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Reported by:

Astor, James
Mazo, Tosie
Cardenas, Rebecca Myles
Principles of Design is a lesson that
balance presents the five Principles of Design unity

rhythm proportion
emphasis and scale

 The principles are the manipulation of

the design elements.

• They are used together to send a message

about both form and function of design
 The first way to think about a principle is
that it is something that can be
repeatedly and dependably done with
elements to produce some sort of visual
in a composition

•The principles of design help you carefully plan

and organize the elements of art so that you will
hold interest and command attention. This is
sometimes referred to as visual impact.



Repetition UNITY

In visual communication refers to how
the elements of art (line, texture, form.
Value, colors shape and space) relate to
each other, within the composition in
terms of their visual weight to create
visual equilibrium.

The artist arranges balance to set the

The work of Piet Mondrian-
dynamics of a composition.
Revolutionary painting of the
twentieth century
Types of Visual Balance

Symmetrical Asymmetrica
balance l Balance
Symmetrical balance

• The exact or near

matching of left and • Is the most visually
right sides of a three- stable, and
dimensional form or a characterized by an
two-dimensional exact-or nearly exact
composition. compositional design
on either (or both
sides) of the
• Symmetry appeals horizontal or vertical
strongly to us, axis of the plane
because of the picture.
bilateral symmetry
of the human body
Asymmetrical Balance

 Occurs when you have

different visual images on
other side of a design, and
yet the image still balance

 To be considered
asymmetrical, design
needs to have unequal
visual weight on the
other side, but those
unequal visuals needs
to balance each other
radial balance is a type
of balance based on a
circle with its design
Radial balance is important extendingif from a
you’re looking to create a .
strong focal point, it is an
effective technique because
your eyes m m eare
trr icnaturally
a l drawn
f sy Not only do the swirls of the
This is a variation o inwards m e to
n t the center.
th e e le
balance in which th nautilus
n d a shell and spiral
ro u
lly aro staircase provide visual
are arranged equa
p o int. T h u s, ra
ra d ia l has a
centtrra l interest, but they also naturally
sttrrong focal pointt.. lead your eye right to the
center of the image.

Is a measure of how well

Is the principle of art each element of your Unity is the most
that creates design works together. It important principle
cohesiveness by describes the overall of design because it
stressing the design, and whether it’s brings your design
similarities of separate components work to
your message to your
together as one
but related parts. cohesive unit.
Monet, The Japanese

Bathers at
Asnières by
Is a measure of how Unity is the most
well each element of important
your design works principle of
together. It describes
the overall design, and
whether it’s
UNITY design because
it brings your
design together
components work to as one cohesive
your message to your unit.

Unity as used in
conveys the
overall message
that you want to
resonate with
your audience.

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