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Health Care services in

Presented by:
Roofen Julious
Subject : Community Health Nursing
Date; 31/03/2020
Aligarh College of Nursing

After completing this lecture participants will be able
• Discus the integrated rural health services
• Identify the types of health services/organization
available in Pakistan

Integrated Rural Health Services
“The management and delivery of health services
so that clients receive a continuum of preventive
and curative services, according to their needs
over time and across different levels of the
health system.”

Integrated Rural Health Services
• Integrated rural health services:
The government of Pakistan has established a network of health
facilities throughout the country. There is one basic health unit
in each union council. Basic health unit is linked to rural
health centre. There is one rural health centre at Thana level.
Each rural health centre is linked to Tehsil head quarter
hospital which is present at Tehsil level. each Tehsil head
quarter hospital linked to a district head quarter hospital which
is present in each district. This interlinked network of health
units is called integral rural health complex. It provides an
integrated system of rural health services which is called
integrated rural health services.

Health care facilities
In Pakistan, following types of health care
facilities are present:
1. Basic health units (BHU)
2. Rural health centre (RHC)
3. Tehsil headquarter (THQ) hospital
4. District headquarter (DHQ) hospital
5. Teaching hospital
6. Specialist hospital

Basic health units (BHU)
Basic health units (BHU): it is the first level health
care facility present in the rural area, one in each
union council. It is for population of 10,000 persons
and covers 15-25 sq. miles. It is linked with rural
health centre. There are only two beds in a basic
health units and provide following facilities,
• Curative facilities
• Promotive facilities
• Maternal and child health
• Family planning
• Preventive facilities 6
Basic health units (BHU)
Staff in basic health units (BHU):
A basic health units has one medical officer and 8 -10
paramedical staff member.
Following staff members are present in BHU
• One medical officer
• One lady health visitor
• One health technician
• One dispenser
• One midwife/trained dai.
• One naib qasid
• One chowkidar
• One sanitary worker
• One sanitary inspector
• One vaccinator
Basic health units (BHU)
Registers in basic health units (BHU):
There are following registers in basic health unit:
• Outpatient department register
• Stock register
• Account book
• Daily expense book
• Moveable properties register
• Purchee fee register
• Visit book
Rural Health Centre (RHC)
Rural Health Centre (RHC): this is type of
health facility that is present at Thana level at
rural area. It is for the population of 50000-
100000. it has a laboratory and arrangements
for maternity health services. There are 8 to 20
beds in a rural health centre. each rural health
centre has 3 to 5 sub health centre.

Rural Health Centre (RHC)
• Staff in Rural Health Centre (RHC)
There are 20 to 25 paramedical staff members in
a rural health centre. Following staff members
are present:
• Two male medical officer
• One women medical officer
• One dental surgeon
• Two health technicians
• Three dipenser 10
Rural Health Centre (RHC)
• One radiographer • One operation theater
• Two laboratory attendant (OTA)
technicians • One tubewell
• Two vaccinators operator
• One sanitary • One driver
inspector • One midwife or dai
• One office clerk • One water carrier
• Two ward servants • 6-8 nurses

Rural Health Centre (RHC)
Function of rural health centre (RHC)
• Curative functions
• Preventive functions
• Maternal and child health services
• Family planning services
• Operative function
• Health education sessions
• Referral function
• Medico-legal examination
• Dental care facilities 12
Rural Health Centre (RHC)
Registers in rural health centre:
• Outpatient department register
• Indoor registers
• Operated cases register
• Stock register
• Account book
• Daily expense book
• Moveable properties register
• Purchee fee register
• Visit book
• Local purchase register
• Vaccinations register
Tehsil headquarter hospital THQ
Tehsil headquarter hospital (THQ):
Tehsil headquarter hospital is present in each Tehsil. this
type of hospital is present for the population of whole
Tehsil. It has three specialties i.e. surgery, gynecology
and paedriatics. The maternal and child health and
family planning are also provided. In this hospital,
emergency services are available. There are 8-10
medical officer, 10 to 15 nurses and 50 to 60
paramedical staff members. There are 50 to 75 beds

District headquarter hospital
District headquarter hospital DHQ:
It is the health care facilities that are present in
each district. It is for the population of whole
District headquarter hospital provide curative,
preventive, diagnostic, operative and medico-
legal services to the people. It also provide
maternal and child health and family planning
District Headquarter Hospital
District headquarter hospital DHQ:
Nearly all specialties are found in this hospital.
Fully developed laboratory services and
modern management are provided to the
patients. There are 10 to 12 specialists and 15
to 20 medical officer. There are 150 to 300

Teaching Hospital
Teaching Hospital:
It is a type of hospital that is attached to a
medical college. Highly qualified teaching
staff and modern equipment are available in
this hospital . All types of facilities and
services are provided to the patients. All the
referral cases entertained in the teaching
hospital. Teaching of medical students is done
in teaching hospital.
Specialist Hospital
Specialist Hospital:
It is a type of hospital where all types of health
care facilities and services are provided to the
patients for specific diseases, e.g. cancer
hospital, Pakistan institute of cardiology.

Provisional Hospital
Provisional Hospital:
There are well equipped hospital or some
specialties hospital that are under financial
support and administration of provincial

Federal hospital
Federal hospital:
These are some well equipped hospitals,
financially supported and administered by
federal government, e.g. sheikh Zayed
hospital, PIMS hospital.


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