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My Dream company


Sheril Dev (34043)

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get”
- Warren Buffet ,CEO
About the company
• It came into existence in 1955, with majorly textiles as it’s core business.

• In 1962, Warren Buffet starts buying stocks in the company

• In 1967 , Buffet shifts Berkshire’s focus from textiles to insurance.

• Over the years the company has created a diverse portfolio.

• Today , it is the biggest financial services firm in the world in terms of


• Surprisingly, Warren recalls buying Berkshire Hathaway as one of his

biggest mistakes!!
Berkshire’s Portfolio


USD: 327,401
• India born Ajit Jain, currently President of Berkshire
Hathaway’s Reinsurance Group likely to succeed Buffet as CEO
of Berkshire Hathaway’s Group.

• Thank you (SHERIL DEV 034043)

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