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1. History of nanotechnology.
2. What is nanotechnology?
3. How small is “nano”?
4. What can nanotechnology do?
5. Nanotechnology in daily life?
6. Medical field
7. What about cancer?
8. Graphne
9. How to make graphene at home?
10.Some pictures
History of nanotechnology
• Physicist Richard Feynman is the father
of nanotechnology
• The American physicist Richard lectured, "There's
Plenty of Room at the Bottom“.
• Feynman had described a process by which the ability
to manipulate individual atoms and molecules might
be developed, using one set of precise tools to build
and operate another smaller set
Richard Feynman
What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology are the study and

application of extremely small things and
can be used across all the other science
fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics,
materials science, and engineering.
Nanotechnology is a field of research and
innovation concerned with building 'things' -
generally, materials and devices - on the scale
of atoms and molecules.
How small is “nano”?
 One nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.
-ten times the diameter of a hydrogen atom
It’s difficult to imagine just how small that is,
so here are some examples:
• A strand of human DNA  is 2.5 nanometers in
• A human hair is approximately 80,000-
100,000 nanometers wide.
• There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch.
•  sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers
• One nanometer is about as long as your
fingernail grows in one second
What Can Nanotechnology Do?

• Nanotechnology is hailed as having the

potential to increase the efficiency of energy
consumption, help clean the environment,
and solve major health problems.
• It is said to be able to massively increase
manufacturing production at significantly
reduced costs.
• Products of nanotechnology will be smaller,
cheaper, lighter yet more functional and
require less energy and fewer raw materials to
manufacture, claim nanotech advocates
Nanotechnology in daily life
1. Almost all electronic devices made in the last
decade, including today’s most advanced
computer chips and personal electronic devices,
were manufactured using nanotechnology.
2. Sports equipment, like baseball bats, tennis
rackets, motorcycle helmets and other plastic
materials, can be made more lightweight, stiff,
durable, and resilient with nanotechnology.
3. Nanotechnology can help create a cleaner
environment through new water purification
methods and by removing pollutants from
groundwater and soil.
4. Thin films found on eyeglasses, computer
displays, windows and other surfaces use
nanotechnology to help them be more water-
repellent, antireflective, resistant to ultraviolet
5. Energy innovations, like more efficient solar
panels, stronger, light-weight wind turbines,
 are powered by nanotechnology.
Medical field
• Nonatechnology in medicine plays a huge
scope in future.
• It is one the most important field.
•  Researchers are increasingly thinking smaller
to solve some of the biggest problems in
What about cancer?
•  Cancer is the second leading cause of death
globally, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6
million deaths in 2018. Globally, about 1 in 6
deaths is due to cancer.
•  Nanotechnology offers the means to target
chemotherapies directly and selectively to
cancerous cells and neoplasms, guide in surgical
resection of tumors, and enhance the therapeutic
efficacy of radiation-based and other current
treatment modalities.
• All of this can add up to a decreased risk to
the patient and an increased probability of
• It is one of the hardest material in the world.
• Graphene has a potential to alter the future.
• It could have very real and drastic implications
for the future of physics and engineering.
• In addition to its powerful electrical
properties, graphene is also highly flexible and
What exactly is graphene??

The simplest way to describe graphene is that it is a

single, thin layer of graphite — the soft, flaky material
used in pencil lead.
For example, both diamond and graphite are forms of
carbon, yet they have wildly different natures.
Diamonds are incredibly strong, while graphite is
How to make graphene at home?
1. use a lead pencil to deposit a thick layer of graphite
onto a paper.
2. Then use ordinary sticky tape to peel off a layer of
graphite from the paper.
3. Then, use a third piece of unused sticky tape to remove
a layer from the second piece of sticky tape, an so on..
4. Eventually, the graphite layers will get thinner and
thinner, and you will end up with graphene, which is
single-layer graphite in the strict sense, or bi-layer or
few-layer graphite ..

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