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Physical And

Mental Benefits Of
Sports Activities?
d min

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a sket oot
Proving: sports
Intentions! Exploring: mental
activities do have and physical
a mental benefit . benefits sports
and also a activities
physical benefit.

Inform people about the

mental benefits of
Angle : benefits of
sports activities
sports activities

I will mainly show the

mental benefits of sports
activities, whilst talking a
little bit about the physical
Content Of Idea!
Topic: mental Angle: that there
benefits of sport are mental benefits
activities. linked to sports
activities. So I will
be portraying the
positive side of
sport activities.

Unique selling point: there

are a lot of documentaries
that talk about how
exercise can effect you
physically, but I have not
seen any documentaries
that talk abut the mental
benefits of sports activities.
Content Of Idea!
key questions my documentary will answer :

 What are the mental benefits of sports activities?

 What type of sports activities effect you mentally?
 How do sport activities benefit you mentally.

I will be doing this by:

 speaking to people who have mentally benefited from

sport activities.
 Getting facts and opinions from sport experts about the
Structure and Running
The elements my documentary will contain are:
 Interviews
 Sign in and sign off
 Vox pops
 Graphics Facts and figures
 Music


 Sports trainer, P.E teacher, doctor, football


 For my vox pops I will use members of the


 To introduce and explain the topic I will

need a presenter who will have to be young
male or female
Structure and Running
Narrative structure
Segment one : Presenter Signs In (Location: Basket Ball court)

Segment two: Presenter travelling to location ( Location: West ham football club)

Segment three: Interview with football player (location: West ham football club)

Segment Four: Vox pops (Location:)

Segment Five: Interview with a P.E Teacher (Location: Chadwell Heath School)

Segment six: Graphics appear on screen listing different types of sports activities, Next
to each activity will be one word which describes the mental effect the activity has on
some one.
Structure and Running
Section seven: Interview with sports trainer ( Location: Abbey sports centre)

Segment eight: Vox pops (Location)

segment nine: Graphics appear on screen showing a few facts about the physical benefits
of sports activities.

Segment Ten: Interview with a doctor who works in a clinic. (Location Loxford ploy clinic)

Segment Eleven: Presenter summing up topic (Location: Basket Ball court)

Segment Twelve: Presenter signs off (Location: Basket Ball court)

Target Audience Appeal!
Target audience Genders: males
age: 16-24 and females
Age, Gender
and Location!

Meeting the brief: the target audience

location will be in the UK
Target Audience Appeal!
Audience Interests: Sports Activities Education status/level:
watching sports
documentaries or
sport Education/Employment GCSE’S
matches/shows status and Disposable
taking part in sports
Income! A-Levels
status of my
Monthly disposal income or target audience
spending power: £50-£150 would be B-E.
a month
Target Audience Appeal!
Target audience would enjoy
Meet the brief : Sports Activities
other media texts such as:
documentary aimed Ethnicity, • BBC and sky sports news
towards all ethnicities.
Existing media • Sports matches,
consumption competitions and
and • TV programmes such as
Mainstream you are what you eat

Main stream audience:

documentary will be aimed
towards a main stream audience
Explanation of Research and
key findings, Focus Groups!
Set out to find out? Examining content or audience?
Whether the target audience Examine my audience as the research
liked the content of my Idea. required my audience to give their

Why was that method was suited to the Qualitative or quantitative?

research conducted. Qualitative responses
I found out if my target audience where
actually interested in the topic. Key findings
1. Opinions of target audience
Was it primary or 2. Whether the target audience are interested in
secondary? the idea
3. Whether the topic related to the target
This research was a primary audience
How the research has advanced the development of
your Idea ?
It helped me expand my idea and helps me change
any conventions or elements in the documentary
that the target audience did not relate to.
Explanation of Research and
key findings, Questionnaire!
Was it examining content or
What did you set out to find audience?
Examine my audience as the
what the target audience are research required the target
interested in terms of my idea audience to participate.
and content.
Was it qualitative or quantitative?
Why was that method was suited to the
research you were conducting? Qualitative and quantitative responses because
this research involved the questions to be both
I got opinions from my target audience open and closed.
about my idea and secondly to see
whether the target audience are interested
in this idea. Three key findings
1. Audience interests
2. Whether they are involved in sport activities
Was it primary or 3. Whether they enjoy sports
Primary research , I How the research has advanced the development of
conducted the questions in your Idea ?
my questionnaire myself.
Found out more about my target audience and
whether the content of my idea relates to the target
Explanation of Research and
key findings, Textual
What did you set out to find
Different conventions of a Was it examining content or audience?
documentary that related to a Examine the content of my idea.
similar idea or a similar video
style to my idea.
Was it qualitative or quantitative?

Why was that method was suited to the Qualitative analysis because this research
research you were conducting? involved me to analysis the text in detail.

I was able to analyse the texts in detail.

Three key findings
Was it primary or secondary?
1. Conventions of a documentary
Primary research because I analysed 2. Video style of the documentaries
these texts myself. 3. Different people involved in the documentaries.

How the research has advanced the development of

your Idea ?
Found out the different conventions that can be
included in the documentary.
Explanation of Research and
key findings, Content
What did you set out to find Was it examining content or
out? audience?
More about the topic and the Examine my content because the
content of my Idea. research was mostly to do with
what I was going to include in the
Why was that method was suited to the
research you were conducting? Was it qualitative or quantitative?
Found out more about the topic of sports. Qualitative and quantitative responses because
for this research I researched facts and figures.
Was it primary or
secondary? Three key findings

Primary research because 1. Health benefits od sports activities

for this I had done all of the 2. Mental and physical benefits of sports activities
research myself. 3. What is sports

How the research has advanced the development of

your Idea ?
Found out alot of facts and figures about sports
which I can include in my documentary.
Technical Viability !
Production Equipment Post Production Equipment

• Camera • Camera:
• Microphone • Camera usb
• Tripod • Computer
• Batteries • I movie
• Tape
• Dolly
• Monopod

Crew members

• Voice Over artist::Mr Phillipson

• Camera Operator: Me
• Presenter:: Puja
• Sound operator: Daisy
• Editor: Nayab (me)
Practical Viability!
Interviewee Location Access?
P.E Teacher School Yes

Football Player West Ham training Not yet

Sports Trainer Abbey Sports Centre Not yet

Doctor Loxford poly clinic Yes

Legal and Regulatory Considerations!

Ofcom regulations

Definition: Ofcom regulates all television and radio content in the UK.

Impact one: Secret filming: I cant not secretly film people taking part in sports activities, have
to get permission first.

Impact two: Reconstruction: for example I can not show someone taking part in sports
activities and say that they are someone professional.
Legal and Regulatory Considerations!

BBC Editorial Guidelines

Definition: The BBC has set a number of guidelines and rules that a producer must follow.

Impact one: Impartiality and Opinion: offer a range of opinions about the mental benefits

Impact two: Serving the public interest: informing the public on what they need to know

Media law

Definition: The law requires producers to abide by certain legal rules.

Impact one: copy right: Using music that is not mine, get permission first

Impact two: Defamation: can not critize any towards sports player or contributors
The Market
Supersize vs. super skinny

TV programme that compares underweight and overweight people.

Competes for the same audience: they talk about how people can stay physically fit
by either loosing or gaining weight.

Different and unique: explaining how someone can stay physically fit as well as
telling people how to stay mentally fit.
The Market
You are what you eat

TV programme is about dieting, they show tactics in order to get participates to loose

Competes for the same audience as mine because in this programme they show
people how they can loose weight.

Different and unique: I will be showing people how sports activities help you
Stay fit mentally and physically.
The Market
The Full Motty

Comical and factual quiz show about sports related activates such as football.

Contains facts and figures about sports activities whilst quizzing people on their
knowledge of sports.

Competes for the same audience as mine: content is about sports activities.

t t y
M o
u l l
e F
Different and unique : I will include facts and figures about mental benefits of
sports activities, but I will also include professional advice from people such as
doctors and sports players.
The Budget
In my documentary I have a budget of £5,000.
In this budget I have to buy and pay for all the equipment, hire costs/fees that I need
for pre production, production and post production.

The five key things the majority of my budget will be spent on is:
• Camera : (£120,per day)
• Apple Mac: (£28,per day)
• Editing software: 85,per day)
• Copyright: (£200,per day)
• Experts : (£50,per day)

Value for money

Good value for money:

• Educate the public about mental health
• Inform them about the mental and physical benefits of
sports activities.
Distribution/ Exhibition

Inform Educate
• facts and figures about
About the mental and physical
the mental and physical
benefits of sports activities.
benefits of sports

Use interesting music and images
in my documentary.
Distribution/ Exhibition
Day and time of Broadcast
• Wednesday at 7pm
• Less audience competition at this time

At this time there is nothing really on that

competes for the same target audience as

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