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+  A computer consists of gates,
Integrated memory cells, and
interconnections among these
Circuits elements

 The gates and memory cells are

 Data storage – provided by constructed of simple digital
memory cells electronic components

 Data processing – provided by  Exploits the fact that such

gates components as transistors, resistors,
and conductors can be fabricated
 Data movement – the paths among from a semiconductor such as silicon
components are used to move data
from memory to memory and from  Many transistors can be produced at
memory through gates to memory the same time on a single wafer of
 Control – the paths among
components can carry control  Transistors can be connected with a
signals processor metallization to form
Chip Growth
Moore’s Law

1965; Gordon Moore – co-founder of Intel

Observed number of transistors that could be

put on a single chip was doubling every year

Consequences of Moore’s law:

The pace slowed to a doubling every 18 months in the 1970’s but has sustained that rate
ever since
The cost of computer logic and memory circuitry has fallen at a
dramatic rate
Later Integration

Very Large

Semiconductor Memory Ultra Large
Microprocessors Scale
+ Semiconductor Memory
 The density of elements on processor chips continued to rise
 More and more elements were placed on each chip so that fewer and fewer
chips were needed to construct a single computer processor

 1971 Intel developed 4004

 First chip to contain all of the components of a CPU on a single chip
 Birth of microprocessor

 1972 Intel developed 8008

 First 8-bit microprocessor

 1974 Intel developed 8080

 First general purpose microprocessor
 Faster, has a richer instruction set, has a large addressing capability
Evolution of Intel Microprocessors

a. 1970s Processors

b. 1980s
Evolution of Intel Microprocessors

c. 1990s Processors

d. Recent Processors
A Top-Level
View of Computer
Function and
Computer Components
 Contemporary computer designs are based on concepts developed by
John von Neumann at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton

 Referred to as the von Neumann architecture and is based on three

key concepts:
 Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory
 The contents of this memory are addressable by location, without regard to
the type of data contained there
 Execution occurs in a sequential fashion (unless explicitly modified) from
one instruction to the next

 Hardwired program
 The result of the process of connecting the various components in the
desired configuration as form of programming. The resulting “program” is
in the form of hardware and is termed a hardwired program.
and Software
Software Software

A sequence of codes or instructions

Part of the hardware interprets each instruction and generates control signals
Provide a new sequence of codes for each new program instead of rewiring

the hardware

Major components:


Instruction interpreter

Module of general-purpose arithmetic and logic functions

I/O Components

Input module

Contains basic components for accepting data and instructions and converting them into an internal form of signals usable by the system

Output module

Means of reporting results
Memory address Memory buffer MEMORY
register (MAR) register (MBR)
Specifies the Contains the data
address in to be written into
memory or
memory for the
receives the data
next read or
read from
write memory

I/O buffer register

I/O address (I/OBR)
+ register (I/OAR) Used for the
Specifies a exchange of
particular data between
an I/O module MBR
I/O device and the CPU
Top Level
Basic Instruction Cycle
Fetch Cycle
 At the beginning of each instruction cycle the processor fetches an
instruction from memory

 The program counter (PC) holds the address of the instruction to be

fetched next

 The processor increments the PC after each instruction fetch so that

it will fetch the next instruction in sequence

 The fetched instruction is loaded into the instruction register (IR)

 The instruction contains bits that specify the action the processor is
to take. The processor interprets the instruction and performs the
required action
Action Categories

Data transferred to or

Data transferred
from a peripheral
from processor to
device by transferring
memory or from between the processor
memory to processor and an I/O module

Processor- Processor-
memory I/O


An instruction may ●
The processor
specify that the may perform some
sequence of arithmetic or logic
execution be altered operation on data
Instruction Cycle State Diagram

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