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ADE GUSRIANTI (19031001)
FADILLAH MUTIA (19031073) _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts


A. Divisio Spermatophyta
1. Definition
2. Characteristic
3. Classification

B. Sub Divisio Gymnospermae

4. Characteristic
5. Body Structure
6. Reproduction
7. Ecology
8. Classification
A. Divisio Spermatophyta
1. Definition
Spermatophyta = seed plants
Greek : sperm = seeds, phyton = plants.

Are a group of plants that have a characteristic,namely the exist

ence of an organ in the form of a seed. Seed is the part that co
mes from the ovule and contains a new individual candidate na
mely institution. Institution will occur after pollination or persaria
nism followed by fertilization.

e.g : Dicentra spectabilis

2. General Characteristics of Spermatophyta

 Spermatophya including organisms that have many plant cells

 Spermatophyta have cell walls (eukaryotic) which are compose
d of Cellulose, Lignin, and Hemicellulose.
 Spermatophyta have plastids which contain Chlorophyll A and
Calorophyll B.
 Spermatophyta are autotrophs capable of producing their own
food in the process of photosynthesis.
 Spermatophyta have Xylem transport files (transporting water
and mineral bundles from the ground) & Phloem (transporting
nutrients from leaves to all parts of the plant).
 Spermatophya have macroscopic body shapes with varying siz
 Spermatophyta have true stems, roots and leaves.
 Spermatophyta reproduce through pollination (Pollination) and
fertilization (Fertilation).
3. Classification of Spermatophyta

a. Closed Seed Plants (Angiosperms)

In Greek (Angios means closed while Sperm means seeds).
So we can conclude that, Angiosperms are a type of plan
t group that produces closed seeds.
e.g Cocos nucifera, Epidendrum sp, Oryza sativa.

b. Open Seed Plants (Gymnosperms)

In Greek (Gymnos means Open while Sperm means Seed).
So we can conclude that, Gymnosperms are a type of pla
nt group that produces open seeds.
e.g Chychas rumpi, Juniperus sp, Araucaria cunninghami.
B. Sub Divisio Gymnospermae
1. Characteristic
Gymnosperms are seed plants adapted to life on land; thus,
they are autotrophic, photosynthetic organisms that tend
to conserve water. They have a vascular system (used for
the transportation of water and nutrients) that includes r
oots, xylem, and phloem. The name gymnosperm means “nak
ed seed,” which is the major distinguishing factor between
gymnosperms and angiosperms, the two distinct subgroups
of seed plants. This term comes from the fact that the ov
ules and seeds of gymnosperms develop on the scales of co
nes rather than in enclosed chambers called ovaries.

Gymnosperms are older than angiosperms on the evolutiona

ry scale. They are found far earlier in the fossil record th
an angiosperms. As will be discussed in subsequent section
s, the various environmental adaptations gymnosperms hav
e represent a step on the path to the most successful (div
ersity-wise) clade (monophyletic branch).
2. Body Structure

Gymnosperms have an evolutionary significance and show

some unique features. Their characteristic feature is the
absence of flowers and the presence of naked, open seed
s. As they do not have flowers, consequently, fruits are al
so absent in these group of plants.

The main source of pollination and dispersal is wind. Thes

e are generally medium to large trees, with a few shrub s
pecies also present. Sequoia is a gymnosperm which is one
of the tallest tree species.

The plant body shows differentiation and is divided into l

eaves, stem, and roots. The leaves are needle-like with a
thick cuticle and sunken stomata, as seen in conifers. Thi
s feature helps in the reduction of water loss due to tran
The root system present in the gymnosperms is the tapro
ot system. In some plants, these roots have an association
with fungi and form mycorrhiza, e.g. Pinus. While in a few
other species like the Cycas plant, the roots are in the for
m of specialized roots called coralloid roots and are assoc
iated with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. These plants are
also vascular, with both xylem and phloem being present.
3. Reproduction of Gymnosperme
Plants with open seeds produce heterospores, namely in the for
m of megaspores and microspores.
Microspores develop into microgametophyte (male gametophyt
e) containing pollen. Meanwhile megaspores develop into mega
gametophytes (female gametophytes).

In the ovules (megaspores) there are pollen pockets (pollen cha

mbers) and seed hole structures (microfiles) which replace the fu
nction of flowers as female reproductive organs.
After the pollen is released, the pollen grains will become sperm.
When pollen pollen is attached to the ovule, then the sperm mo
ves to the egg through the pollen reeds.

And if fertilization occurs, a zygote is formed which develops int

o an embryo and seed, if the seed falls in the appropriate place,
the seed will grow and develop into a new plant.
Pollination of open seed plants (gymnosperms) is assisted by wi
nd agents (Anemokori).
Generatif Reproduction
Gymnosperm Life Cycle
Difference between male and female cones
4. Ecology

Gymnosperms live everywhere, almost all over the earth's surfa

ce. Starting from the tropics to the arctic regions and from are
as with sufficient water to dry areas.

- Ginkgophyta
Many are found in China, especially in small areas in Zhejiang
China and in Mu Tian Shan. province in the East
- Cycadophyta
Cycadophyta live in tropical and subtropical areas.
- Coniferophyta or can be called Pinophyta
Plants including Coniferophyta live scattered in various areas, e
ven almost all regions in the world. Pine and spruce trees grow
in many mountainous parts of Europe.
- Gnetophyta
Many grow in tropical and subtropical areas.
5. Classification of Gymnosperm

1. Already Extinct
• Bennetophyta
• Cordaitophyta
• Pteridospermophyta. Considered to be the ancestor o
f angiosperms (dianggap sebagai nenek moyang Angios
2. Still Exist
• Pinophyta, tetumbuhan runjung
• Ginkgophyta, ginkgo
• Cycadophyta, pakis haji dan kerabatnya
• Gnetophyta, melinjo dan kerabatnya
Gymnosperme is divided into 4 classes based on
the structure of the structure.

1) Cyacadine
• Generally dioceus.
• The stem resembles a coconut tree, a pole shaped.
• Leaves are arranged resembling a riperipe.
• The leaves are thick ribbon,leaves are dark green and co
mpound leafs in disrepuit.
• The uninformation tool in the form of a strobilus, strofils
are arranged in male and female strobiles.
• The root is streaking with blue algae Anaebaena cycadae
(can fix nitrogen).
• Used as an ornamental plant.
• For example Cyca rumphii.
Cycas rumphii
2) Gnetinae

• Having two houses(dioceus).
• Single leaves, many branching.
• Sitting opposite leaves, pinnate leaves.
• Wooden stems without resin channels.
• Compound flowers in the form of grains and
grow under the leaves and arranged in crust
• Gnetinae is more advanced than other classe
s because it has jewelry on the strobilus.
• For example: melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)
• Melinjo can beused for vegetables and melin
jo chips.
Gnetum gnemon
3) Gynkgoinae

• Two houses(dioceus)
• Tall stems including withe red trees
• Wide and fan-shaped leaves
• Has a long petiole
• Bones branching like protruding ribs
• Useful for asthma medication, regulating blo
od pressure and used as additional food for
power remember the brain.
• For example: Gynkgo biloba.
Gynkgo biloba
4) Coniferinae
• Some are married to one and some have two.

• The trunk is large woody and has resin channe

• The needle-shaped leaves are green and usuall
y grow clumped at the tip of the stem.
• The genitals are in the form of a strobilus that
has scales, the female strobilus is larger than t
he male and is located in the axilla of the leaf
or at the end of the stem in the form of a con
e so it is called a coneplant.
• Used for turpentine (pine sap).
• For example: Pinus merkusii (pine), Agathisalba
(resin), Cupressus lusitanica (fir), Podocarpusim
bricatus (podocarpus).
Pinus merkusii

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