56
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Example: Produce Stores
Data for 7 Stores:
Store Square Sales Consider a store
Feet ($000)
with 2000 square
1 1,726 3,681 feet.
2 1,542 3,395
3 2,816 6,653 Regression Equation
4 5,555 9,543 Obtained:
5 1,292 3,318
6 2,208 5,563 Yˆ  1636.415  1.487 X i
7 1,313 3,760
Chap 10-57
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Estimation of Mean Values:
Confidence Interval Estimate for Y | X  X i
Find the 95% confidence interval for the average annual
sales for stores of 2,000 square feet

Predicted Sales Yˆ  1636.415  1.487 X i  4610.45  $000 

X  2350.29 SYX  611.75 tn  2  t5  2.5706

1 ( X i  X )2
Yˆi  tn  2 SYX  n  4610.45  612.66
 i (
i 1
X  X ) 2

Chap 10-58
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Prediction Interval for Y :
Prediction Interval for Individual
YX  X i

Find the 95% prediction interval for annual sales of one

particular store of 2,000 square feet
Predicted Sales) Yˆ  1636.415  1.487 X i  4610.45  $000 

X  2350.29 SYX  611.75 tn  2  t5  2.5706

1 ( X i  X )2
Yˆi  tn  2 SYX 1  n  4610.45  1687.68
 i( X
i 1
 X ) 2

Chap 10-59
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Estimation of Mean Values and
Prediction of Individual Values in PHStat

 In Excel, use PHStat | Regression | Simple

Linear Regression …
 Check the “Confidence and Prediction Interval for
X=” box
 EXCEL Spreadsheet of Regression Sales on

Microsoft Excel
Chap 10-60
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Pitfalls of Regression Analysis

 Lacking an Awareness of the Assumptions

Underlining Least-squares Regression
 Not Knowing How to Evaluate the Assumptions
 Not Knowing What the Alternatives to Least-
squares Regression are if a Particular
Assumption is Violated
 Using a Regression Model Without Knowledge
of the Subject Matter

Chap 10-61
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Strategy for Avoiding the Pitfalls
of Regression

 Start with a scatter plot of X on Y to observe

possible relationship
 Perform residual analysis to check the
 Use a histogram, stem-and-leaf display, box-
and-whisker plot, or normal probability plot of
the residuals to uncover possible non-

Chap 10-62
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Strategy for Avoiding the Pitfalls
of Regression
 If there is violation of any assumption, use
alternative methods (e.g., least absolute
deviation regression or least median of squares
regression) to least-squares regression or
alternative least-squares models (e.g.,
curvilinear or multiple regression)
 If there is no evidence of assumption violation,
then test for the significance of the regression
coefficients and construct confidence intervals
and prediction intervals
Chap 10-63
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chapter Summary
 Introduced Types of Regression Models
 Discussed Determining the Simple Linear
Regression Equation
 Described Measures of Variation
 Addressed Assumptions of Regression and
 Discussed Residual Analysis
 Addressed Measuring Autocorrelation

Chap 10-64
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chapter Summary

 Described Inference about the Slope

 Discussed Correlation - Measuring the
Strength of the Association
 Addressed Estimation of Mean Values and
Prediction of Individual Values
 Discussed Pitfalls in Regression and Ethical

Chap 10-65
© 2003 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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