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Lecture 1

Prediction of Load,
Load Curve,
Load Duration Curve
Recommended Books
• M. V. Deshpande, “Elements of Electrical Power Station
Design”, 2010.
• M. M. El Wakil, “Power Plant Technology”
• V. K. Mehta “Principles of Power System”
• Arche W. Culp “Principles of Energy Conversion”, Latest Ed.
• P. K. Nag “Power Plant Engineering”
Power System
Importance of Electrical Energy
• Convenient form- Easily converted into other forms of energy.
• Greater flexibility - Easily transported from one place to other
using conductors.
• Economical for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes.
• Cleanliness - Smoke, fumes or poisonous gases not associated.
• Ease of control - Control of electric equipment like motors.
• High Transmission efficiency - Conveniently and efficiently
transmitted using overhead conductors.
Sources of Energy
• Water – P.E. of stored water => K.E. of falling water => rotation of
turbine => production of electricity by generator
• Fuels – Solid (coal) , Liquid (oil), Gas (Natural Gas)

Heat energy => Mechanical energy => Electrical energy

• Nuclear energy–Fission of uranium=>Production of steam=>rotation of
turbine=>production of electricity by generator
• The Sun–Focus of radiations using reflectors=> Production of steam=>
rotation of turbine => production of electricity by generator
• The Wind–Wind energy=>Wind mill=>rotation of turbine => production
of electricity by generator
What’s a Load?
What’s a Load?
Effects of Variable Load

Need of additional equipment

• Air, coal and water as raw materials for steam power


• Variable power production => variable supply raw materials

• Increased power demand on the plant =>increased flow of

coal, air and water to the boiler => installation of additional

equipment to accomplish this job.

Effects of Variable Load

Increase in production cost

• An alternator operates at maximum efficiency near its rated capacity.

• A single alternator=> poor efficiency during periods of light loads on


• A number of alternators of different capacities are installed so that most

of the alternators can be operated at nearly full load capacity.

• The use of a number of generating units increases the initial cost per kW

of the plant capacity as well as floor area required => increase in

production cost of energy.

Load Curve
Hourly Load Curve
Daily Load Curve
Montly Load Curve
Annual Load Curve
Load Curve
Load Curve
Load Curve
Load Curve

Energy Generated
Load Curve

Average Power
Load Curve
Peak Power or Maximum Demand
Load Curve
Load Duration Curve
Load Duration Curve
Load Duration Curve
Load Duration Curve

Peak Load = 8500 kW

Base Load = 2000 kW
For a duration of 24 hours
 LDC gives clear analysis of electrical
power generation economically and
proper selection of peak load and base
load on power plant becomes easier.
Load Duration Curve
Base, Peak and Connected Load
• Base load - The unvarying load which occurs almost the whole
day on the station.
• Connected Load-Total rating, in KWh, of all the installed
apparatus in customer’s premises

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