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Tentang Saya

• Nama : FX. Sugiyanto

• Jabatan : Profesor Ilmu Ekonomi di FEB Undip
• Pendidikan :
• B.Sc FE UGM, 1983
• Drs, FE UGM, 1985
• MS, UGM, 1990
• Doktor, Unair, 2004
• Perth, Australia; 2010 (Academic Writing)
• Nagpur India, 2011 (Teaching Method)
• London, 2017 (Risk Management)
• Germany, 2018 (Risk Management Refreshment)
• Alamat Kampus : FEB Undip, Tembalang
• Pengalaman dan Aktivitas Lain:
– Ketua Lab. Studi Ekonomi Pancasila, FEB UNDIP, 2016 -
– Anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Pembangunan Kota (DP2K) Kota Semarang, 2015 -2020
– Ekonom Kepala Bank Jateng, 2015
– Komisaris Bank Jateng, 2016 – 2020
– Ketua Dewan Pengawas Perusda Air Bersih Tirta Utama, Jateng, 2020-2024
– Ketua Yayasan Purba Danarta (YPD), 2013-2017; 2017-2021
– Wakil Ketua ISEI Semarang, 2014-2017
– Pengamat Ekonomi dan Penulis di berbagai media
– Tim Gubernur Untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP), 2015-2018
– Expert pada Lembaga Gerak Pemberdayaan (LeGePe)
• N. Gregory Makiw, 2009, Economics Principle,
Cangage Learning Asia Pte Ltd
• Richard G. Lipsey Chritopher T.S Ragan, Paul
A. Storer; 2008., Economics, 13th ed. Person
International Edition
• Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus,
2010., Economics, 19th ed. McGraw-Hill
International Edition
Ten Principles of Economics: How People
Make Decisions
• Principle 1: People face Trade-offs
– “to get one thing we like, we usually have to give up
another thing”
– Trade off between efficiency and equality. [Efficiency:
the property of society getting the most it can from
scare resources. Equality: the property of distributing
economic prosperity uniformly among the member of
• Principle 2: The Cost of Something is What You
Give up to Get It
– Opportunity Cost: whatever must be given up to
obtain some item
Ten Principles of Economics: How People
Make Decisions
• Principle 3: Rational People think at the
– People who systematically and purposefully do
the best they can to achieve their objective
– Marginal changes: small incremental
adjustment to a plan of action
• Principle 4: People respond to Incentive
– Incentive: something that induces a person to
Ten Principles of Economics: How People
Make Decisions
• Principle 5: Trade can make everyone Better off
• Principle 6: Market are usually a Good Way to
organize economic activity
– Market economy: an economy that allocates
resources through the decentralized decision of
many firms and households as they interact in
markets for goods and services
• Principle 7: Governments can sometimes
improve market outcome
– Market failure a situation in which a market left on
its own fails to allocate resources efficiently
Ten Principles of Economics: How People
Make Decisions
• Principle 8: A country’s Standard of Living
depends on its ability to produce goods and
– Productivity: the quantity of goods and services
produced from each unit of labor input
• Principle 9: Prices rise when Government prints
too much money
– Inflation: an increase in the overall level of prices in
the economy
• Principle 10: Society faces a Short-run trade-off
between Inflation and Unemployment

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