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To all my Junior Friends

Just Sharing my Experience
I guess, I tried to share my knowledge in
Electrical Engineering (no laughing) with you
people, whenever possible in my classes.
Now, I would like to say few stuffs to you people
(not as a faculty but as a senior friend), since you
people are going to face real challenges in life.
Collect Memories not Things
You people gave me so many beautiful memories,
some bad and even worst too..
Class fun, not submitting assignment, not listening
to my lecture and so many to list out..
 Teaching to your classes (IV- A and IV- B) was
the toughest job, I did in our college till date (Girls
too gave tough competition along with boys, and
almost everyday I got scolding from HoD), Hoha
Grins ……
Time to face the Real World

Set Goal, Prepare yourself for greater

Challenge ahead.
Basic idea GoalIdentification

How can you ever expect to get “somewhere” if

you don’t know where you want to go?
Goal gives you something to measure yourself
Goal gives your life, a direction.
Success Process
Goal identification
 Strengthen your commitment towards goal.
 Setting Goal will help you to change your
behavior and attitude
Just Sharing my Experience

I am not here to advice.

Good or bad, I want you people to set a Goal and
move forward.
Just Sharing my Experience
Till now, I have only seen two types of people in
my entire life,
--People who have the guts to move forward with
their Dreams.
--Coward people, who complain about others, say
excuses and stay were they are.
Always Believe
Set Goal and go for it
Favourite Quote
Favourite Quote
Favourite Quote
Just sharing my experience
Always stay Positive.
Stay updated with technology.
English Does Matters.
Be Honest and kind to people you meet.
Don’t forget to try new things in life and always
be ready to fail but
Get up, dress up and Move on.
Real World
Time has come to say goodbye to Virtual World
(College life) and Step into Real world.

Books are the greatest companion to humans on

earth, read as much as possible (especially history
related Tamil novels)
Last One…..

You are what your deep, driving desire is.

As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Brave Hearts

The Future belong to those, who believe in the beauty of

their Dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Aim High
 It was real fun handling your class and dealing you
people, Life worth experience for me and it was really
hard for me to forget you people.
 Always don’t forget to keep your head held high.
 Make your own rules and logics, and come out in flying
colors in life.

-- Long Goodbye
Where is Good in Goodbye ?

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